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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 10:47 AM in Media | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 11:07 AM in Race Relations | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Guest Commentary by Laurie Roth
This week I thought I would lose my mind when I heard of the horrifying decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals against Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. So many of us who had followed this case for the last few years were hoping that once all the evidence had finally been heard, unlike with the first trial, that justice would be done. Wrong!! Justice was not done!!! You may recall in the first trial that the illegal alien, drug thug Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, who brought 743 pounds of marijuana over our border was given immunity by Prosecutor Sutton to testify against the two agents. I remember hearing Sutton and his cronies implying that the two agents were rogue racists against Mexicans and had shot a poor, desperate illegal alien in the back of the butt while he was running away from them. On and on the distortion, misinformation….ok….lies went on. I had thought from the very beginning that the racist accusations regarding the two agents against Mexicans was fascinating since Ramos and Compean are Mexican-Americans. It was also fascinating that ‘suddenly’ these two long standing, almost awarding winning agents, Dads and husbands would suddenly decide to break the rules and try and kill an unarmed, desperate illegal alien running away from them. The only problem with Sutton’s idiot revelations was that folks like Dr. Jerry Corsi, lawyers and those concerned with the real truth started uncovering the facts and it was crystal clear that the poor little illegal alien wasn’t just a one time, accidental tourist of sorts, but a career drug thug who had come across the border with several drug shipments. It also became clear that there was no bullet hole in the back of poor little Davila’s butt, but rather it was through the side of his hip and had traveled into his groin area. This reflected the exact testimony of the two agents that they shot in self-defense and thought he had a gun pointed at them. He would have been turned back toward them to get shot through the side of the hip, NOT the back of the butt as Sutton testified. Who would you believe in court? The illegal alien drug dealer who lied to everyone and was arrested many times carrying drugs, but was magically given immunity to testify against Ramos and Compean, or the two long standing and well liked border patrol agents who said they fired in self-defense and didn’t even know they had hit Davila? Given the insanity that they were even arrested in the first place, let alone convicted and thrown in prison, I was naturally so relieved and thrilled that finally an appeal was in process. Those of us looking on for the last few years of suffering and horror with these two families, hoped that justice would finally be done. Apparently not yet! I couldn’t help but notice, as the families did, how LONG the decision by the 5th Circuit Court took. It took way longer than usual. Why? In addition, many of us also remember the numerous public statements by at least two of the three Judges who said several times on the record they were suspicious of the federal case against the agents and the inappropriate out of context use of 924c. How is it now, with all that was revealed this time, the immunity given to a guy who had continuously been arrested for bringing drugs across our border, the misuse of 924c to justify the obscene 11 and 12 year sentence and the endless other inconsistencies revealed in this case that this kind of decision could occur? What now? We can’t just say this was another bad decision, but that is how it goes. Congressman Duncan Hunter said this week, “Those of us who have been following this case from the very beginning were confident that the Fifth Circuit, based on the evidence at hand, would rightfully correct this miscarriage of justice…Unfortunately, the Fifth Circuit decided to uphold this severe injustice.” Congressman Hunter also said in a released statement on his Government web site that, “Agents Ramos and Compean were convicted based on the testimony of a known drug dealer that has since been convicted for running drugs into the U.S. while serving as the government’s star witness. The fact that the drug dealer’s criminal activity persisted even as he took the stand against these agents is reason enough to vacate these two convictions.” Rep. Hunter stated he plans to appeal to the President again to review the facts of this case and immediately pardon Agents Ramos and Compean. Congressman Ted Poe (R-Texas) has also weighed in and stated how bad the decision was and stated when congress put through U.S.C. section 924c that it was never meant to be applied against law enforcement officers. Poe promised he would get this horrible misuse and confusion regarding 924c clarified in Congress immediately. That is all nice, if they finally clarify this, but will it be retroactive to help the agents rotting in prison? Let’s all weigh in on this and keep the pressure on our Congress and President, especially since our courts are failing in this case! Call, e-mail and fax your Representative and President Bush and say you want a pardon for Agent Ramos and Agent Compean now. E-mail Rep. Ted Poe and Rep. Duncan Hunter and share your support for their efforts to make this right. You can find contact info at
* Laurie Roth is an author and host of the nationally syndicated “Laurie Roth Show” which is broadcast out of Washington state on the IRN-USA Radio Network. The Roth Show can be streamed at this link: or go to the web site to see if the program is available in your local area:
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 02:07 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Medical Logical That Cannot Be Denied by Donna Garner Editor's Note:
If there were not enough reasons homosexuals should not be allowed to openly serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, the following column by Donna Garner will provide more food for thought. Garner, an activist and researcher, accumulated reams of information regarding the added risk homosexuality presents to those who practice this behavior. Do Ask, Do Tell / U.S. Military points to the fact these medical issues would be a factor which would play a role in combat readiness of America's military.
Should our country be moving as fast as we can to encourage homosexual behavior? Why or why not? Some states seem to want same-sex marriage and are passing all kinds of laws that will encourage even more people to participate in homosexual activities. The debate rages on.
However, there is one way to settle the whole issue. What are the medical consequences of homosexual behavior? Our society uses that same standard to make decisions about whether it is healthy to smoke, use drugs, take steroids, eat high-cholesterol foods, or saturate meals with sugars and fats. Why not use that same medical standard as a tool by which to decide whether our nation should encourage or discourage homosexual behavior?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just released its latest data last week: HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Volume 18: Cases of HIV Infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2006:
Only one logical conclusion could possibly be drawn from CDC’s report:
HIV/AIDS is still largely transmitted through the CHOSEN behaviors of male-to-male sex and/or drug use. These diseases are not caught from casual contact but are primarily spread by people who are making very bad choices that are sure to produce negative consequences not only for them but for society as a whole.
Table 17 – AIDS cases by age category, transmission category, and sex from beginning of epidemic through 2006:
84% of the total cumulative cases of male AIDS are spread by male-to-male sexual contact and/or drug use. Another 14% were involved in such risky behaviors that no single risk factor could be identified.
Table 18 – HIV infections by age category, transmission category, and sex (cumulative from beginning of epidemic through 2006 -- 45 states and 5 U. S. dependent areas with name-based HIV infection reporting):
70% of the total cumulative cases of male HIV are spread by male-to-male sexual contact and/or drug use. Another 29% were involved in such risky behaviors that no single risk factor could be identified.
Table 19 – AIDS cases for male adults and adolescents by transmission category (cumulative through 2006 – U. S. and dependent areas):
84% of the total cumulative cases of male AIDS are spread by male-to-male sexual contact and/or drug use. Another 14% were involved in such risky behaviors that no single risk factor could be identified.
Table 20 – HIV infections for male adults and adolescents by transmission category (cumulative through 2006 – 45 states and 5 U. S. dependent areas with name-based HIV infection reporting):
70% of the total cumulative cases of male HIV are spread by male-to-male sexual contact and/or drug use. Another 29% were involved in such risky behaviors that no single risk factor could be identified.
Table 21 – AIDS cases for female adults and adolescents by transmission category (cumulative through 2006 – U. S. and dependent areas):
52% of the total cumulative cases of female AIDS are spread through injection drug use, high-risk heterosexual sex with injection drug user, or high-risk heterosexual sex with bisexual male. Another 45% were involved in such risky behaviors that no single risk factor could be identified.
Table 22 – HIV infections for female adults and adolescents by transmission category (cumulative through 2006 – 45 states and 5 U. S. dependent areas with name-based HIV infection reporting):
28% of the total cumulative cases of female HIV infection are spread through injection drug use, high-risk heterosexual sex with injection drug user, or high-risk heterosexual sex with bisexual male. Another 71% were involved in such risky behaviors that no single risk factor could be identified.
Are condoms the answer? They are portrayed both in the media and in the pop culture as the answer for homosexuals; but the CDC statistics indicate that even after spending millions of dollars to promote condom use among homosexuals, the STD transmission rates are soaring.
Under the best of conditions, condoms slip or break 1.6% to 3.6% of the time. Since homosexuals typically can have hundreds of sexual partners per year, their chances of contracting STD’s are greatly increased.
The National Institutes of Health has stated that condoms are effective 85% of the time against HIV/AIDS if used correctly and consistently. That leaves 15% of the time when condom users are open to the deadly diseases of HIV/AIDs.
Unfortunately, condoms are also not very effective against the discharge diseases (e.g., HPV, genital herpes, syphilis, and chancroid) because they are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact on the parts of the body that cannot be covered by the condom.
How easy is it to use condoms correctly and consistently?
For condoms to be effective at all, participants must follow ten necessary steps. Is it likely that the average person will take the time to implement these ten steps while in a moment of passion?
(1) Carefully hold the condom to avoid damaging with fingernails, teeth, or sharp objects, (2) use adequate water-based lubrication (never use petroleum jelly, shortening, mineral oil, massage oils, body lotions, or cooking oil -- they weaken the latex), (3) carefully put on the condom after penis is erect and before any genital contact with partner, (4) ensure no air is trapped in tip of condom, (5) hold the condom firmly against base of penis during withdrawal and then prevent slippage by withdrawing penis while it is still erect, (6) store condoms in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight, (7) not use condoms after expiration date, (8) not use condoms if package is damaged or discolored, (9) use latex condoms and not natural-membrane, and (10) use condoms with each and every act of intercourse.
Devvy Kidd has formulated a list of outcomes taken from the medical literature, indicating what sexual deviancy can bring to the participants:
(Anal) Douches, Lubricants: Allergic reactions, Rectal fatty tumors Active Fellatio: Physical abrasions, Oral gonorrhea, Herpes progenitalis I and II, Nongonococcal pharyngitis (Chlamydia and others), Oral condyloma acuminatum, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Enteric diseases, Lymphogranuloma veneered, Granola inquinale, Chancroid Passive Fellatio: Herpes type 1 and 2, Nongonococcol urethritis (Chlamydia and others), Gonorrhea, Neisseria meningitidis. Anal Intercourse, Active: Nongonococcol urethritis, Escherichia coli, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, B, non-A/non-B, Herpes, Warts -molluscum and condyloma, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, Epididymitis/prostatitis, Fungal infections, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid, Cytomegalovirus.
Anal Intercourse, Passive: Physical pretties, Rectal gonorrhea, Warts -condyloma and molluscum (rare), Nonspecific proctitis (Chlamydia and others), Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Trichomoniasis, Corynebacterium, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid, Cytomegalovirus, Candidiasis. Analinction (dung-eating, "rimming"): Enteric diseases: Gay bowel syndrome (explained below) PLUS Escherichia coli and Helminthic parasites, Oral warts, Oral gonorrhea, Syphilis, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid. Fist/Finger Insertion, Passive: Internal scrapes, Anal sphincter tears, Perforations of the colon, Acute abdomen, having to wear a diaper. Toys/Apparatus: Allergic reactions, Friction dermatitis, Physical torsions, Varicoceles, Peyronie's disease, Fungal infections, Lost rectal objects, Testicular strangulation ("cock rings").
Gay Bowel Syndrome is a collection of bowel diseases which lead to dysfunction of the lower bowel tract and is prevalent throughout the "gay" community. GBS requires one wear a colostomy bag. Shigellosis is an acute bacteria infection like salmonellosis, it can lead to a diarrhea-induced dehydration death in infants and the elderly. Infected individuals [HIV] should never handle food, yet how many "gays" work in restaurants and handle food?
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 05:06 PM in Military | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Obama said, "for the first time in Gonzales versus Carhart, the Supreme Court held—upheld a federal ban on abortions with criminal penalties for doctors." For the first time, the Court’s endorsed an abortion restriction without an exception for women’s health. The decision presumed that the health of women is best protected by the Court—not by doctors and not by the woman herself. That presumption is wrong.
Notice, Obama doesn't use the words, "Partial-birth Abortion," because just the name is disgusting and probably because 80% of the American people want it banned.
Obama said, "It is time for a different attitude in the White House. It is time for a different attitude in the Supreme Court. It is time to turn the page and write a new chapter in American history."
The "change" Obama wants is to keep torturing and killing little children.
Obama mentioned the swing vote of Supreme Court Justice Kennedy: Without any hard evidence, Justice Kennedy proclaimed, "It is self-evident that a woman would regret her choice."
Obama ignores the women who have taken to alcohol and drugs after having their child killed. Too bad he hasn't read the reports of women who have killed themselves after having their child killed. One just last week.
He cited medical uncertainty about the need to protect the health of pregnant women. Obama said, "Justice Kennedy knows many things, my understanding is he does not know how to be a doctor."
Ah, but the doctor that Obama speaks of is the doctor who is going to kill the baby, for a fee, of course. When Obama mentions Obstetricians and Gynecologists finding no uncertainty, he lies. The American College of Christian Obstetricians and Gynecologists found much uncertainty. They say abortion increases the risk of drug and alcoholic abuse as well as suicides. The Catholic OB AND GYN doctors found the same. But, Obama ONLY mentions doctors who have no respect for human life.
If this inhumanity is not enough for one person, Barack Hussein Obama, as a state senator in Illinois, even voted against giving aid to a baby who survives an abortion. Just let him/her die. Even Senator Kennedy voted to give aid.
Obama said, "we’re a country founded on the principle of equality and freedom." This is true, but we're not a country that kills innocent little babies because they are an inconvenience.
He loves to say a women's reproductive freedom. As if pro-lifers are against that. Women can reproduce at will, but once the reproduction is over, then do not kill the child.
Obama, even mentioned the name of the founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger, a woman, who, if she had her way, would have people like Obama killed, just because he's black.
On the right of married couples to bear children, Sanger wrote, "Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child." On the rights of racial minorities, the handicapped and the mentally ill, she said, "More children from the fit, less from the unfit - that is the chief aim of birth control."
On the extermination of blacks, Sanger cautioned, "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." Sanger referred to blacks, immigrants and indigents as "human weeds," and "reckless breeders." She wrote that they were, "spawning... human beings who never should have been born." By virtue of their numerical superiority, she saw poor people and the newly immigrated Slavs, Latins and Hebrews as a real threat to Anglo-Saxon political and economic power.
Sanger responded to this "threat" by developing her own "Plan for Peace." In it, she outlined her strategy for the eradication of those she deemed "feeble minded," including Catholic and Jewish immigrants. In addition to immigration restrictions and the administering of a special IQ test, her evil scheme advocated compulsory sterilization AND segregation to a lifetime of farm work under "competent instructors" ... Practically speaking, she envisioned Concentration Camps!
There was little difference between Margaret Sanger and the German Nazi...In fact, Hitler and Sanger were both proponents of Eugenics, a social philosophy which advocates the creation of a race of human thoroughbreds.
At the same time, Hitler spread birth control and abortion propaganda in the eastern territories outside Germany. Himmler, carrying out Hitler's orders, directed an intense propaganda campaign to persuade these so-called "inferior" people that having children was harmful.
Margaret Sanger believed that most people were not intelligent enough to share in the right to govern and wanted a totalitarian rule similar to Adolf Hitler's. She constantly attacked the Catholic Church and referred to it as "immoral" for opposing her evil schemes for "social progress." In 1942, this evil woman, the infamous Margaret Sanger, founded Planned Parenthood!
This is the organization that Obama has a love affair with, an organization founded on the principle that people like Obama should be eliminated and NEVER be given a chance to run for the presidency of the United States.
The fact that Obama heaped praises on Planned Parenthood means he does not do his homework or he is just plain stupid. Either way, besides his penchant for baby killing, stupidity is not a good trait--if one wants to be president of the United States, especially during war time.
Frank Joseph MD
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 02:17 PM in Right To Life | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 03:21 PM in Military | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 01:40 PM in National Politics | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
BUYER BEWARE! What You Would Get In a Vice-President Romney
(Hint: A demagogue who has already changed history)
When Ann Coulter endorsed Mitt Romney she called the former Massachusetts governor "manifestly our best candidate" -- though the paper for which she is "chief legal correspondent," Human Events, ranked Romney the #8 RINO (Republican In Name Only) in the nation in 2005.
GOP establishment pom pom girl Laura Ingraham and water boy Sean Hannity evangelize Romney on their radio shows as the second coming of Ronald Reagan.
Curiouser and curiouser!
Romney the wallflower bats his eyelashes and coyly pretends not to notice the increasing speculation of a McCain-Romney ticket--even as he criss-crosses the country campaigning and fundraising for McCain--the same John McCain who Romney said during the primaries was "almost indistinguishable" from Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
But perhaps Romney intended that as a compliment, since Romney was a virtual GOP clone of Barack Obama, until he repackaged himself to seduce conservatives.
As a Boston talk radio host and writer-researcher (respectively), who both initially supported Romney (author Gregg Jackson lived out of state in 2002 and co-author John Haskins voted for him in 2002), we have followed Romney closely and know the truth about his record as very few people in America do. The truth is that many of the leading "conservative" lawyers, radio pundits and pro-family leaders whom we trusted for years have ruthlessly distorted and suppressed the truth about Romney's hideous record as governor -- even after all his "conversions."
It took one hundred million dollars of Romney's personal fortune to waterboard Americans with Orwellian propaganda from "conservative" talk radio, Fox News and "pro-family" lawyers and religious mercenaries. Their consensus is they've rewritten enough history enough to fool enough of the people enough of the time.
Many pundits and political prognosticators are now calling Romney the odds-on favorite to be chosen as McCain's running mate--making it more urgent than ever conservatives--the field slaves of the Republican Party--know the true record of this man.
After reading the truth about this soulless demagogue, whom most of the GOP elites have airbrushed into a quasi-conservative, ask yourself if Mitt Romney is somebody, who as Dr. James Dobson of "Focus on the Family" stated, "is a man pro-family voters could support?"
1. Romney illegally imposed homosexual marriage as he had secretly promised "Log Cabin Republicans" a homosexual activist group he would, given the pretext of a legally meaningless court opinion. He publicly admitted that the four outlaw judges who belched forth the Goodridge opinion (urging the legislature to make sodomy-based "marriage" legal) had violated the state Constitution and their oaths of office. But bizarrely, he flatly contradicted the state constitution he had sworn to uphold by pretending he was bound by this opinion. He also opposed a citizen-led effort to remove the four judges!
He then authorized illegal changes to, and issuance of, still legally null and void marriage licenses to homosexuals in violation of the marriage laws which the state constitution explicitly says only the legislature can change (the same court has admitted this). But Romney and his hired "conservatives" falsely claimed that "everybody (knew) that the (judges) legalized same-sex 'marriage'."
2. AFTER his stage-managed "pro-life conversion" Romney's signature healthcare plan established abortion, with a taxpayer-subsidized $50 co-pay, as a "healthcare benefit." He also created a permanent, official government role for an unelected Planned Parenthood representative on his healthcare board -- but no pro-life appointee. (Again, AFTER HIS PURPORTED "PRO-LIFE CONVERSION").
3. Romney increased government funding for anti-family, anti-morality homosexual propaganda, starting in kindergarten, and refused to defend school children and parents' rights against this indoctrination. When running for the Senate in 1994, Romney promised the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans that as Senator he would be more pro-gay than Ted Kennedy stating in a letter to them, "As we seek to establish full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent."
4. Romney opposes a ban on homosexual boy scoutmasters and supports sexual orientation non-discrimination laws that would force private businesses and religious institutions to, for example, hire cross-dressers and transvestites or face criminal fines and punishment.
6. Romney cited a non-existent state law to force Catholic Charities, the state's largest adoption and foster care agency, to provide children to homosexuals even when normal mother-father families were lined up to give them a home. Even former governor liberal Democrat Mike Dukakis pointed out that this "law" Romney was using was no "law," but merely an executive regulation that a governor can cancel with a stroke of his pen. 7. Romney's GOP mercenaries pass him off as a "fiscal conservative." Yet his "signature" achievement as governor, his government-run "universal" healthcare plan that was endorsed by Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Planned Parenthood, has been a total economic failure according to the Wall St. Journal, Boston Globe, and Cato Institute. 8. Romney increased taxes and fees by over $800 million which devastated the Massachusetts economy. He also opposed the Bush Tax Cuts earning him praise from uber-liberal Barney Frank.
10. Romney supported McCain-Feingold "campaign finance reform" which shamelessly outlaws political speech -- an unalienable right guaranteed under our state and federal constitutions and for which countless of our young soldiers and sailors have died. 11. Romney backed the McCain-Kennedy "comprehensive immigration reform" (i.e. amnesty), and parts of the McCain-Lieberman "carbon cap and trade" bill. Here's the bottom line: The ruthlessly ambitious and greedy GOP elites have been claiming that Mitt Romney is a fiscal and social conservative who would aid McCain in shoring up grassroots conservative support among Evangelicals and "pocket book conservatives." But McCain would be selecting a soulless and ruthless snake oil salesman, a Republican Barack Obama -- to the left of even McCain himself. After all, Romney, as the Founding Father of Sodomy-Based "Marriage" and $50 dollar taxpayer-funded abortions alone, has accomplished what no Democrat has been able to, much less John McCain. The charade required to successfully portray Romney as a conservative who bravely resisted homosexual "marriage," who opposed the giving of parent-less children to homosexuals and opposed his own $50 abortions involved a massive media campaign of bare-faced lying about the law, the powers conferred upon judges and the legal obligations of the governor himself under the brutally clear Massachusetts Constitution. It required perpetual and overwhelming propaganda assistance from the fervently pro-homosexuality and anti-family news mafia and commentariat (can you even tell the difference anymore?). That the self-styled "conservative" elites took the lead in this Bolshevik-style subversion of a state constitution and in enabling government funding of industrial scale abortion is a frightening indication of why America is slipping into tyranny. Romney's bare-faced lies about the law, his criminal subversion of the oldest functioning constitution in the world -- and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's (similarly illegal) copy-catting -- mark the unofficial end of any semblance of the rule of law in America on the issues that define any society.
As every senior homosexual activist and Democrat strategist understands, the consequences will be sweeping: the end of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association and parents' rights, as already evident in Canada and much of Europe. As Justice Antonin Scalia warned of the Lawrence v. Texas opinion in which a United States Supreme Court majority pretended to have the constitutional authority and power to "strike down" the anti-sodomy laws of states, "this could be the one that swallows the rule of law." It is still swallowing. Lawrence invited Goodridge. Goodridge invited the anti-constitutional and legally void California opinion that Schwarzenegger has used as a justification for trashing the constitution he swore to defend and uphold. And long before the swallowing is done, it will be too late to reverse it. "Citizens, please return to your shopping. All is under control." This is what we call "conservatism" today. Caveat Emptor. Voter Beware! Gregg Jackson is the author of "Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies: Issue by Issue Responses to the Most Common Claims of the Left from A to Z" and talk radio show host on WRKO in Boston. Co-author John Haskins, proprietor of, has written on constitutionalism, parents' rights and international affairs in the American Spectator, World, Insight and WorldNetDaily. A former editor, he interviewed Lech Walesa on the tenth anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe and reported from refugee camps during the Balkan War. Comments to's blog which include ad hominems or personal attack will automatically be rejected. No hyperlinks allowed.
Posted by Julie Zanoza at 12:52 PM in National Politics | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by Julie Zanoza at 08:58 PM in Humor | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
by Joyce Morrison *
Henry Kissinger was reported to have said, “Control the food and you control the people.” Controlling people is as simple as controlling food, water and energy through a variety of controls.
“No Farmers No Food,” the bumper sticker distributed by The Adopt a Farm Family ministry, is a message of warning. The Adopt ministry was started by Mary Myers, wife of Peter Myers, former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture who served in the Reagan Administration. She confided to me that God had instructed her to “watch over the food.” At that time there appeared to be no reason for concern. Now we see a new pattern unfolding. Could we be watching the beginning of Revelations 6:6?
"Green is the new red, white and blue,” was a recent quote made by a university environmental group. The extreme environmental movement has been compared to a watermelon.” Green on the outside but red on the inside.” Daily we are facing energy and possibly a food crisis because of the extreme environmental control that has swept our nation.
The goal of farmers in the U.S. is to provide the safest, cheapest food in the world…but that privilege is being taken from them one step at a time. We see our rural areas coming under many regulations. Farming acres are turned into open space, heritage areas, wetlands and programs that take crop land out of production.
F. William Engdahl’s latest book, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, “focuses on how a small American elite group seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: our daily bread.” Farmers are not geneticists. They plant the seeds they purchase in good faith, but they do not know the full genetic make-up of the seeds they plant.
Not only do grain farmers face problems, but livestock producers are facing a livestock tracking system that would reflect total control of our meat supply. If we permit the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) to be implemented, small producers will be eliminated. It will be virtually impossible for them to meet the requirements.
The official USDA documents can be found on
“In a three year period the total NAIS computer movement numbers in the USA will more than eclipse the number of all people living on the entire planet earth,” according to a report by Darol Dickenson, The enforcement for not reporting within a 24 hour period could be a financial disaster to livestock owners.
The system is promoted by commercial interests such as the Digital Angel/Veri-chip corporation who have a patented implantable microchip for tracking RFID tags and GPS identification. They are already using chips in some hospitals and plans are underway by these same companies to chip the public at large. Could this be so people can “buy and sell” as stated in Revelations 13:16?
While USDA says this is a “voluntary” program, 4-H and FFA members in Colorado are forced to have a Premise Identification in order to enter their projects at the fairs. Illinois had mandated this same regulation but due to an outcry of the people, they lifted their mandate for 2008.
Merck/Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, maker of VYTORIN (which is now under scrutiny) is listed as a member of the National Institute of Animal Agriculture (NIAA), the driving force behind NAIS. Control and greed appear to be the purpose of this program – not food safety. The CEO of Digital Angel, said, "We continue to support the livestock industry groups and USDA as they implement NAIS for livestock producers on a voluntary basis.”
The Clean Water Restoration Act (HR2421) is very frightening legislation on the federal level. This bill removes the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Act and places every ditch, pond or wet spot – virtually your back yard - under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Corps of Engineers. You will not be permitted to make any changes on your property without approval.
Germany, France and other countries own municipal water works in many locations in the United States. What would happen if one day could our “water was shut off?” Water needed for irrigation was deprived to farmers in the Klamath Basin in Oregon a few years ago causing devastation.
Farmers continue to stand for the belief to provide cheap, safe food for people around the world. They need the consumer’s help to take action when they see unwarranted changes in our food, water and land regulations. The rising cost of food is not because of subsidized farmers. At the current grain prices, farmers do not receive subsidies. In the past, there was speculation of a price control on grains with the purpose of the subsidy being for the benefit of the consumer.
We are definitely living in troubling times as we see our economy being disrupted with foreclosures on homes, soaring energy and food prices and unrest in the Mid-East. There are solutions to our problems such as drilling in ANWR, permitting new refineries and power plants to be built. There are many things we could do to eliminate our dilemma, but the environmentalists appear to be holding our legislators by the pocket.
The truth will never be found at happy hour discussing what was in the newspaper or on CNN. Until the people at large become informed with the truth - and take action, we will find our food, water and energy being used to control the masses.
* Joyce Morrison is a community organizer, activist and expert on property rights. She operates a farm in southern Illinois.
Posted by Julie Zanoza at 01:13 PM in Society | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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