« Those Who Voted For Obama (Mexico City Policy, FOCA) Have Blood Of Unborn On Their Hands | Main | Casey Anthony Trial Turning Into Repeat of O.J. Simpson Fiasco By Media: Call It Dream Team 2 »

January 28, 2009



"Legislating death"

Obama completely sold out his black sisters in the killing of millions of black babies. 1/3rd of black pregnant women abort their child. Is this just an unintended consequence?

Oh well, they wouldn't have had a black role model anyway. And now they'll have no chance on growing up to be another black president in America, just like him.

How about a line item veto?



I hope this issue and others do tear their party apart. We must hope the Bole Weavel (now called Blue Dog) Democrats, will stick with their positions for their voters, on this and other issues. BO has promised many interest groups many things. The pay back is just starting. Then if the Republicans can even remember their platform, this could change the results of the next election.


I appreciate your analysis and see it the same way. However, I would make one correction. Neither Jim Webb nor Bob Casey is more conservative than were their respective opponents, George Allen and Rick Santorum, expecially on the life issue. I will agree that both of them played to the conservative Republican base, but there were other issues involved. Otherwise, thanks for a good article.

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