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January 26, 2009



Amen, brother, Amen. Must the same can be said for people who believe in equal treatment for all, Civil rights, property rights, and gun owners. The population bought the snake oil from the good talker, now we must all live with the out come.

Lisa Dunkin

This is silly. In the countries with the lowest abortion numbers - Abortions are legal and widely available along with birth control. Having ALL options available and affordable is what makes the numbers go down. As long as we feel like judeging, maybe we should ask ourselves what we are doing to help women who struggle to support themselves and their children? This black and white thinking isn't going to help anyone if you want to change abortion then change the reality of bringing a child into this world when you have no resources thats how you make real change.


For someone who said we should close Guantanamo Bay because the United States is better than that. I say we are better than this. We shouldn't kill unborn babies because it is expedient.

And for the one who cites statistics about low abortion numbers; delve into those numbers. It's not about having all the options available, it about which options the culture pushes. Right now, it's pushing death. Most abortions are for convenience. Oops, I messed up. I had unprotected sex or the condom broke. Silly me. I need to go get an abortion and everything will be okay. It's not okay. A child is dead, a man may not ever know about the child or the woman's pain, and a woman's soul and psyche is damaged, often beyond repair. We are better than this.

In a culture where this is possible, I guess it's okay to strap a man to the back of a pick up and drag him to his death. Why? Because we no longer have respect for humanity. It has to begin somewhere. I should begin with the most vulnerable. Well, don't worry "low abortion rate lady." Mr. Obama did this so early in his term, no one will remember in four years. You see, we have a very forgetful society. Shame on everyone who wanted the pretty prize with the bow and didn't look under the lid.

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