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October 30, 2008



obama may be surprised. No one can predict the future with equanimity. Unless he knows something we don't.But I think he truly believes that he has won. Lets hope the BEST man who really cares about this country will win. I think McCain would be a better leader, mostly because we know his background. Obama has too many secrets.....a sign that he has done something wrong and we would not vote for him.

chip S

I bet that 75% of voters haven't a clue about Obama's platform and his corrupt background and continuing to the present. Our democracy and constitution are under attack as is our sovereignty. Pray for the undecideds.

How can an otherwise intelligent person vote for Obama?

Don't the liberals know that whatever happens will affect all of us? Do they think they'll get a pass? Or are immune if we get hit. They're the ones waiving a white flag.


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