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August 23, 2009


Andrew Quinn

Kirk is the only member of the House Appropriations committee to have sworn off earmarks, and you try to question his credentials because one of his staffers sits on a board that is breaking ground on a new community library that you don't want?! "All the right reasons"? This is truly farcical. None of that has anything do with the Congressman.

If this is the best the ultra-conservative fringe can drum up to hamstring the campaign of the only Senate candidate with any chance of winning in November and restoring responsibility and honor to our troubled state's disgraced-by-Dems Senate seat, then I am very excited for what promises to be an entertaining primary "battle." :D

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mark Kirk was one of only eight Republicans to help pass Cap and Trade through the U.S House of Representatives. Many believe Kirk's vote on Cap and Trade will doom his candidacy, especially in central and southern Illinois where the coal industry plays a vital role in that region's economy. DTZ

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