by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
"Cap and Trade". The official name for the bill is the "American Clean Energy and Security Act". HR2454 passed in the U.S. House of Representatives late Friday evening, June 26th. The bill--which will be the greatest tax increase in American history--received 219 "aye" votes and 212 "nay" votes. 211 Democrats and eight Republicans voted "yes", 44 Democrats and 168 Republicans voted "no". Therefore, it can safely be said, the votes of eight Republicans may lead to a legislative disaster of the greatest proportions.
The title of the bill is misleading. In reality, the legislation will not benefit the environment. HR2454 is solely designed to further redistribute American wealth, give more control to big government and put the U.S. economy on a path towards total destruction.
The vote was very close because--under close inspection--the so-called "Clean Energy and Security Act" will drastically change the way Americans live into the foreseeable future.
One of those who voted for "Cap and Trade" was Congessman Mark Kirk (Republican--Illinois--10th District). Kirk, whose legislative voting record more closely reflects that of a Democrat, continued his pattern of support for big spending and government irresponsibility.
In essence, HR2454 will require all Americans to pay for a commodity (units of CO2 emissions) which was dreamt up by radical environmentalists. In reality, the beneficiaries of "Cap and Trade" will be well-connected companies and politicians, like Kirk, who have made (and will be sure to make) investments in companies which are advancing misleading promises regarding alternative energy sources. The promise of alternative energy is a reasonable goal. Yet the implementation of such technology is far down the road and individuals, like former Vice-president Al Gore, have already made millions of dollars in what is essentially inside trading by those politically-connected.
In a way, this may sound like a noble cause--from afar. All of us want "clean air", all of us want our nation to be less dependent on foreign sources for our country's energy needs and all of us believe American know-how can help reach these goals.
However, what those who support "Cap and Trade" legislation do not tell us are the facts regarding how the United States and the American public itself will be impacted by a strategy which has been rejected by much of the industrialized world.
The vote leading to the House passage of HR2454 has more to do with putting the United States in an economic straight jacket. The legislation--which, if passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Barack Obama--will lead to the loss of jobs totaling in the millions and result in draconian increases in costs that will drastically effect every U.S. business and citizen. An untold number of businesses will leave the United States in the process, leading to higher unemployment in the short term and this will possibly drive our country far beyond economic recession.
But why would Mark Kirk, a so-called social moderate and fiscal conservative, support such a bill? Perhaps Kirk believes some of the more progressive-leaning members of his district will see him as a visionary. Obviously, Kirk thinks jumping on the (for now--popular) Obama bandwagon will help him politically in an affluent district.
Kirk's "yes" vote regarding "Cap and Trade" should make one thing crystal clear to both Democrats and Republicans who truly care about their country. Kirk's allegiance to political expedience should be a wake-up call to reasonable members of both political parties and the public in general. Kirk must be defeated whether he decides to run as a Republican in the 2010 primary or whether he decides to switch political parties and run as a very liberal Democrat--which his past voting record certainly reflects.
There is a reason the "Cap and Trade" bill was brought to a vote by Democratic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, just before the weekend. Its supporters wanted the bill to fly under the radar of the American public. The less attention paid to what "Cap and Trade" would really mean for our country, the better. This was a bill which needed vigorous debate and transparency. Instead, HR2454 was rushed through the legislative a thief in the night, rifling through the things which make America a great nation. It is a type of thievery which will put more power in the hands of politicians and damage the well-to-do, middle-class and poor.
There have been hundreds of columns reporting on just what "Cap and Trade" will mean to us all. But, for the most part, the left-leaning mainstream media has failed in its charge to accurately report on one of the most important bills in American history.
Most certainly, individuals like Mark Kirk, are aware of the bill's ramifications. Kirk cannot claim he was unaware of what HR2454 stood for. Kirk cannot claim HR2454 adheres to Republican principles of smaller government and less taxation. Therefore, the question must be asked: Why is Mark Kirk in the Republican Party? Better yet, it can be queried: How fast can Illinois Republicans get him out of the GOP?
To see how all members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted on "Cap and Trade", go to:
To read related article, titled "Cap & Trade: Political Alchemy, Economy Buster & Disaster for Poor", go to:
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Can anyone explain how cap-and-trade is better than using the information derived from the TTAPS study (one of the most groundbreaking scientific papers since "the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies")?
Posted by: Michael Ejercito | June 27, 2009 at 04:07 PM
Hi, I like this blog. But....what does RFFM mean? You should post the real name of your organization as well. Margo
Posted by: Margo | January 25, 2010 at 08:48 AM