EDITOR’S NOTE: Dodie Smith, who hails from
What Has Happened To My Country?
By Dodie Smith
What has happened to my country? I ask this question over and over again and the answer gets harder and harder.
I remember a country that once was free. There was truly a sense of community. Neighbors knew each other, helped one another when the need was there and every neighbor knew each child for blocks around and a neighborhood was literally an extended family. A country where fathers retired and there were jobs for graduating sons and daughters to step into--if they wished.
Today our government is giving away our lumber and exporting our mineral wealth for pennies on the dollar to foreign countries. Our steel, our processing plants, our clothing manufacturing, our leather products, even our cattle and hog business, all are now dominated by foreign countries.
Many wonder why our educated young people are walking the streets and causing trouble. The answer is in front of them; we sold out to foreign wants and left our children without a place to enter the work force. In the past, mothers worked, but always had time to cook for their families and helped their children with homework. Parents once set curfews for children.
Today, parents on the whole are more interested in material things, their position in the community, their own lives, trying to live up to the neighbors--like Smith and Jones. Though I have to give credit to those who recognize their place as parents and try to do the best they can, the peer pressure plays a role in parenting which often hinders their judgment in the guidance of their children.
In 1962, we took God and prayer out of our public schools which has led to a lack of moral clarity and the evolution of humanism that has played a harmful role in the development of the character of young people. In 1962, atheist Madelyn Murray O’Hare was successful in removing prayer from public schools and
*In 1963, our President, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. *In 1964, we entered into the Viet Nam War which resulted in the deaths of over 58,000 Americans. *Beginning in the mid1960’s, drugs hit
Some say the sexual revolution (sex, drugs and rock & roll) has enlightened the minds of Americans, but the above clearly seems to indicate the
In the past, families went to church together--whole families…grandparents, parents and children. They sat together and enjoyed the wisdom-filled loving words of God. Parents taught their children to be respectful.
But in the last fifty years, America changed from a melting pot of different cultures who came together to represent a unified country to a culture where we now separate ourselves along racial, ethnic and religious lines. The influx of illegal immigrants who flaunt our laws and depress our economy has led to a country lacking unity and purpose.
Even legal immigration has not given those who enter our country time and encouragement to assimilate into our culture. American citizens have to “Press 1 for English”.
What has happened to the nation that fought two wars to set the world free from tyranny and oppression? A country that had one language, one law, the Constitution, a flag that was respected and an anthem that was loved by all. What happened to a once sovereign nation? What happened to a government that is supposed to protect us, not control our lives? What happened to honest leaders?
We are now electing politicians, instead of statesmen. An elite selfish few push for a one-world government in a quest for power and wealth without limits.
Our government once encouraged its citizens to respect and praise God. But now many in our country condemn God and reject His Word, allowing Him to be shoved into a closet.
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Hello Dodie, Thanks for an article that is sensitive to real Americans. You are so right that illegal immigration is hurting us. But the 60s values are probably the main problem. We need to fight back against those. They were not a natural response of humans tending to be free. Just the opposite. The were imposed or suggested by clever marketing people from top down in a way that makes most feel they arrived at these ideas by themselves.
Posted by: Don Hank | January 01, 2010 at 01:35 AM
Having live through much of the time described here, much of it in the uniform of this once great Republic's Army, I feel that the problem goes back much further. Washington put down the Whiskey Rebellion using troops, Lincoln pretty much killed States Rights, in 1914 control of our money was given to people with special interests. In the 1920s growth of government outlawed vices that give power and money to criminal elements. In the 1930s the government created a system that created a permanent under class, dependant on government support, and owing them re-election. I too remember neighbors taking care of each other, but the people have changed. Since I do not have a time machine, I see little hope of going back.
Article is good.
Posted by: Charlie | January 01, 2010 at 09:34 AM
Excellent article Dodie. I would have added the following:
Over the past decade or two, many, many Americans have dropped out of mainstream Christ-ianity. About 15% of Americans claim no religion!
We wonder why we are failing?
The answer and the truth is Christ-ianity has departed some distance from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles
We understand approximately 70% of Americans claim to be Christ-ians, BUT
only 13% (or less) have memorized or even practice the 10 Commandments, even though the Commandments aren't prefaced with, "IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOD."
Regardless of what mainstream churches are teaching, there exist scores of scriptures advising we learn, memorize and keep and obey God's Laws and His entire way of life. It's your choice America.. Exodus 20:1-17
Upon request, I offer a 10 Commandments logo to be affixed to a mouse pad.
Name and address. [email protected].
Posted by: George A. Campos | January 02, 2010 at 12:43 PM