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October 24, 2008



President elect Obama would destroy the most powerful military in the world. Not only would homosexuals be harassed and shunned from everyone, the risk of emotional distress to their sensitive little hearts could be permanently ruined. Doesn't matter if you think it is right, wrong or indifferent, IT WILL HAPPEN.

Somebody stated, in regards to this topic, whom you sleep with is not the military's concern. That person and anyone who believes that are WRONG. Think of what that will entail. You couldn't allow a gay man to shower or share sleeping quarters with other men. If that were ok, then you would have to allow straight men to sleep and shower with straight women. Hopefully, you see the problems associated with this idea. And if you placed gay men with the women, then you run a very high risk of someone "claiming" to be gay in order to sleep and shower with the opposite sex. Not to mention, what if he or she is "bisexual"? Then what? The only fix to that would be to create entirely separate restrooms and sleeping quarters for the homosexual population. And in doing that, you have created a very blatant segregation that would inherently instigate animosity and hostility. Referring back to the 60's, the whole segregation thing doesn't seem like a very good idea, now does it? What a horrible environment this would create for everyone. Not to mention who would pay for that...you?

I proudly serve our military going on 17 years now. The phrase "if it's not broke, don't fix it" comes to mind. And if you don't even serve our military, then you don't have a credible opinion to even be considered. I say to you, "Join our military and serve our country. Once you've had the privilege of a few years active duty on your resume, then you would have an opinion that is worth someone's attention.

Thanks for reading



Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!

Nicole Roper

Although I think the gays could contribute greatly to the military as well as society. Allowing openly gay people in the military will be a social disaster. It has been many years since women have served in the military and there are still wide spread sexual harassament and assults in the service. There is still a culture of inequality for women in the military. I agree with the above comment that this will create major problems in the military.

I hope Obama doesn't push this one.

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