Obama Can Become the "Children's President" if ...
An Open Letter to Sen. Tom Daschle from Brent Rooney (MSc)
Senator Thomas Daschle (Alston and Bird),
By reducing Cerebral Palsy and Autism rates President Obama will
become the "Children's President". You have been selected to be the
next Secretary of Health and Human Services. As HHS Secretary you
can slash the incidence of Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Autism inflicted
on Black American babies. Dr. Sarah Winter et al. reported in 2002
that Black American newborn have a 53% higher relative CP risk
than Caucasian newborn. [Winter, 1] By adhering to the 1947
Nuremberg Code of medical ethics fewer newborn with CP, AUTISM,
mental retardation, epilepsy, etc. plus improved reproductive health
for women will result. As a supporter of the Nuremberg Code, you
assuredly would be most appalled, if a common medical procedure
has not been validated as safe by published animal studies. However,
as documented in the 2008 Rooney/Calhoun/Roche ('RCR') article
(enclosed) and the enclosed sworn affidavit, vacuum aspiration
(aka 'suction') abortion has never been validated as safe via published
animal studies. [Rooney, 2] However, if you can cite a specific
published animal study (in a peer-reviewed medical journal) of vacuum
aspiration abortion, we would be most interested to be informed of
that study.
In 2007 an Institute of Medicine textbook identified "Prior first
trimester induced abortion" as an "Immutable Medical Risk
Factor Associated with Preterm Birth". [Behrman, 3] Extremely
preterm newborn (under 28 weeks' gestation) have a 14.6%
CP risk. [Himpens, 4] As documented in the 'RCR' study six
(6) statistically significant studies reported higher risk of
extremely preterm birth (XPB) for women with prior IAs (induced
abortions). [Rooney, 2] In October 2007 Calhoun et al. estimated
1,096 excess CP cases in U.S. newborn under 1,500 grams in
2002 due to prior IAs. [Calhoun, 5] 'Calhoun' has never been
challenged via a 'letter to the editor'.
Black American Women have quadruple the XPB risk as
Caucasian women [Behrman, 3] and 4.3 times the induced
abortion rate as non-Black women. [Struass, 6]. As you well know,
Senator Daschle, in science the BURDEN of PROOF lies
entirely upon those making a claim. Those who support the claim
of safety for 'suction' abortion have not even proven safety of
'suction' abortion on animals, much less on humans. You have a
chance to make a tremendous contribution to women's
reproductive health and to removing Black American women as
the prime 'Guinea Pigs' of the unproven and experimental
procedure of 'suction' abortion.
Thus, we ask you, Senator Tom Daschle, to urge President Obama,
when sworn in, to deny funding (direct and indirect) to any
organization that provides induced abortion procedures that violate
rule 3 of the 1947 Nuremberg Code. To our knowledge, not only
has vacuum aspiration abortion not been validated via published
animal studies, but the same applies to D & C (Dilation & Curettage),
D & E (Dilation & Evacuation), and D & X (Dilation and eXtraction).
The era of using Black American Women as 'Guinea Pigs' must end.
Let us have fewer Black, Caucasian, Hispanic, et al. newborn with Cerebral
Palsy and AUTISM. By denying funds to organizations which make
pregnant American women 'Guinea Pigs' for an unproven and experimental
procedures that violate the 1947 Nuremberg Code, President Obama
will truly be the "Children's President".
Thank you, in advance, for your help in reducing Cerebral Palsy and
AUTISM rates in Black American infants. (I am a medical researcher
with a special focus on premature birth risk factors.)
Cc Harriet Washington (PhD), Alveda King, William McGurn (Wall Street Journal) Senator Tom Coburn, Prof. Susan F. Wood, Teresa Collett (PhD), Jay Sekulow, Prof. Lainie F. Ross (U. Chicago), Dr. Lawrence Altman, Melanie Beck (WSJ)
Brent Rooney (MSc)
Reduce Preterm Risk Coalition 3456 Dunbar St. (Suite 146)
Vancouver, Canada V6S 2C2 web: http://www.jpands.org/vol8no2/rooney.pdf
Sent via courier on December 1, 2008
3 of 3
1 Winter S, Autry A, Boyle C, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Trends in the Prevalence
of Cerebral Palsy in a Population-based Study. Pediatrics 2002;110(6):1220-1225
[ URL: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/abstract/110/6/1220]
2 Rooney B, Calhoun BC, Roche L. Does Induced Abortion Account
for Racial Disparity in Preterm Births, and Violate the Nuremberg Code? J Amer
Phys Surg 2008;13(4):xx-yy [ URL: http://www.jpands.org/vol13no4/rooney.pdf
3 Behrman RE, Butler AS, Alexander GR. [Book] Preterm Birth: Causes,
Consequences, and Prevention. National Academies Press 2007
[ URL: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11622&page=625]
4 Himpens E, Van den Broeck C, Oostra A, Calders P, Vanhaesebrouck P.
Prevalence, type, distribution and severity of cerebral palsy in relation to
gestational age: a meta-analytic review. Developmental Med Child Neur
5 Calhoun BC, Shadigian E, Rooney B. Cost Consequences of Induced Abortion
as an Attributable Risk for Preterm Birth and Informed Consent. J Reprod Med
6 Strauss LT, Gamble SB, Parker WY, Cook DA, Zane SB, et al. MMWR Surveillance
Summaries. Abortion Surveillance (United States, 2004) November 23, 2007/56
(SS09):1-33 [ URL: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5609a1.htm]
7 Nuremberg Code URL:
http://ohsr.od.nih.gov/guidelines/nuremberg.htmlaccessed on 6 August 2008
8 Moster D, Terje R, Markestad T. Long-term Medical and Social Consequences
of Preterm Birth. New Engl J Medicine 2008;359:262-273
Appendix A: Rule 3 of the 1947 Nuremberg Code
"3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or
other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the
performance of the experiment." [7]
Appendix B: Preterm Birth Risk and Autism
The 2008 Rooney/Calhoun/Roche study identified six (6) statistically
significant studies that reported higher risk of extremely preterm birth
(XPB) for women with prior induced abortions compared to women
with zero prior induced abortions. [Rooney, 2] In 2008 Norwegian
researchers reported that XPB babies have 9.7 times the odds of
developing AUTISM compared to full-term newborn. [Moster, 8]
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