by Joyce Morrison *
Henry Kissinger was reported to have said, “Control the food and you control the people.” Controlling people is as simple as controlling food, water and energy through a variety of controls.
“No Farmers No Food,” the bumper sticker distributed by The Adopt a Farm Family ministry, is a message of warning. The Adopt ministry was started by Mary Myers, wife of Peter Myers, former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture who served in the Reagan Administration. She confided to me that God had instructed her to “watch over the food.” At that time there appeared to be no reason for concern. Now we see a new pattern unfolding. Could we be watching the beginning of Revelations 6:6?
"Green is the new red, white and blue,” was a recent quote made by a university environmental group. The extreme environmental movement has been compared to a watermelon.” Green on the outside but red on the inside.” Daily we are facing energy and possibly a food crisis because of the extreme environmental control that has swept our nation.
The goal of farmers in the U.S. is to provide the safest, cheapest food in the world…but that privilege is being taken from them one step at a time. We see our rural areas coming under many regulations. Farming acres are turned into open space, heritage areas, wetlands and programs that take crop land out of production.
F. William Engdahl’s latest book, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, “focuses on how a small American elite group seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: our daily bread.” Farmers are not geneticists. They plant the seeds they purchase in good faith, but they do not know the full genetic make-up of the seeds they plant.
Not only do grain farmers face problems, but livestock producers are facing a livestock tracking system that would reflect total control of our meat supply. If we permit the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) to be implemented, small producers will be eliminated. It will be virtually impossible for them to meet the requirements.
The official USDA documents can be found on
“In a three year period the total NAIS computer movement numbers in the USA will more than eclipse the number of all people living on the entire planet earth,” according to a report by Darol Dickenson, The enforcement for not reporting within a 24 hour period could be a financial disaster to livestock owners.
The system is promoted by commercial interests such as the Digital Angel/Veri-chip corporation who have a patented implantable microchip for tracking RFID tags and GPS identification. They are already using chips in some hospitals and plans are underway by these same companies to chip the public at large. Could this be so people can “buy and sell” as stated in Revelations 13:16?
While USDA says this is a “voluntary” program, 4-H and FFA members in Colorado are forced to have a Premise Identification in order to enter their projects at the fairs. Illinois had mandated this same regulation but due to an outcry of the people, they lifted their mandate for 2008.
Merck/Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, maker of VYTORIN (which is now under scrutiny) is listed as a member of the National Institute of Animal Agriculture (NIAA), the driving force behind NAIS. Control and greed appear to be the purpose of this program – not food safety. The CEO of Digital Angel, said, "We continue to support the livestock industry groups and USDA as they implement NAIS for livestock producers on a voluntary basis.”
The Clean Water Restoration Act (HR2421) is very frightening legislation on the federal level. This bill removes the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Act and places every ditch, pond or wet spot – virtually your back yard - under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Corps of Engineers. You will not be permitted to make any changes on your property without approval.
Germany, France and other countries own municipal water works in many locations in the United States. What would happen if one day could our “water was shut off?” Water needed for irrigation was deprived to farmers in the Klamath Basin in Oregon a few years ago causing devastation.
Farmers continue to stand for the belief to provide cheap, safe food for people around the world. They need the consumer’s help to take action when they see unwarranted changes in our food, water and land regulations. The rising cost of food is not because of subsidized farmers. At the current grain prices, farmers do not receive subsidies. In the past, there was speculation of a price control on grains with the purpose of the subsidy being for the benefit of the consumer.
We are definitely living in troubling times as we see our economy being disrupted with foreclosures on homes, soaring energy and food prices and unrest in the Mid-East. There are solutions to our problems such as drilling in ANWR, permitting new refineries and power plants to be built. There are many things we could do to eliminate our dilemma, but the environmentalists appear to be holding our legislators by the pocket.
The truth will never be found at happy hour discussing what was in the newspaper or on CNN. Until the people at large become informed with the truth - and take action, we will find our food, water and energy being used to control the masses.
* Joyce Morrison is a community organizer, activist and expert on property rights. She operates a farm in southern Illinois.
I need a couple "No Farmers; No Food" bumper stickers. Where may I get them?
Posted by: Norman Hoyt | January 05, 2010 at 08:56 PM