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August 28, 2009



The use of Kennedy's death to advance the bill is no surprise either. Many of us expected them to do exactly what they did. Just like it is no surprise when the left tries to pull on people's heartstrings to get their way. But I believe that the majority of the American people are waking up to the immature, manipulative tactics that are employed by the left to try to get what they want. I also believe that we are not going to be duped by those tactics any longer nor will we endure their use any longer.

Chip Seiple

Apparently Mary Jo [Kopechne] was unable to attend. GOD, may *she* RIP.


Nancy wrote: "I believe that the majority of the American people are waking up to the immature, manipulative tactics that are employed by the left to try to get what they want. I also believe that we are not going to be duped by those tactics any longer nor will we endure their use any longer."

I agree. I am so tired of the "guilt quotient" being used as if I should feel guilty because xyz=shame on me if I disagree.

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