Obama's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, May Be Setting U.S. Race Relations Back 20 Years
RFFM.org Commentary by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
You will never see these sentiments expressed in the dominant media. You won't read such an editorial in the pages of Newsweek. You won't hear such views voiced on ABC's World News Tonight. You will not come across such perspectives in a Sunday edition of the Washington Post. You see, the dominant liberal media in America still loves Barack Hussein Obama and he is under a clock of protection that even Hillary Rodham Clinton envies.
And, no, I won't shy away from using the word Hussein when speaking of the Democrats leading presidential candidate. There was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Richard Milhous Nixon after that. Both Presidents Bush middle names were frequently used and so was that of William Jefferson Clinton. Or is there something we aren't supposed to think of when we hear the name Barack Hussein Obama? I will leave that up to the ears of the beholder.
But, as far as my assertion that Mr. Obama gets special treatment from the press, someone needs to speak with Hillary Clinton in a candid moment about that subject. But, for a moment, let me speak for her. For nearly a month, the junior Senator from Illinois has been trying out nearly every story in the book on Americans regarding his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, the former Pastor of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. During that time, Obama has fallen dramatically in the polls. A man who once seemed like he had the presidential nomination for the Democratic Party in his hands is now considered an albatross by some political observers who predict a sure victory for Republicans--if Obama is indeed the Democratic presidential nominee. No, they won't say that on the NBC Nightly News, but there are serious questions of whether Obama is electable.
It has been an amazing turn of events and I never thought I would find myself saying what I'm about to say. Hillary Clinton has not received a fair shake from a media which is still holding to a fleeting call for "hope" and "change". In recent days, Mrs. Clinton has had to answer questions about whether she had to duck from sniper fire in the late 1990's during a visit to Kosovo in her duties as First Lady. Mrs. Clinton over-exaggerated the danger she was in and, being a man, I truly understand the tendency. However, the media's darling, Barack Obama, was under relentless political fire for his failure to kick Jeremiah Wright to the curb for his outlandish hate-filled statements while he was willing to throw his own grandmother under the bus that was leaving that curb. In no way did the Clinton faux pas match the severity of Obama's problems. The former First Lady didn't say she was dodging gun fire for 20 years. Mrs. Clinton didn't say she had to throw her body over her daughter's to protect Chelsea from an errant grenade. Sen. Clinton simply did what most politicians do and exaggerated a bit--no harm, no foul.
In contrast, Sen. Obama may have set race relations back in the United States by 20 years. His spiritual leader says America got what she deserved on September 11, 2001. His spiritual leader said the U.S. government was intentionally infecting blacks with AIDS. Obama's spiritual leader damned the United States and demonstrated a devilish pride while doing so.
Obama claims he didn't know Wright held such radical views. Well, Obama has changed his story a number of times regarding Wright and, while doing so, he used the words "typical white person" while backing the bus over his poor grandmother again.
There was a type of suspension of disbelief going on in America, before the Wright controversy came to light. The mainstream media was trying to fool itself into believing race would not play a role in the election, if Obama were the Democratic presidential nominee. It's as though the dominant press was in denial of a reality which lurked just below the surface of everyday life. Sadly, it was Obama himself who put the issue of race front and center in his quest for the presidency and the press could not blame the usual suspects. No, they won't be able to blame an Obama failure on so-called white bigots from Mississippi. No, they won't be able to blame an Obama defeat on so-called unsophisticated steel workers from Ohio either. And, no, they won't be able to blame an Obama loss on the Hispanic voting bloc.
The only one to blame was--and is--Obama himself. And there are still questions that need to be asked and answered by the Illinois Senator. How much impact did Jeremiah Wright, Obama's spiritual role model, have on him for 20 years? What views of Wright's does Obama embrace and what views of Wright's does Obama reject? With these questions still unanswered, if Americans had doubts about Obama's true feelings concerning his country, could you blame them? Thought the dominant press won't go there, the flap over Jeremiah Wright has hurt this nation deeply.
A man who was supposed to be beyond race has left a nation's people questioning whether all African-Americans share Wright's opinions. Obama's refusal to unequivocally reject Wright and his teachings have raised doubts about blacks that should have been put to rest long ago.
I personally do not believe most African-Americans share the hate-filled opinions voiced by Jeremiah Wright. Many African-Americans have fought and died for their country, while Wright sprayed his venom over his congregation like a poisonous snake saturating its prey. Hopefully, Wright's views will only be seen as the ridiculous rantings of a hateful man. If Barack Obama is not politically intelligent enough to totally divorce himself from Wright, he doesn't deserve to be president.
But Obama should put his political aspirations aside for a moment. Obama should think about sacrifices made by men like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.--men who knew there were injustices in the past, but individuals who saw hope for the future, not hate.
It's time to stand up, Mr. Obama. It's time to put politics aside and think about the welfare of your country and all its people--no matter what their color. Maybe then your wife could be proud of the United States--for a second time in her life.
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The one thing I never expected to do in my life was to defend Hillary R. Clinton; However, it is true, she is not getting a fair shake from the media. B.H.O. can not do anything wrong in their eyes. True, having been "under fire" I might mention to her that is is very easy to remember for more than 12 years; but we are all used to politicians inflating their resumes.
Posted by: Charlie | March 27, 2008 at 01:21 PM