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December 21, 2009



"Trust me, I'm here to help you, I'm from the government."

Colleen Beck

Dear Sir:

I am a 51-year-old female, the top-earning member of a household of three, (I make $17,000.00 per year - 40-hour work week), and a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in 1997, and of course, could not afford health insurance. The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program of Illinois enabled me to receive the treatment needed: a mastectomy, removal of lymph nodes, chemotherapy, and radiation. I'm still at the same job, still making close to minimum wage and I'm currently a Medicaid recipient; no other members of my household are. This pays for the medication necessary as follow-up treatment for my particular illness. That medication (Femara) would cost around $300.00 each month; more than I net weekly. We do not receive food stamps or help from any other government programs. The new healthcare reform is frightning. My family depends on me. I'm unsure whether I understand all of the ramifications of the Health Care Reform, but I DO know there are other people in our country who hold up their end of the bargain, paying taxes, etc. who are in the same position in which I find myself. Hopefully, this Reform isn't genocide in disguise.

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