"Our common humanity?" This is what Obama considers being humane: An entire baby is delivered except for the head, which they make sure stays in the birth canal (otherwise it would be murder), then the back of the baby's head is stabbed with scissors, the hole is enlarged, a tube is inserted and the baby's brains are sucked out with a powerful machine. All the while the baby suffers excruciating pain. It's enough to make you cry. How in the world can a society condone such barbarism?
The above gruesome act is what Obama considers humane. Certainly, Obama is NOT a humane person.
To top it all off, Barack Obama is so radically pro-abortion that he even wants babies to die if they have survived an abortion. He says, do not give them any treatment -- just let them die.
As a state senator, he personally took it upon himself to defeat the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
The 'Federal' Born Alive Infants Protection Act passed unanimously in the U.S. Senate and overwhelmingly in the U.S. House. Pro-abortion Senators Ted Kennedy and Barbara Boxer even spoke in support on the Senate floor. NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) expressed neutrality.
When it comes to the killing of unborn children, Senator Obama is to the left of everyone. He is hell bent on destroying little children. The only one that I can think of who is further left than Obama in this matter is the devil, himself.
Obama is even against parental notification if a daughter is going to have her child killed.
Since abortions were made legal in 1973, breast cancer has risen 50% while other cancers remain the same.
In the Dr. Janet Daling (who by the way is pro-choice) study which was funded by the NCI (National Cancer Institute), it was found that abortions increased the risk of breast cancer on an average of 50 percent.
Most ominous of all were the results for women who had an abortion before age 18 and who also had a family history of breast cancer. Twelve women in the Daling study fit that description. EVERY ONE of them got breast cancer before age 45. Let me repeat that -- every girl in this group, developed breast cancer.
If there is a history of breast cancer in the family, a teenager should NOT have an abortion.
And who would know if there's a history of breast cancer in the family (mother, sisters, aunts, grandmother) -- of course, the parents, especially the mother. But, Obama says -- no parental notification.
Obama said, "for the first time in Gonzales versus Carhart, the Supreme Court held—upheld a federal ban on abortions with criminal penalties for doctors." For the first time, the Court’s endorsed an abortion restriction without an exception for women’s health. The decision presumed that the health of women is best protected by the Court—not by doctors and not by the woman herself. That presumption is wrong.
Notice, Obama doesn't use the words, "Partial-birth Abortion," because just the name is disgusting and probably because 80% of the American people want it banned.
Obama said, "It is time for a different attitude in the White House. It is time for a different attitude in the Supreme Court. It is time to turn the page and write a new chapter in American history."
The "change" Obama wants is to keep torturing and killing little children.
Obama mentioned the swing vote of Supreme Court Justice Kennedy: Without any hard evidence, Justice Kennedy proclaimed, "It is self-evident that a woman would regret her choice."
Obama ignores the women who have taken to alcohol and drugs after having their child killed. Too bad he hasn't read the reports of women who have killed themselves after having their child killed. One just last week.
He cited medical uncertainty about the need to protect the health of pregnant women. Obama said, "Justice Kennedy knows many things, my understanding is he does not know how to be a doctor."
Ah, but the doctor that Obama speaks of is the doctor who is going to kill the baby, for a fee, of course. When Obama mentions Obstetricians and Gynecologists finding no uncertainty, he lies. The American College of Christian Obstetricians and Gynecologists found much uncertainty. They say abortion increases the risk of drug and alcoholic abuse as well as suicides. The Catholic OB AND GYN doctors found the same. But, Obama ONLY mentions doctors who have no respect for human life.
If this inhumanity is not enough for one person, Barack Hussein Obama, as a state senator in Illinois, even voted against giving aid to a baby who survives an abortion. Just let him/her die. Even Senator Kennedy voted to give aid.
Obama said, "we’re a country founded on the principle of equality and freedom." This is true, but we're not a country that kills innocent little babies because they are an inconvenience.
He loves to say a women's reproductive freedom. As if pro-lifers are against that. Women can reproduce at will, but once the reproduction is over, then do not kill the child.
Obama, even mentioned the name of the founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger, a woman, who, if she had her way, would have people like Obama killed, just because he's black.
On the right of married couples to bear children, Sanger wrote, "Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child." On the rights of racial minorities, the handicapped and the mentally ill, she said, "More children from the fit, less from the unfit - that is the chief aim of birth control."
On the extermination of blacks, Sanger cautioned, "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." Sanger referred to blacks, immigrants and indigents as "human weeds," and "reckless breeders." She wrote that they were, "spawning... human beings who never should have been born." By virtue of their numerical superiority, she saw poor people and the newly immigrated Slavs, Latins and Hebrews as a real threat to Anglo-Saxon political and economic power.
Sanger responded to this "threat" by developing her own "Plan for Peace." In it, she outlined her strategy for the eradication of those she deemed "feeble minded," including Catholic and Jewish immigrants. In addition to immigration restrictions and the administering of a special IQ test, her evil scheme advocated compulsory sterilization AND segregation to a lifetime of farm work under "competent instructors" ... Practically speaking, she envisioned Concentration Camps!
There was little difference between Margaret Sanger and the German Nazi...In fact, Hitler and Sanger were both proponents of Eugenics, a social philosophy which advocates the creation of a race of human thoroughbreds.
At the same time, Hitler spread birth control and abortion propaganda in the eastern territories outside Germany. Himmler, carrying out Hitler's orders, directed an intense propaganda campaign to persuade these so-called "inferior" people that having children was harmful.
Margaret Sanger believed that most people were not intelligent enough to share in the right to govern and wanted a totalitarian rule similar to Adolf Hitler's. She constantly attacked the Catholic Church and referred to it as "immoral" for opposing her evil schemes for "social progress." In 1942, this evil woman, the infamous Margaret Sanger, founded Planned Parenthood!
This is the organization that Obama has a love affair with, an organization founded on the principle that people like Obama should be eliminated and NEVER be given a chance to run for the presidency of the United States.
The fact that Obama heaped praises on Planned Parenthood means he does not do his homework or he is just plain stupid. Either way, besides his penchant for baby killing, stupidity is not a good trait--if one wants to be president of the United States, especially during war time.
Frank Joseph MD
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Shame on you, Dr., for this hysterical and ridiculous essay. You should know better. The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act was simply poorly worded and would've opened the door for Roe V. Wade to be overturned. Senator Obama is not about to criminalilze women who seek an abortion. He's addressed this countless times.
Do your homework.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Sen. Obama's votes in Illinois make it clear he would support abortion at the national level, if he were elected President. DTZ
Posted by: Fred Monroe | July 27, 2008 at 03:53 PM