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December 29, 2009



Disgraceful piece.
Even for a right-winger.
As long as the likes of the writer continue to dominate the GOP, Republicans will wander in the political wilderness for many, many years.

Doug InSanDiego

I am so very tired with this radical, small (2% of the population) group of activists bending the nation to their will. Enough is enough.

Homosexual activists decry people who vote against one of their candidates simply because of their homosexuality, and holler the "bigot" label as fast as the roadrunner can scoot. yet they tend to vote as a block for their gay candidate, regardless of that candidates other credentials and qualifications. All that is important is that they are gay.

This behavior, in my opinion, opens the door for non-homosexuals to fairly vote AGAINST a gay candidate simply because they are gay. In Houston, for example, a gay candidate ran for Mayor; she seemed to have good credentials. Had I been a Houston voter, though, I would have supported her opponent simply because the gay activists already control too much of the Board of Supervisors, and adding a gay Mayor would have given the 2% minority too much clout.

On top of that - I NO LONGER CARE IF THE GAY ACTIVISTS SLUR ME WITH WHATEVER LABEL THEY WISH. This activist group has simply over-reached. No mas!

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