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August 06, 2008



I thank Mr. Drake and his group for fighting the good fight. During my quarter century in the army, I repeatedly took the oath to support the Republic and the Constitution. I continue to do my best to live up to that oath. In the current political climate, that favors rock star candidates over good honest citizens, it is important that we all remember that all Civil Rights were hard won, often with the bills paid in blood. We must support each other in all cases. Far too many support only those Rights that touch them personally. I find it strange that so many fellow citizens, will allow others rights to be infringed without complaint, until it is their ox being gored. I also find it strange that while wearing the uniform, I was trusted with hand guns, rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, and even 60 ton tanks, but now as I age, I cannot be trusted with even a small hand gun for defense of my family.

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