Friday, April 3, 2009
Media Contact: Thomas Ciesielka, TC Public Relations
Tel. 312-422-1333, [email protected]
*NOTE: Language used below may be offensive to some readers.
Hate Crime Charge Filed over Racial, Religious and Homophobic Slurs in Abortion Controversy
Rockford, IL Abortion Clinic Spawns Controversy in Attack against Peaceful Protesters
(Chicago, Ill.) – On Friday, April 3, 2009, The Thomas More Society filed a Hate Crime charge in an Amended Federal Civil Complaint against an abortion clinic proprietor and ally in Rockford, Illinois as part of an ongoing court battle.
Rockford resident Keith A. Sterkeson verbally attacked Eric Nelson and Kevin Rilott calling Nelson, “A Nigger, a Nigger. You are a worthless degenerate Nigger. Oh, you are a Nigger! You are a degenerate and empty skull, thinking Jesus is going to save you. You’re a Nigger. Your mother was a Nigger.”
To view the verbal assault, follow this link:
"Here, defendant Sterkeson, with support from clinic proprietor Wayne Webster, was spewing forth hateful rhetoric -accusing Nelson of being a ‘half breed’ whose mother was African-American -- on the public sidewalk in a loud and raucous voice.” Stated Tom Brejcha, President and Chief Counsel at the Thomas More Society. “Sterkeson’s uttering such hateful speech against racial minorities, while he was perpetrating violent crimes is precisely what Illinois has condemned as ‘hate crime.’”
On several occasions recorded on video, Sterkeson has hit Nelson and shoved Rillot, calling them “fagots.” Sterkeson went on to say, “You really you are f-ing butt baby, aren’t you? You’re a half breed f-ing Nigger. You’re a half breed Nigger.”
To view additional footage, follow this link:
“Keith Sterkeson regularly harangues Nelson, Rillot and their peers with racist epithets, anti-religious bigotry and homophobic slurs on the public sidewalk outside the Rockford abortion clinic owned by Wayne Webster,” Brejcha said. The amended Federal Civil Complaint alleges that Webster monitors police radio calls and warns Sterkeson to leave the scene when Nelson and Rillot call the police, aiding and abetting Sterkeson.
According to the Illinois Hate Crime statute, someone commits a hate crime when they commit assault or battery for motivated by race, religion, ancestry, gender, and sexual orientation. A Hate Crime is a class 4 Felony for a first offense and up to a class 2 Felony for subsequent offense. The victim of the attack is entitled a civil action for damages, injunction and related relief. The Illinois State Court can award actual damages for both emotional distress and punitive damages.
After viewing the video footage, Brejcha stated, “This is explosive stuff but we mustn't cover it up or look the other way. Instead, the best disinfectant is sunlight. Now that this egregious bias has come so glaringly to light, it must be condemned, punished, and suppressed.”
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Contacts for the Media
Tom Brejcha, Esq., Chief Counsel, Thomas More Society: 312-590-3408 cell, 312-782-1680
Thomas Ciesielka, TC Public Relations: 312-422-1333
About The Thomas More Society
The Thomas More Society is a non-profit, public interest law firm based in Chicago, Illinois. It was founded in 1997 to meet the burgeoning legal needs of the pro-life movement. The Thomas More Society provides legal advice and assistance to those who face harassment, employment discrimination, unjust treatment, civil litigation or criminal prosecution as a result of their pro-life views or their peaceful protest activities. In the last three years, Thomas More Society has scored two decisive victories (8-1, 2003; 8-0, 2006) before the U.S. Supreme Court in representing the named petitioners in the marathon, nationwide federal class action involving use of the federal racketeering (RICO), extortion and antitrust law against abortion protesters (Scheidler v. NOW, 537 U.S. 393, 411 (2003), and Scheidler v. NOW, 125 S.Ct. 2991 (2006)). In addition, the Society has filed numerous 'friend of the Court' briefs in the Supreme Court.
The Thomas More Society draws its name and inspiration from Sir Thomas More (1478-1525), the English lawyer, author and Lord Chancellor who resigned that office on principle, was convicted of treason and put to death by Henry VIII. In addition to the legal representation it provides, the Thomas More Society also recognizes appropriate public policy measures that are intended to protect innocent prenatal human life.
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