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July 23, 2008



I dont think so, If McCain chooses Huckabee the evangelicals will run away, as if running from a radio active mist. McCain better not pick Romney anyway. Have you seen the attack ads Romney put out against McCain during the primary, Or the video of Romney calling McCain dishonest. If not and you want to see them you can go to ...

I am hoping and praying that Huckabee will be chosen as the VP, then at the last minute the GOP realizes that McCain is slightly senile and runs Huckabee instead of McCain., thats how it would go in my little perfect world. LOL. Did you see the video of McCain falling asleep on the Conan Obrien show?? The media isnt running it much. But it is Halarious. McCain is just a little too seasoned at this point to handle the office. Thats why he takes every weekend off. I hate to vote for a man that cant handle the job. If you want to see the video of him falling asleep on conan go to ...

I guess the GOP shouldnt of shoved McCain down our throats in the primary, they should of let it Play out without all the Minipulation. I might just stay home this november.

Editor's Note: All links have been removed from this comment, pursuant to the rules of this blog.


Mr. Zanoza,
I heard the radio broadcast the day Dr. Dobson made his "unofficial" "almost" endorsement of McCain. He said he might consider endorsing McCain depending on who he chooses as vice president. If he chooses a pro-abortion candidate then he couldn't endorse him.

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