Editor's Note: Contributing Editor, Bill Zettler, has written one of the most in-depth and provocative looks at the social and scientific phenomenon surrounding the issue of global warming. Zettler continues the five-part series on what has become perhaps the most controversial issue of our time. It is a must read for those who want to have the facts about climate change and the motivations behind those who promote speculation over GLOBAL WARMING. -- Dan Zanoza
From the Desk of Bill Zettler
To Al Gore and the leftist media (especially the Associated Press) the argument is over – Global Warming is a fact and anyone who disagrees is a “denier”. They present, in coordinated fashion, a constant laundry list of global warming scare stories: glaciers melting, polar bears dieing, oceans rising and the notorious “scientific consensus”. Name-calling and ad hominem attacks are their substitute for scientific debate.
What is virtually impossible to find in the media is reporting on the huge amount of scientific research that cogently argues against the elitist medias contention of Global Warming disaster.
Here is a small list of famous scientists who disagree with Al Gore and his acolytes:
John Christy United Nations (UN) scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize along with Al Gore:
… “ I'm sure the majority (but not all) of my UN colleagues cringe when I
say this, but I see neither the developing catastrophe nor the smoking
gun proving that human activity is to blame for most of the warming we
Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology, MIT.
… "There is a more sinister side to this feeding frenzy. Scientists who
dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their
work derided, and themselves libeled as industry stooges, scientific
hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence
even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their
William Gray, Professor of Meteorology Colorado State and UN Scientist.
… "We're brainwashing our children. They're going to the Gore movie (‘An Inconvenient Truth’) and being fed all this. It's ridiculous. They've been brainwashing us for 20 years. Starting with the nuclear winter and now with the global warming. This scare will also run its course. In 15-20 years, we'll look back and see what a hoax this was."
Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, Russian Academy of Science
… "It is no secret that increased solar irradiance warms Earth's oceans, which then triggers the emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So the common view that man's industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations. A global freeze will come about regardless of whether or not industrialized countries put a cap on their greenhouse- gas emissions."
Dr. Tim Patterson, PhD Professor of Geology Carleton University (Canada)
… “Since 1940 the Greenland coastal stations data have undergone predominantly a cooling trend. At the summit of the Greenland ice sheet, the summer average temperature has decreased at the rate of 2.2 degrees C per decade since the beginning of the measurements in 1987. This suggests that the Greenland ice sheet and coastal regions are not following the current global warming trend.”
Dr. Tim Ball, Climatology Professor, University of Winnipeg
… “Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science. We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification.”
Daniel Botkin, professor emeritus of Ecology, Univ. of California
… “Global warming doesn't matter except to the extent that it will affect
life -- ours and that of all living things on Earth. And contrary to the
latest news, the evidence that global warming will have serious effects
on life is thin. Most evidence suggests the contrary.”
Dr Vincent Gary, Member IPCC UN Experts Reviewer Panel
… “The two main ‘scientific’ claims of the IPCC are the claim that ‘the globe is warming’ and ‘Increases in carbon dioxide emissions are responsible’. Evidence for both of these claims is fatally flawed.”
Reid Bryson, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Wisconsin, Dept. of Meteorology, identified as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world.
… “And how much heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide? Eight hundredths of one
percent. One one-thousandth as important as water vapor. You can go
outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”
Thomas Segalstad, Professor of Geology, Oslo Univ., UN Expert Reviewer
… "The UN needs a lesson in geology to avoid making fundamental
mistakes. Most leading geologists, throughout the world, know
that the UN's view of Earth processes is implausible if not impossible. It is all a fiction.”
The above is a very small sample of scientists who vehemently disagree with the United Nations and Al Gore. They are some of the most renowned scientists in the world, but without a voice in the U.S. mainstream media. If you would like to see 19,000 more scientists who disagree check out Frederick Seitz’s website [http://www.oism.org/pproject/]. Seitz is former President of the National Academy of Science and founding member of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.
The problem is there are too many ideologues and too few journalists in what is called “the media”. Politics and entertainment dominate the field we call “media” and yet they present themselves to the public as “journalists.” But journalists do research, are (or should be) cynical--especially when dealing with politicians (such as Gore)--and should present both sides of an issue. Politicians and entertainers, on the other hand, present personal points of view and agendas i.e., without journalistic discipline. In the current state of affairs, politics, entertainment and media are all mixed up together--without borders or definitions with separate purposes. It has become increasingly difficult to tell one from the other. And that is the problem.
Part 1 Series Overview by Bill Zettler: http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2008/03/global-swarming.html
Part 2 If It's Not Carbon Dioxide, What Is It? by Bill Zettler: http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2008/03/global-swarmi-2.html
Part 3 The Facts, Ma'am, Just The Facts by Bill Zettler: http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2008/03/global-swarmi-3.html
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