Editor's Note: Americans are familiar with member of Congress who curry favor with voters and special interest groups through their solicitation of political pork. In recent years, this has become a hallmark of a Congress, some of whose members spend tax payer dollars like there is no tomorrow. U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk recently announced his bid for the U.S. Senate and has come under heavy criticism concerning his vote on Cap and Trade. However, there are stories from inside the 10th Congressional District which may provide insight as to how Mark Kirk governs.
The following submission by Pat Summers represents an inside look at Kirk's 10th Congressional District. The author cites how Kirk used his influence to support his aide, Aaron Lawlor, being appointed to an influential position in local government. Lawlor--with Kirk's backing--helped support a project which many believe was a huge waste of tax payer dollars.
A case of a member of Congress who believes in fiscal responsibility? Or does Kirk embrace the "tax and spend" philosophy which has led to the current fiscal crisis facing our state and nation?
Thoughts from a conservative 10th Congressional District Republican who sees Kirk as the latter.
by Pat Summers
Mark Kirk's aide, Aaron Lawlor, is being groomed for higher office and has just moved into an appointed spot on the County Board. Some years back, the Cook Memorial Library District (Libertyville/Vernon Hills) had an opening on the Board. Numerous older residents, myself being one, put in our applications for consideration. I knew a number of the applicants and any of them would have been quite suitable. Imagine my (and their) surprise to have a college kid, living with his mother, chosen -- "we needed youth representation." At the time, the Board was trying to determine how best to serve the growing population of the District. I thought it was very inappropriate that a kid who didn't pay real estate taxes, with no skin in the game, was given a vote on such matters. Lawlor has been the President of the Board of Trustees. I have to say that he handles himself pretty well in the few occasions that I have attended meetings. Still it rankles to know that Kirk had to have pulled some strings to get him selected.
Lawlor and other allies on the Board, all promoted by the local media, have managed to wrangle a new library for Vernon Hills at huge expense to add some not-really-needed space to the Libertyville site (an expensive sop to Libertyville voters).
They used the unethical method of hoarding money earmarked for operations to gain a margin against which they then issued bonds ("not raising taxes"). It doesn't trouble them that they raised taxes prior to the bond purchase for years by budgeting for funds that were not used for the purpose for which they were raised. If it were not for the fact that the school boards' budgets are so large, the library board shenanigans would have elicited more notice, if the editorials in our local newspapers had made it clear what the scam entailed.
Also, we have a great many people who think that it is only fair that Vernon Hills has its own library. They had a library, it was at the Cook site. It wasn't convenient for them because it was situated slightly north of the center of the district. The new Vernon Hills site is located in the farthest southwest section of the district. No one seems to care that it is inconvenient for anyone living in the north or northeast part of the district who needs a book quickly and it is shelved in Vernon Hills.
As you can see, I'm a bit miffed. I have little regard for Kirk for all the right reasons and not much more regard for his acolyte, Lawlor.
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Kirk is the only member of the House Appropriations committee to have sworn off earmarks, and you try to question his credentials because one of his staffers sits on a board that is breaking ground on a new community library that you don't want?! "All the right reasons"? This is truly farcical. None of that has anything do with the Congressman.
If this is the best the ultra-conservative fringe can drum up to hamstring the campaign of the only Senate candidate with any chance of winning in November and restoring responsibility and honor to our troubled state's disgraced-by-Dems Senate seat, then I am very excited for what promises to be an entertaining primary "battle." :D
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mark Kirk was one of only eight Republicans to help pass Cap and Trade through the U.S House of Representatives. Many believe Kirk's vote on Cap and Trade will doom his candidacy, especially in central and southern Illinois where the coal industry plays a vital role in that region's economy. DTZ
Posted by: Andrew Quinn | August 24, 2009 at 12:48 AM