Open letter to the U.S. Surgeon General by Brent Rooney
Editor's Note: Brent Rooney is a medical researcher with a special focus on preterm birth risk factors.
To Dr. Sanjay Gupta:
It would be a wonderful achievement, if President Barack Obama
reduces the incidence of childhood Cerebral Palsy (CP) and autism.
This achievement alone would merit the "Commander-in-Chief" the title
of "The Children's President". As a neurosurgeon you are aware that
preterm birth is a major CP and autism risk factor. In 2007 eminent
scientist Greg Roy Alexander (ScD), representing the Institute of
Medicine, identified "Prior first trimester induced abortion" as an
"Immutable Medical Risk Factor Associated with Preterm Birth".
[Behrman, 2] The world's most respected preterm birth expert,
Dr. Emile Papiernik (France) was co-author of a 2004 Human Reproduction
study reporting statistically significant results:
a. Women with one (1) prior IA (Induced Abortion) had 34%
higher relative odds of a very preterm ( under 33.0 weeks' gestation )
birth compared to women with zero prior IAs.
b. Women with more that one prior IA had 82% higher relative
odds of a very preterm birth. [Ancel, 6]
In 1961 the legendary FDA official Dr. Frances Kelsey delivered
a 'knock-out' against the sale approval for the teratogenic drug Thalidomide.
Whereas about ten thousand European newborns suffered severe birth
defects, very few American newborns suffered a like fate from Thalidomide.
[Brynner, 7]
Dr. Gupta, Chemie Grunenthal (Thalidomide's creator) only tested
its sedative drug on rats, mice, cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs
before marketing it as "morning sickness" remedy on 1 October 1957
Chemie Grunenthal performed no Thalidomide testing on non-human
primates BEFORE that birth defect epidemic. [Brynner, 7] The animal
testing for the most common induced abortion procedure, "suction"
(i.e. vacuum aspiration) abortion, was much less adequate than
Thalidomide testing, since:
There are zero published animal studies of "suction" abortion. [Rooney, 4]
Dr. Gupta, you may disbelieve that statement. However, you have never
seen such an animal "suction" abortion study nor have you seen a
reference to such study. For an objective person, such as yourself, the
clincher is that Dr. Sharon Camp ( [email protected] ), Alan
Guttmacher Institute President ) on 16 January 2008 conceded that AGI
staff could not find such a published animal "suction" abortion study.
On 4 June 2008 in Vancouver, Canada I swore an affidavit that there
are no published animal studies of "suction" abortion (copy enclosed).
It is my considered estimate that "suction" abortions have caused at
least 30 times as many birth defected babies as did Thalidomide.
You and President Obama are firm believers in the 1947 Nuremberg Code.
The Nuremberg Code (rule 3) insists upon safety validation of new
medical procedures on animals BEFORE human trials commence.
"Suction" abortion has failed rule 3.
FOCA, if signed by President Obama, continues and finances an
unproven and experimental procedure ("suction" abortion) that is crippling
American newborn. Please inform President Barack Obama
immediately that 100% of all "suction" abortions violate the 1947
Nuremberg Code.
I am a medical researcher with a special focus on preterm birth risk factors.
Thanks, in advance, for your help in assuring that the full Nuremberg
Code is respected by President Barack Obama's administration. More
details about upholding the Nuremberg Code are in the Appendix.
Cc: President Barack Obama, William McGurn (Wall Street Journal),
Tara Parker-Pope (New York Times), Dr. Jerold Lucy (Pediatrics),
Jay Sekulow (ACLJ), Dr. Emile Papiernik, Matt Drudge
Brent Rooney (MSc)
Reduce Preterm Risk Coalition
3456 Dunbar St. (Suite 146) Vancouver, Canada V6S 2C2
email: [email protected]
Appendix: FOCA (Freedom Of Choice Act) and the Nuremberg Code
President Obama can outshine the legendary Dr. Frances Kelsey
- FOCA War on Informed Medical Consent -
by Brent Rooney (MSc)
Dr. Sarah Winter and colleagues reported in 2002 that a black
American baby in Atlanta, Georgia had a 53% higher relative risk
of being diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy than a Caucasian baby.
President Obama can surpass the legendary Dr. Frances Kelsey
in preventing birth defects in American babies. However, to do so
requires the new U.S. President to do something legendary Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher refused: make a political 'U-Turn'.
8,000-12,000 European newborn babies were birth defected due
to the drug Thalidomide between 1958 and 1962, but the U.S. toll
was tiny. In 1962 President John Kennedy awarded the Gold Medal
for Distinguished Civilian Service to Canadian born FDA official
Dr. Frances Kelsey. Despite the most intense pressure Dr. Kelsey
denied Thalidomide approval for sale in the U.S., since she was not
convinced that there was sufficient evidence validating its safety.
U.S. President Barack Obama can save far more babies worldwide
and in the U.S. from the birth defect of Cerebral Palsy (CP) than
the fantastic Dr. Kelsey did from malformations; and as a bonus
fewer American infants will develop autism.
In 2007 the very prestigious Institute of Medicine, represented by
Greg Alexander (ScD), identified "Prior first trimester induced
abortion" as an "Immutable Medical Risk Factor Associated with
Preterm Birth" ([Book:] Preterm Birth: Causes, Consequences, and
Prevention (Behrman, RE, Butler AS, Alexander GR, National Acad-
mies Press 2007). In 2007 Dr. Byron Calhoun et al. estimated 1,096
excess cases of Cerebral Palsy in U.S. newborn under 3 pounds 5
yearly due to prior induced abortions. Preterm birth is a very well
accepted risk factor for Cerebral Palsy. Dr. Calhoun's article in the
Journal of Reproductive Medicine has never been challenged via a
'letter to the editor'. To term IAs as "Surgical Thalidomide" would
underplay the injury done by IAs; the bulk of Thalidomide's damage
was inflicted over four (4) years, but the damage of IAs has spanned
decades and the per year damage is at least four (4) times worse.
There are about 1.2 million IAs (Induced Abortions) performed in
the U.S. yearly, but the worldwide IA total is very conservatively
estimated to be 14.5 million by Wm. Robert Johnston (MS). Thus, it
is a conservative estimate that prior IAs cause over ten thousand
cases of CP yearly worldwide, which is about 4 times the yearly
terrible birth defect toll inflicted by Thalidomide.
President Obama can learn from Dr. Frances Kelsey, who knew
that Thalidomide had only been tested on lower animals (i.e. mice,
rats, cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs), but not on the best animal
model (i.e. non-human primates such as monkeys and chimpanzees).
It was only after the Thalidomide tragedy that non-human pri-
mate testing was done. For the most common abortion procedure,
"suction", the testing has been outrageously more lax than Thalido-
mide testing. In the Winter 2008 issue of the Journal of American
Physicians and Surgeons Brent Rooney (MSc), Dr. Byron Calhoun,
and Lisa Roche (J.D.) revealed that "suction" abortion has zero
published studies in medical journals to validate its safety; [URL:]. "Suction" abortions
thus violate the 1947 Nuremberg Code which insists that new
medical treatments be first safety validated on animals before
human trials begin. As for "chemical abortifacients" (RU-486 etc.)
there are no published non-human primate studies demonstrating
that these drugs do not elevate neurological damage risk in babies
in subsequent pregnancies; neurological damage causes Cerebral
Palsy (and epilepsy, mental retardation and many suspect, autism).
In 2002 Swedish researchers reported that women with prior IAs
had 60% higher odds of a newborn with CP than women with zero
prior abortions. One must suspect that the researchers attempted to
'bury' this result, since it was not in 'summary' section, nor in the
main text, but it was merely an entry in a table.
During the 2008 election campaign, candidate Obama promised
that he would promptly sign FOCA into law after being sworn in.
FOCA smashes women's right to informed medical consent for
induced abortion. Smashing informed consent will result in more
babies with Cerebral Palsy, autism, mental retardation, blindness,
deafness, respiratory distress, and epilepsy (all risks of premature
birth). President Obama becomes the "Children's President" if he
vetoes FOCA (Freedom Of Choice Act) and denies all government
funding for IAs until safety from breast cancer and premature birth
risk is proven in non-human primate studies and a full & honest
review of existing human studies is performed by the U.S. Surgeon
General. For President Obama this is actually a critical "fork in the
road" decision. By protecting newborn babies from excess Cerebral
Palsy risk and mothers from breast cancer, Barack Obama can right-
fully carry the mantle of the "Children's President". But, if President
Obama signs FOCA and allows governmental abortion funding to
continue, he becomes "Mengele's Man". Let us have a President
with the courage to do a "U-Turn" and become: "the Children's President".
(I am a medical researcher with a special focus on preterm birth
risk factors. As a result of the May 2003 Rooney/Calhoun review
study of the APB (Abortion Preterm Birth) risk, the state of Texas
has warned women that prior IAs elevate the future risk of preterm
and handicapped newborn; URL:
[Winter study finding that Black Newborn have 53% higher risk of
CP than Caucasians:]
1 Winter S, Autry A, Boyle C, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Trends in the
Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy in a Population-based Study. Pediatrics
2002;110(6):1220-1225 [ abstract URL: ]
[Institute of Medicine book identifying prior abortions as a
preterm birth risk factor:]
2 Behrman RE, Butler AS, Alexander GR. [Book] Preterm Birth: Causes,
Consequences, and Prevention. National Academies Press 2007
[ URL: ]
[Rooney/Calhoun review of over 49 studies finding that abortions
boost preterm birth risk:]
3 Rooney B, Calhoun BC. Induced abortion and risk of alter premature
births. J Amer Phys Surg 2003;8(2):46-49
[ URL: ]
["Suction" abortion violates the Nuremberg Code via no published
animal studies:]
4 Rooney B, Calhoun BC, Roche L. Does induced abortion account
for racial disparity in preterm births, and violate the Nuremberg Code?
J American Physicians Surgeons 2008;13(4):102-104
[ URL: ]
[2002 Swedish finding prior abortions elevate CP odds in a newborn by 60%:]
5 Jacobsson B, Hagberg G, Hagberg B, Ladfors L, Niklasson A,
Hagberg H. Cerebral Palsy in preterm infants: a population-based
case-control study of antenatal and intrapartal risk factors. Acta
Paediatrica 2002;91:946-951
[Abortion-Preterm-Birth study of ten (10) European Countries
with Papiernik as co-author]
6 Ancel P-Y, Lelong N, Papiernik E, Saurel-Cubizoilles M-J,
Kaminski M. History of induced abortion as a risk factor for preterm
birth in European countries: results of the EUROPOP survey. Human
Reproduction 2004;112:734-740 [ abstract URL: ]
7 Brynner R, Stephens T. [Book:] Dark Remedy. 2001 New York. Basic Books
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