Dan Zanoza, Executive Director of RFFM.org, interviews Carl Segvich, a Republican Committeeman in the 11th Ward--the ancestral home base of Mayor Richard M. Daley. Though Richard M. Daley no longer lives in the 11th Ward, his politically powerful brother John Daley still resides in the 11th Ward and is Segvich's political counterpart as the Democratic Party's 11th Ward Committeman.
Segvich discusses what it's like to be a member of the GOP in the city of Chicago, Chicago-style politics, the Chicago way and "pay to play". It is an insightful look into one-party, big city liberal politics which should be an eye-opener for those wanting to learn more about President Barack Obama's political roots.
Carl Segvich is currently serving his first four-year term as Republican Committeeman of Chicago’s 11th Ward. After running for delegate for Jack Kemp to the 1988 Republican National Convention, Segvich didn’t run for public office again until 2003 when he ran for the Chicago City Council – Alderman of the 11th Ward. In 2004, he ran the first time for Committeeman. In 2006, he ran against Mayor Daley’s brother John Daley for 11th District Cook County Commissioner. Segvich continued to increase his vote percentages from the people when he ran for Alderman in 2007. In February 2008, Segvich won and became the 11th Ward’s Republican Committeeman.
Segvich was born and raised in Bridgeport where he still resides. He spends much time as an activist for several conservative causes including defending the unborn, immigration law, capitalism, school vouchers, freedom of religion, respect of marriage and respect of law by prosecuting corrupt politicians.
A former lector and church board member, Segvich is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus.
Segvich worked in the health field at Mercy Hospital, 1995 - 2001. Segvich has worked voluntarily and as paid staff on several political campaigns. He ran and completed six Chicago marathons, 1994-1999.
Volunteer: 1993, Segvich traveled to Bosnia as Member of the Croatian Youth International Corps, counseled and assisted war orphans to shelter during Bosnian War.
Education: Studied political science at Richard J. Daley Community College of Chicago. B.A., Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1985
Carl Segvich -- In His Own Words
Q. Mr. Segvich, you have lived in Chicago your entire life. In fact, you live in the 11th Ward, the ancestral home base of Mayor Richard M. Daley. How did you get involved in politics?
A. At the prodding of a local activist in the neighborhood, I recall conducting a poll in front of a grocery store for Richard M. Daley who was running for state senator. It was the 1970's and I was an unwitting 15 year-old. I had no idea at the time I was helping a spoiled young man who would go on to be an extreme leftist, stunningly selling out his Catholic religion and country by being the most responsible for foisting on us, a conman as President in 2009.
I would go on to learn better. I entered college as a democrat, studied political science and sociology and became a republican. It was the mid 1980s and President Reagan was becoming an American hero, and aldermen actually debated in Chicago.
In 1988 I decided to run for the Republican National Convention as a Jack Kemp delegate. In Mr. Kemp I saw a man who knew how to tackle urban problems and who could continue President Reagan's successful policies for America.
So my political interest was sparked by Chicago city council debates, Jack Kemp, President Reagan and honest professors at University of Illinois. Today Bill Ayers teaches there.
I love politics. It's very interesting to study human behavior as it relates to politics.
The biggest phenomenon that keeps me interested is this: Professed Christians and conservatives painfully and ironically continue to vote for liberal democrats such as Daley, Carol Mosely Braun, Durbin and Blagojevich. I’m interested in stirring them to their untapped courage. I’m interested in fighting the forces of money and clout, for the sake of justice.
Q. As you very well know, Chicago is dominated by the Democratic Machine, but you are a Republican. In general terms, can you talk about some of the challenges you have met as a member of the GOP living in the heart of Democratic Machine country?
A. It’s painful to watch conservatives vote for liberals, because of the false illusion that they “have to”. It’s difficult to get employment (public or private) when you stand for truth. One is not "accepted" if he doesn’t go along to get along. I’ve had many folks tell me, “Carl, you say things that others won’t say” or “You say what everybody else is thinking, but is afraid to say”. This makes me sad because I do not consider myself an extraordinarily brave person; I just say what is on my mind; it’s that easy. So what is so brave about speaking one’s mind? Nothing. The opposite is true: Something is rotten when people don’t speak their mind, especially here in America. Money and power corrupts.
The greatest challenge is fighting for others when they won’t fight for themselves. The world is upside down. You see, this is so important: There are large numbers of people throughout Chicago, not just the 11th Ward, who are Republicans, but just don’t know it or won't show it. The Daley Liberal Democrat Political mafia has demoralized a huge segment of our society. This machine makes you think you must not be honest, and you have to be crooked and pay fealty to the Daleys. As if that isn’t enough, pop culture led by secular media says it’s mean to be Republican and cool to be Democrat.
So, it’s quite challenging to fight a machine that tells society you “have to” and media that says it’s “cool”.
Q. Recently, you ran for 11th Ward Republican Committeeman and won. What are some of your duties as a Committeeman of the 11th Ward?
A. I’m responsible for gauging the people’s opinions on government and politics, and answering with candidates who will be accountable. I’m responsible for recruiting and campaigning for Republican candidates in all offices, from city council to state representative to President of our U.S. of A. It's my duty--along with our precinct captains--to knock on every door and encourage our American patriotic neighbors to vote wisely. It’s my responsibility to organize a political apparatus that will promote the conservative Republican Party, which in turn will promote the greater general welfare of all people and provide for ourselves a better representative government.
Perhaps most importantly, I am responsible for appointing 125 Republican election judges. An election judge is there to protect the very foundation of our republic: honest and fair elections of integrity. Unfortunately, fairer honest elections will take more time to re-introduce to an utterly corrupt Chicago.
I am also responsible for filling vacancies on the ballot. (That too was recently corrupted as my powers were violated by the "machine") I'm also responsible for our Ward's weighted vote to fill Republican offices when they become vacant.
It’s been noted that: The office of Committeeman is the most powerful office in America. While the President is the most powerful man in the world, the committeeman's office is more powerful because of grass-root politics. It determines whose names will appear on the ballot for public office and, what the philosophy and platform will be of the party and candidates. In other words, values and morals.
Right now Illinois is a 1-party state. My job is to make Republicans compete.
Q. During the last election, it was reported there were some election irregularities in your Ward. Can you elaborate about this for RFFM.org's readers?
A. By “irregularities”, we mean illegal activities which occur regularly, election after election in Illinois and more so in Chicago. These “irregularities” must be stopped!
First of all, our election contests between Democrats and Republicans, are run by Democrats. Can we draw any clearer a picture of what is wrong in Chicago, America?! The entire thing is run by Democrats!! Government bureaucrats, whether they work for the state, county or city board of elections are card-carrying members of the Democrat Party. They are card-carrying, dues-paying members of unions which are undeniably, irrefutably and incontrovertibly tied to the Democrat Party. These partisans prepare for months ahead of time, the election process. They put up the booths. They troubleshoot problems on election day. They monitor. They are our “watchdogs”. They take the booths down. They count the votes. Enough said?
At the polling location where folks are hiring the leader of our free world, what have we? We have armies of political activists whose government j-o-b-s rely on that day's election results, passing out palm cards (eg., vote for Joe) in implacably clear violation of election law, ie., less than 100 feet from the voting booth. These amazingly insulting and intimidating cards are often left right inside the booth next to the stylus, for the next voter to view. It’s just another “irregular” violation.
Precinct captains – Democrats of course – inexplicably operate their election day political operation right at the voting table. It is illegal for him to sit at that table! Polling sheets, names/addresses of voters being monitored and cell phone calls being made with precision to get out their favorable voters and to depress the Republican vote.
All day long, food is brought in by “friends” of John Daley, the mayor’s brother and the Democratic Committeeman of our 11th Ward. These boxes are emblazoned “Compliments of the 11th Ward Democratic Party”. Openly displaying “compliments of Democrats” is illegal! It’s electioneering. However, it is visible all day to voters. It’s worth mentioning this food is actually donated often, if not always, by the local intimidated businesses who don’t want an illegal communist-style inspection.
Next, when a voter first appears to vote and his name is located, his name is to be clearly announced out loud. Remember this is supposed to be public and transparent. This happened almost never. There was no sincere safeguard to prevent early voters and absentee voters to vote again on election day.
It's also an old practice for machine apparatchiks to work the nursing homes, escorting completely unaware, barely alive seniors in the voting booth. The Democrats are shameless.
Q. Did you report these violations of election law and who did you report it to?
A. I’ve been reporting these incidents to everyone I can think of for years, before I was Committeeman; namely to the Chicago/Cook Boards of Election, the prosecutors, media and other so-called independent watchdog groups.
Q. What was the response to your report?
A. “We will look into it” is the typical response. The media are partisan democrats. The Cook County State Attorney's office for years has been run by loyal liberal democrat Dick Devine since Rich Daley vacated that seat. I never expected Devine to help me lock up or even confront a political soldier working for his pal Richy and all his fellow liberal Democrats.
As far as the U.S. attorney and some independent watchdog groups, well, I'll give them the benefit of the on-going doubt -- there have been one or two election fraud cases prosecuted through the years. Most “watchdog” groups are painfully liberal.
Q. You didn't receive a response to your complaint until the election was over? It appears there were problems with the system, not only from Democrats, but Republicans as well. Would you agree with this?
A. Absolutely. Our problem is that the Republican Party in Illinois is run by Richy Daley. Yes. That is not a misstatement and Americans need to understand this, because this political cancer is now in D.C.
Daley is a Democrat who is so drunk with power and so entrenched in office (over 38 years in public office) that he, through surrogates, tells the “Republican” hierarchy what to do, and they willingly, cowardly and treasonously acquiesce. The rank-and-file conservatives and Republicans have been sold out by elected “Republicans”. So when I desperately call for help to any given Republican advocate on any given issue, there is no telling who I am talking to, and it is a 65% chance – I’d approximate – that I am talking to a sell-out for the Daley political mob.
As Committeeman, I filled vacancies so that an actual Republican can just run. I mean just run, just be placed on the ballot for state senator and state representative, and guess what happened?! Citing specious paperwork inaccuracies, these Republicans (remember we are in America) were not allowed to contest the Democrats for a seat in our Illinois state General Assembly in Springfield in our Nov. ‘08 election. In other words, Republicans can't run for office! The candidates and I were denied my authority and their right to even be placed on the ballot for an election right here in America. This was from the Chicago Board of Elections' hearing officers (Democrats) instructed by expert Democrat lawyer pals of Democrat Mike Madigan (Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives). We had no Republicans who wanted to appeal this mammoth travesty of justice to a serious court.
I mentioned the important responsibility of appointing Republican election judges. For years here in the 11th ward, Democrat John Daley picks the Republican judges. It happens elsewhere too because again, the Republican “boss” is bought off. Taking my responsibility seriously, I worked hard to appoint bona fide Republicans as judges. However, official misconduct took place at the Board of Elections, and my authority was spat upon. Some appointments were confirmed, but many were illegally denied, and the travesty of justice continues. I could not find real significant help from the Republicans who are supposed to advocate for us, to fight this either.
Q. Even though President Barack Obama was a product of the Chicago Democratic machinery, few Americans seem to be aware of how all consuming the one-Party system is in Chicagoland. Do you think the national media did a good job of vetting Sen. Obama and reporting on the Democratic machine from which he came?
A. No, of course not. It is painfully obvious that there is only one entity more reprehensible than lying politicians in America. American media is repugnant and detestable. They are granted special privileges by our Constitution and they are supposed to be a watchdog for our better well-being. Yet what they are really doing is rooting and cheerleading for the Democrat Party, and strategically and nefariously working to instill modern-radical-liberalism in our culture and destroy our United States of America. These media are largely anathema to Christianity and free-markets. Obama was perfect for them.
It boggles the mind when considering how corrupt the governments of Chicago, Cook and Illinois are. The entirety is run by liberals and Democrats. Republicans--who purportedly are led by Illinois chair Andy McKenna--are actually run by Daley’s Democrat army; ergo, the one-party system. Media know this, but say nothing.
Obama and his manufacturers David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel saw the hugest gaping hole in a strong and free nation of the U.S.A. That hole is called Richy Daley. Emanuel knows what Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx called a “useful idiot”. Axelrod has been managing and forming "useful idiot" Daley for years. Axelrod knows media also; he previously worked for the Chicago Tribune. Per the communist mindset, a useful idiot is a politician who is not very intelligent, but is powerful. To boot, their man Daley had no morals.
When Emanuel wanted a seat in our U.S. Congress, he came to get one from Richy. This here is one big machine story in and of itself that makes the Daleys cringe when told. The Daleys used and abused their patronage armies, including unwitting fall guy Robert Sorich and convict Donald Tomczak and good conservative people from the 11th Ward and elsewhere to help elect the execrable Emanuel who is polar opposite of conservatism. In order to maintain the illusion that they are not dirty liberals themselves in action, the Daleys don’t like to be associated with Emanuel.
Media ignored all this. Media were all too willing to promote the agenda of Axelrod, Bill Ayers, Saul Alynski, Rich Daley and Emanuel. Media ignored Obama’s work to elect Blagojevich our governor in 2006, even as Rod was under suspicion of federal crimes of abusing government power. Media watered down Obama’s extremely suspicious professed religious beliefs. Media ignored Obama’s outrageous associations with defiant bomber Ayers. Media ignored the criminal bombshell of the messiah’s criminal collaboration with Rezko and Patty Blagojevich, and the plum jobs given to Michelle Obama, and the “affordable houses” that were mostly Chicago board-ups and dope-houses.
Media dismissed a huge Obama real-estate scam by accepting his pathetic excuse that “it was a bone-headed mistake I made”. Media have aided and abetted liberal democrats and gullible treasonous republicans into creating a massively liberal 1-party state. The media killed the story of staggering Chicago corruption that runs through Illinois.
Q. Obviously, this is not the first year and you are not the first individual who has encountered this political gamesmanship. What are your prior experiences with the "Chicago way"?
A. Well I’ve had my car window broken days before my election for alderman in front of my house. I suppose that can be considered minor. I’ve had my friends intimidated out of attending my fundraisers. I’ve had other friends harangued for giving me an in-kind donation of office space. That’s serious.
I’ve seen the nefarious Daleys who are loving it and laughing all the way to the bank, continue to get away with small and big abuses of our government power. They dole out OUR jobs, overtime, handicapped parking, zoning, tax-breaks, police protection, liquor licenses and many other lucrative items such as contracts, illegally to pleasure themselves and to empower themselves, at the expense of good, moral and decent American taxpayers and their children and grandchildren. These abuses were used to separate and buy off my life-long "friends". Political gamesmanship may be heart-wrenching to me, but it poisons the entire city. It’s serious.
Not only is the body-politic ruined, but the gamesmanship poisons the religious world. With promise of reward, Rich Daley types have taught the Catholic congregation how to scandalize their church. Examples: Abortion and the homosexual agenda. The Daleys are experts at getting the masses to compromise sacred principles. The alderman is superior to the priest. That’s the Chicago way and the “Catholic” way.
Q. Recently, the impeached former Democratic Governor, Rod Blagojevich, has been at the center of a huge controversy regarding his attempt to sell the vacated Illinois U.S. Senate seat and the political scourge of "pay to play". Did any of the recently revealed allegations surprise you?
A. Of course not. He’s just another narcissistic animal. His crooked political life is intertwined with those of Alderman Dick Mell (his estranged father-in-law), Rich Daley, Emanuel, Obama, Emil Jones and other poor excuses for government such as Jesse Jackson and his openly lesbian lawmaker sister-in-law Deborah Mell.
But shame on voters who elected and re-elected Rod. Now the master plan of the master criminals, along with complicit media, is too blame an entire state of corruption on one crooked man.
Q. Now that we have someone who came right out of the Chicago machine in the White House, do you feel there will be more scrutiny of how things are done in the City?
A. No, not by media. Along with some conservatives who care about law and order, I will continue to expose criminals, but the left is clearly running wild.
Looking at how things have generally been going since the 1950's, and specifically in Chicago since 1989, I don’t see anything changing the trajectory of less and less media scrutiny in Chicago and more oligarchy. The oligarchs include some with subpoena power and most media. Let’s face it, things look dire. We must be willing to fight it.
As far as Obama in our White House, I do think the American Culture War will intensify in some ways, but I don’t see yet how that will translate to more scrutiny on the cesspool of where this fraud hailed from politically – Chicago.
The “dumbing” down of our nation and the apathy of jaded Chicagoans are facts that lend themselves to further downward trajectory and less scrutiny, not more.
Federal agents can change this...possibly. I don't know. We will see. But I will say one thing: Honest scrutiny and honest government can never coexist until Daley is out.
Q. What are your thoughts of Patrick Fitzgerald, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois and the job he has done regarding corruption in the state?
A. I have mixed emotions. Most importantly to me is this: Having a criminal in our Chicago city hall for 19 years and 9 months without getting hand-cuffed and indicted is too long. Fitzgerald has been U.S. Attorney here about 10 years. It is not unreasonable that millions of Americans residing in Illinois are demanding the arrest of Richy Daley for abuse of their public trust. Taxpayers in Illinois do indeed know in their hearts that Richy is a crook who is utterly obsessed with being a politician. Rich has had innumerable scandals such as "not knowing" who hired a young member of the Hispanic Democrat organization to oversee the Hired Trucks scandal, to how his son got a lucrative contract, how his nephew got a lucrative bond deal, to selling a CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) lot to his pal for $1. So, where is the indictment of Daley? Where?!
I live by the motto regarding giving people the benefit of the doubt, so I am forced to accept the notion that Fitzgerald innocently ran into problems of making the people’s case. I give Fitzgerald the benefit of the doubt, but it’s getting old. His handling of Blagojevich is starting to emit a foul odor. I hope I am wrong. Where I know I am not wrong is common sense. In the court of common sense, Rich has obviously sold Chicago in exchange for his seat as illegal mayor.
Illinois is obviously awash in graft. So now we need our paid public servant, Attorney Fitzgerald, to take that common sense evidence and legally transfer it into our federal court of law.
Q. It has become clear there is a problem in the City of Chicago. Some blame this on one-Party government, others say it is the responsibility of individuals to do the right thing. In your opinion, what do you think needs to be done in the City of Chicago to bring about reform?
A. Rich Daley and his brother John Daley need to be arrested, given a fair trial and convicted for the huge crimes of official misconduct, abuse of the public trust, bribery and many more crimes of enriching themselves on the backs of a beaten down demoralized citizenry. Rich can be convicted of many other crimes, such as violating his oath of office by violating the immigration laws of our United States of America. His sanctuary city policy, EXECUTIVE ORDER 89-6 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (SANCTUARY CITY) SECTION 3 is unconstitutional. It is illegal. No one says anything. He is aiding and abetting the quiet “bloodless” war and overthrow of America. No one says anything.
His brother John ran the job-rigging scam for which his fall guy Robert Sorich went to prison. The feds called this City Hall scam a “massive fraud”. Nothing, so far, happened legally with John Daley. Rich was interviewed by the F.B.I., but we the people were told almost nothing about this, and that was 2 ½ years ago.
Yes, we need people to do what is morally right. And we know about the one-party government causing the problem. Yes, these are parts of the problem.
Also, it is crucial that we - somehow - convince all government workers that we reformers are on their side and not against them. We need to support them and convince them that they must not be threatened by the Daley’s holding the patronage hammer over their heads. The workers are to immediately call the “cops” if the Daleys abuse them in any way. City workers are allowed to keep their jobs, get paid well, get promotions and vote Republican. That’s the law. City workers are to be respected, not used as slaves, while Rich flies around the world on our money. It is one of the dirtiest kept secrets -- the average city worker does not like the Daley political animal. The workers are intimidated but again, they must learn to respect themselves, respect their jobs and say "no" to Daley. It is their job, it is not Daley's job. Chicagoans will stand up for the workers, not with power-drunk Daley. Honest conservative government workers must stand up for themselves. They must stop voting for liberal politicians who “hate” them. How deranged is it to have an otherwise tough conservative city worker vote for Obama who makes fun of folks who cling to the Bible and his gun?!
If we are to reform, we must compel ourselves to talk morality over money. We need not only reform. Let's be clear -- we need root-and-branch reform.
Pray tell, where on earth is the Church’s voice?
Q. As a Republican, have you become discouraged in your efforts as someone who believes in something more than political allegiance?
A. A bit, but I bounce right back because I know that fighting the good fight is right and right always wins in the long run. I’m a marathon runner.
The idea of being allegiant to a political party is foolhardy. I am not going to be loyal to frauds such as (former Governor) Jim Thompson or Andy McKenna. In fact, I didn’t vote for George Ryan. It’s principle over politics. Now is the time in America and Illinois that we trumpet morality over money. Morality! Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, taken together, are firm in sober and profound reliance on morality.
I see many Chicago characters who are in our Republican Party for all the wrong reasons. Some do it just to further a career as government workers loyal to the culture of corruption. Some are fiscal conservatives tired of Daley, but are extremely liberal on social issues. They call themselves moderate. It’s another lie. We are witnessing a move by homosexuals gaining huge influence in our Republican Party.
The Republican Party Philosophy is the protection of life from conception to death. We value a traditional American family life style. A man marries a woman. Republicanism is to promote small and efficient government, giving incentive to individuals to be responsible and independent. We take seriously our 2nd Amendment rights.
Our rights are unalienable, as our Declaration states. Most importantly, all our rights come not from President Bush, Daley or Obama, but from God. Governments are to serve people by keeping obstacles out of our way to protect these God-given rights.
Be loyal not to a party, not even to a government, but to God. Be encouraged by your allegiance to sound moral governance, and faith in God.
Q. What are your plans for the future? Will you continue to work against the system in Chicago?
A. What’s happening in Chicago politics is evil. To see evil happening, and do nothing, is like doing that evil yourself.
Political engagement is absolutely necessary, if you have even the least bit of respect for your family, neighbors and self. It is mandatory to not abdicate one’s civic responsibility. It is required of us men on earth to be involved in our political arena. As Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput said, “Good manners are not an excuse for political cowardice".
So I believe it is important to, at the very same time, have good manners and to expose political corruption. It’s vital to work for justice. It is vital to our well-being to contribute to our self-run government. Obviously, it varies from person to person as to how much time and other resources one can contribute. I just plan on staying locally active. It is so important because all our local political actions have a ripple effect upwards to the national and international stages. Remember, all politics is local.
Look at how we pretended not to see Daley’s, Emanuel’s and Blagojevich’s despicable public policies in Chicago. Now look at the conman from Chicago they foisted on us as leader of our free world! We lived the lie. We were in denial. Now we have the hugest abortionist ever as president. This guy is an implacable fraud!
This Chicago system must be fought; it must be fought now and fought hard. Fight with prayer, common sense, a moral compass, intellectual honesty, community organizing, fund-raising, bravery and talking with our neighbors and families. We must open the dialogue. The way the sinful political system works now is to get the masses to not talk about politics! So we must recruit better people of strong moral character, with loud voices, to run for the noble position of public office.
So, yes, I’d like to work against the current system until I can work for a more honest and fairer system, along with our majority of fellow-citizens. That is, a body-politic where publicly elected officials actually serve the public...where politics is about ideology, public policy and good government for every human soul, and not about enriching oneself on our tax dollars.
We all need to work against this system. Working against the system now is more important than ever. Life is oh so short -- just fight the good fight. In the end, truth always wins over lies.
11th Ward Republican Party
Carl Segvich, Committeeman
3110 So. Wells St.
Chicago, Il 60616
[email protected]
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