Commentary by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
According to some political operatives and willing members of the dominant media, the nation has a President who is extraordinarily inept. Yet other critics say George W. Bush is evil beyond description. But conventional wisdom among the President's detractors implies Bush is both of these things, inept and evil, to a point never before seen in world history. According to the far left, Bush, a bumbling fool, is one of the great evil masterminds of our times. However, no one has ever accused liberals of basing their views on logic or truth.
If this sounds extreme, it is. To those who hate the President of the United States with a burning passion, Bush is both a fool and a genius. I guess he's a foolish genius and this perception rings true among millions of American left-wingers.
Now why am I saying the left is calling Bush an idiot and an evil mastermind? Well, read on. Concerning the Katrina disaster and the tragedy of Sept. 11th, 2001, it is clear some believe one man is responsible for both events and that man is George Bush. Many, including the press, have blamed the President for the suffering which followed one of the most devastating hurricanes to ever hit the shores of North America.
And, on an even more ridiculous note, there are a considerable number of mentally-challenged partisans who believe George Bush actually plotted the evil which took place on 9/11. Of course, even mentioning such allegations gives these irresponsible notions undeserved credibility. Therefore, this conspiracy theory contrived in lunacy will not get further mention in this column. Incredibly, there is even a website devoted to this madness.
To take the incredible Bush-bashing even further, the President of the United States was blamed for an act of God which some scientists say occurs only once in a century. Katrina decimated the Gulf Coast and caused damage totaling in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Charges were levied, claiming federal organizations designed to meet disasters were unprepared and not up to the task at hand.
However, it is clear Katrina was a task no one was or could have been prepared for. Yet "gotcha" politics and a press driven by conflict felt it was necessary to place blame--so it did.
The truth of the matter is: New Orleans, a city with a Democratic Mayor, located in a state run by a Democratic Governor, was lagging behind neighboring states in preparation for Katrina and is still lagging behind its Gulf Coast neighbors as far as recovery. For example, years ago, Mississippi officials proudly proclaimed that state had been cleared of the debris which resulted from Katrina's onslaught. Yet New Orleans still is dealing with tons of rubble and progress is being made ever so slowly. The New Orleans recovery project has been stifled by a racially insensitive Mayor who told his constituents New Orleans should be a chocolate city and a former Democratic Governor who fought with the New Orleans Mayor before, during and after the Hurricane struck. Yet Americans are surprised Louisiana's response to Katrina has been so woeful in many ways. From rampant fraud to marauding policemen to criminal acts of inhumanity, it was all there for the world to see. But, somehow, it was all Bush's fault.
Hurricane Katrina was indeed the perfect storm of ineptitude and the federal government was, in some miraculous way, supposed to sweep in and right the wrongs politicians took decades to construct.
Did FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) perform like a well-oiled machine right after the Hurricane departed the Gulf Coast region? Certainly not. But it is a safe bet to say no organization could have been prepared for a natural disaster of that magnitude. Or maybe, just maybe, building a city on an estuary at the mouth of one of the world's major rivers isn't exactly a good idea. However, we have made history. According to some, George Bush is responsible for Katrina--which was an act of God; and 9/11--which was an act inspired by the Devil himself. That's quite a résumé for a man who some say is the closest thing to a functioning illiterate.
Captions for photos:
Top: President George W. Bush
Middle: Second plane about to strike World Trade Center
Bottom: Flooding after Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans
* A version of this column was first posted in October 2006.
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Bush was on vacation and was unaware of the hurricane and had to watch a DVD compiled by his staff to "brief" him on the Katrina situation.
How is that they Mayor's fault? It is the President's job to respond whenever there is a disaster in this country. You didn't see Clinton pawning off natural disasters during his watch as state failures.
You keep defending Bush, God knows he's gonna need it for many years to come.
Posted by: The Dude | August 04, 2008 at 07:40 PM