RFFM.org Commentary by Daniel T. Zanoza, National Director
Recently, a number of government reports--including data provided by independent organizations--has revealed the situation in Iraq has improved greatly. From the number of Iraqi citizens killed by insurgents to a huge decrease in American casualties, the surge seems to be working. However, by monitoring reports from the dominant media, you wouldn't know it.
In fact, during the last two months, there was a sudden drop-off in the number of stories featured on the major network's news broadcasts regarding America's involvement in Middle East conflicts. It was obvious something was going on because when violence was at its peak in places like Baghdad the mainstream press was all over these doomed-filled reports from the war front.
Things must be getting better, I thought to myself, and I was soon proven right. The lack of reporting was in direct correlation to the improvement of the situation on the ground in Iraq which seemed to prove criticism levied against the major news networks was valid.
Many of those in the armed forces themselves would frequently complain about the fact the good things happening in the war-torn region were not reported by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC or their affiliate networks. This apparent lack of attention to the positive achievements accomplished by United States armed forces and their allies had a definite negative impact on the military's morale, but the allegations of biased journalism was met with indignation and denial from the major news outlets.
Since late summer, when the surge went into full affect, coalition forces seemed to be winning the battle against terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda. Baghdad is indeed a safer place to be in recent months and it is reported some sections of Iraq's capitol are beginning to return to normal. The number of Iraqis killed in the battle between religious sects dropped by 50% since the surge. The number of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) targeting coalition forces and Iraqi citizens fell by 75%. Sunni chieftains decided to cast out Al Qaeda operatives and join forces with the government-backed military in places like Anbar Province which have become a model for success in the region.
Some serious questions need to be answered by many in the dominant press. Why has the improving situation in Iraq not been covered? Is there a political component that is leading to the media's denial and lack of coverage concerning more favorable conditions in Iraq?
Apparently, many in the media bought into the idea America would lose the Iraq War. The press intimated the conflict was nothing more than a repeat of the Viet Nam War. It's possible this mindset has prevented honest journalism from taking place at a time that would benefit the Bush administration and Republicans on the whole. There are some questions that need to be answered by the press and this issue goes far beyond politics. It can be safely said some of the coverage we have seen in Iraq has damaged the war effort. Because of this our nation and its military have suffered and so has the integrity of journalism in America.
Copyright © Daniel T. Zanoza 2007