FEBRUARY 17, 2007
CHICAGO, IL -- In an e-mail sent to RFFM.org late Thursday, perennial Republican candidate Jim Oberweis announced he had resigned as "Spokesman for the Conservative viewpoints in Illinois Politics" for the Republican Assembly of Illinois (RA-IL).
Oberweis was appointed conservative spokesperson for the group on February 10th. Bruno Behrend, who was chosen as Deputy Spokesperson for the organization during the same meeting, resigned from his position earlier in the week. Oberweis' resignation comes on the heels of a firestorm of criticism from Illinois conservatives. The wealthy CEO of Oberweis Dairies offered no further comment.
Oberweis was named the RA-IL spokesperson after what many are calling a dubious process. According to some of those who attended the Feb. 10th meeting, Oberweis was handed the appointment. This is contrary to a press release issued by the group which said the vote for Oberweis' selection as spokesperson was unanimous, while others who were there said the decision to appoint Oberweis as spokesperson was hardly met with unanimity. Approximately ten people were present when the former gubernatorial candidate was selected as chief spokesperson.
"This is hardly a surprise," said a source who attended the RA-IL meeting. "The process was a farce, it was driven by politics and just what and who Oberweis would be representing was not made clear. It's a good thing he decided to resign. If the organization truly feels it needs a spokesperson, perhaps the method of choosing that individual might be more transparent in the future."
Related articles:
Feb. 14, 2007 Republican Assembly of IL' So-called Conservative Caucus Chooses Oberweis as Chief Spokesperson for Group and State? http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2008/01/ra-of-il-so-cal.html
January 16, 2007 Republican Assembly of IL Fails to Appoint Oberweis State Conservative Spokesman / Meeting Draws Ire of Some Pro-Family Leaders http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2007/01/ra-of-il-fails.html