Major Nidal Malik Hasan, An Islamic Extremist, Goes On Killing Spree In Ft. Hood, Texas
Commentary by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
If you are someone who abides by political correctness, I suggest you not read this commentary. You certainly won't find what I have to say in the mainstream media; even FOX News probably will not address the issue I'm about to discuss.
On Thursday (November 5th, 2009), Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on a murderous spree resulting in the deaths of 13 military personnel and the wounding of 30 others at the time I'm writing this column. If this were the first time a member of the Islamic faith slaughtered his military brethren, we could chalk it up to an anomaly, a story about an individual who "lost it" and struck down his fellow members of the U.S. Armed Forces. However, Hasan's madness is not the first time an Islamic extremist has put his allegiance to a religious doctrine before service to our nation--to which he was sworn.
During the run up to the War in Iraq, a convert to Islam tossed a hand grenade into a tent, killing and wounding those who would have given their lives to protect him. Earlier this year, though not a member of the military, an Islamic convert, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, shot and killed Pvt. William Long while wounding another at a U.S. Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas. And now comes Major Hasan who performed an act of terror which will long be remembered by all Americans.
Of course, Barack Hussein Obama tells us we are not in a war against terrorism. In fact, we are constantly reminded by the President--and a vast majority of the dominant media--that those who adhere to the Islamic faith are peaceful, God-fearing members of society and only a very small contingent of this faith are involved in Jihad against the United States and other "infidels" across the world.
I am sure groups like the ACLU would be the first to call my following suggestion "religious bigotry" and an assault on the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, politicians themselves will chime in to remind the country that what happened at Ft. Hood was the result of a madman and not representative of an entire faith. Well, perhaps this is true. But I do not recall any stories of Hindus who are members of the military going a deadly rampage, targeting fellow servicemen. I also don't recall hearing about Jews from Skokie, Illinois tossing grenades into places where soldiers, Marines or members of the Air Force were gathered. And though I may have missed it, I don't recall reports of an Irish-Catholic from Boston serving on an aircraft carrier who killed fellow sailors.
I think it would be safe to say, none of us would be surprised if another attack on the U.S. military took place at the hands of an individual who believes those who do not share his or her religious beliefs are worthy of death. Therefore, I have a suggestion that any reasonable person should agree with. It's time for the U.S. military to seriously consider the use of religious profiling, especially in the case of those who follow the Islamic faith. What took place in Ft. Hood, Texas on Thursday was certainly avoidable. Hasan has been reported to have made comments regarding America's presence in the Middle East and suggested acts of violence against Americans (both military and non-military) were justified. This should have set off warning bells by those who were aware of Hasan's religious politics. However, nothing was done and now at least thirteen military families will be burying their dead in days to come. And those who were wounded will live with the horror visited upon them by Hasan for the rest of their lives.
America is in a war on terror, no matter what Barack Hussein Obama tells us. While he is dithering over General John McCrystal's request for 40,000 additional troops to help conduct America's counter-insurgency efforts in Afghanistan, soldiers continue to come home to their loved ones in flag-draped coffins. But Obama did pay them respect in a recent photo-op when one family agreed to take a photograph with our Commander-in-Chief at Dover Air Force Base.
I am NOT saying all members of the Islamic faith are potential mass-murderers. But there is a considerable segment of those who practice this religion who believe in Jihad and see a path to Heaven by killing as many members of other religions as possible.
Interestingly enough, the Dept. of Homeland Security issued two reports--since Obama took office--citing social conservatives, including those who believe in the sanctity of life, as potential threats to our nation.
It is time for America to wake up, put aside political correctness and recognize there are those who would and will, if given the opportunity, murder for their faith. I don't believe it would take much of a psychological evaluation to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding members of Islam who are in the U.S. military. The process would not have to be intrusive and, of course, it would not be foolproof. But Islamic extremists get high points from fellow extremists for killing those who have volunteered to defend their nation. It's time to bring common sense into this equation. Otherwise, we can expect more Ft. Hood-type massacres in the future and if we can prevent this from occurring at the expense of hurting someone's feelings, so be it.
Subsequently, before President Obama pushes to allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military, he should get Islamic extremists out.
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Don't worry, the federal government may commit suicide, the Media and press may commit suicide, the political establishment may commit suicide, but the American people will NOT!
Posted by: JQPublic2009 | November 06, 2009 at 03:02 PM
My thoughts exactly!
Posted by: dbellern | November 06, 2009 at 08:02 PM