EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter by B.V. Andersen is in response to an RFFM.org commentary titled: "Perhaps Atheist Rob Sherman Needs Pity and Prayer, Instead of Condemnation". To read that commentary, go to: http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2007/11/perhaps-atheist.html Andersen's letter puts the attack on the expression of faith in the public square in America into clear perspective.
The ramifications of what an individual like Rob Sherman and others of like mind (such as the late Madalyn Murray O’Hair) can do (and have done) through legal channels to affect our society in such negative ways is pretty mind-boggling, isn’t it? And, like the professed atheist Rob Sherman, I suspect Madalyn O’Hair enjoyed all of the notoriety she acquired from her actions as a professed atheist as well. What a pathetic display of narcissism when they can tragically affect so many people through their exaggerated sense of importance as they go about the business of trying to draw attention to themselves, and then defend their actions as though their behavior was really relevantly worthwhile.
Actually, narcissism is a mental disorder described as “narcissistic personality disorder” and is a condition described and characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, and an extreme preoccupation with one’s self.
We have to wonder why many in our current society are apparently so easily hoodwinked by these shysters who like to pan themselves and their “causes” off as worthy endeavors, when the root of it is their personal pleasure in blissfully wallowing in all of the attention and sense of “stardom” it draws to themselves. Unfortunately, it seems to be a malady that far too many politicians suffer from as well. The “Rob Sherman’s” and many politicians all have a great deal in common. They all have a sense of self-importance, and seem more than willing to sacrifice the welfare of their country, family and loved ones to enjoy the fame and notoriety that becomes like a heady wine to their distorted egos.
Under the guise of often pretending to be gurus of justice, they are actually simply exhibiting a narcissistic disorder that inflates their ego. In some respects, they are like spoiled children (brats?) looking for attention in irresponsible, ridiculous ways; and too many unthinking people simply oblige them by their gullible acceptance; and perhaps without fully realizing it, they are accepting mentally distorted behavior as though it were normal.
Yes, I agree with the suggestion that they probably need pity and prayer for the pathetic way they manage to manipulatively sell their “bill of goods” and themselves, and try to make it sound like something that’s worthwhile, when it’s neither worthwhile or normal behavior. Instead, it’s just another of the distressing factors in our present society that is all too prone to want to be “politically correct” (so to speak). It’s a society that has been conditioned to be accepting of anything and everything through the misguided concept that we must accept and be tolerant even of the intolerable. I look forward to the day when a little more sanity can be brought back to our society; because some of the things that seem to simply be taken for granted nowadays (in my opinion) falls into the category of the preposterous and absurd.
B.V. Andersen, Connecticut
Posted Dec. 12, 2008
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