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November 10, 2009



This essay is pointless, silly victim nonsense and racial whining.
Serial killers still are predominantly white males.
And I suspect that the reason the press does not report the "fact" that 14% of serial killers are homosexual is that you made it up.


Don't forget the ax murders of Texas and Louisiana in 1911 and 1912. The killer of 49 was never caught, but as he (she?) could move unnoticed through black communities he was thought to have probably been black. These murders helped to define the modern concept of the serial killer, as well as the general appellation "ax murderer" itself.


Acually, 86% of serial killers are heterosexual, so yes 14% is homosexual. I'd say that means nothing however since 14% percent of the population is likely homosexual if you count the amount of closested ones.

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