Brent Rooney is a Canadian researcher and frequent contributor to
For the first time ever there were SYSTEMATIC Reviews of
the premature birth risk of prior induced abortions in 2009.
100% of three (3) (aka 'hat trick') SYSTEMATIC APB (Abortion
Preterm Birth) studies reported that prior surgical abortions
(including 'suction' abortion) elevate future risk of premature
delivery. Honorable Rep. Henry Waxman (Democrat, California)
has been challenged to find (on or before 1 Feb. 2010) a
SYSTEMATIC APB Review that does NOT find that induced
abortions boost preemie risk. Here is that OPEN Letter to
Hon. Rep. Henry Waxman:
4 January 2010
Hon. Rep. Henry Waxman (D, California)
2204 Rayburn HOB Washington DC, 20515
Open Letter to Hon. Rep. Henry Waxman (D, California)
As a Congressman much concerned with the health
of minority women, including Hispanic-American &
Black-American women, you would not want these
women to be subject to elective surgical procedures with
a plausible higher risk of future premature & handicapped
newborn babies. (I am a medical researcher & lead author
of a recent study that revealed that the most common
abortion procedure in the USA, “suction” (i.e. vacuum
aspiration) abortion, has not been safety validated via a
published animal study; URL: ). As one trained
in the law, you are appalled that all “suction” abortions
violate the 3rd principle 1947 Nuremberg Code, since no
animal testing was ever done;
If you, Hon. Rep. Henry Waxman, can identify any 21st
century SYSTEMATIC review of the APB ( Abortion-
Preterm-Birth ) risk that did not find that prior induced
abortions significantly elevate premature birth risk, please
cite that SYSTEMATIC review on or before 1 February
2010. The only published APB SYSTEMATIC reviews
have found that prior induced abortions significantly raise
preterm delivery risk.[8,9,10] It is hardly news to you, Hon.
Rep. Waxman, or us that Hispanic-Americans enjoy a growth
rate not exceeded by any other group. As documented in the
Appendix to this letter, the evidence is absolutely
overwhelming that women with prior induced abortions
(IAs) boost their future risk of delivering premature newborn
babies; the high U.S. 'preemie' rate much concerns the U.S.
Congress. One might think it possible that Hispanic-American
women could be exempt from the APB ( Abortion-Preterm-
Birth ) risk. Professor Michael Ross (UCLA; <[email protected]>)
was lead author of a 1986 study in which 84% of the women
subjects in Los Angeles were Hispanic-Americans (see reference
4 below). One 'Michael Ross' finding was that women with prior
induced abortions had 31% higher relative odds of delivering a
newborn baby prematurely (under 37 weeks' gestation). Thus,
U.S. legislation that funds elective induced abortions will
promote more preterm births for Hispanic-American women.
We are quite confident that you would never want taxpayer
dollars to fund an elective surgery that harms newborn Hispanic-
American babies. (Copy of the 1986 'Ross' study enclosed).
SYTEMATIC APB reviews are the key.
Cc: Dr. Martha Garza (President, Hispanic Alliance for
Life & Family), Shirley S. Wang (Wall Street Journal), Ms.
Magaly Llaguno (Human Life International),
Professor Dr. Michael Ross (UCLA), Senator Dr. Tom Coburn
(R, Oklahoma)
Brent Rooney (MSc)
Research Director, Reduce Preterm Risk Coalition
3456 Dunbar (Suite 146), Vancouver, Canada V6S 2C2
Email: [email protected]
Fewer Brain Damaged Hispanic-American Newborns Possible
(Brent Rooney (MSc; fullterm40@gmail ))
In under 20 minutes a young pregnant Latina woman can
double her future risk of a brain damaged newborn baby. Premature
babies face higher risk of CP (Cerebral Palsy), autism, epilepsy,
mental retardation (all brain damage injuries). Newborns under
28 weeks' gestation have 129 times the CP risk; those born before
32 weeks face 55 times the CP risk as fullterm (i.e. at least 37
weeks) babies.[Himpens, 1] A surgery never proven safe on animals,
as evidenced by published animal studies, is being performed on
pregnant Hispanic women in the United States.[Rooney, 2] This
surgery boosts a woman's future risk of delivering a premature baby.
[Murphy, 3] Dr. Deirdre J. Murphy explains:
“Induced abortion has been associated with very preterm delivery (<33 weeks) in the French regional EPIPAGE study (OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.0)[27] and this was confirmed by the International EUROPOP study across ten European countries. [28] The strength of association increased with decreasing gestational age and was consistent across countries with varying rates of induced abortions. The increased risk included idiopathic preterm labour, preterm premature rupture of membranes and antepartum haemorrhage, but not maternal hypertension indicated delivery. In a high-risk population of American women a previous second trimester delivery or termination before 20 weeks was associated with pre-viable premature rupture of membranes or labour (14-25 weeks)[29].” [27, 28, 29 are references #s in Murphy's article, NOT reference numbers in the Appendix you are reading]
In 2009 two SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS & combined data (i.e. 'meta-analysis') studies confirmed the APB (Abortion-Preterm-Birth) risk.[8,9]. The October 2009 'Shah' study was published in the prestigious British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.[8]
In the U.S. “suction” abortion is the most frequently performed induced abortion surgery. Perhaps, “suction” abortions pose no future 'preemie' risk for Hispanic women. In 1986 UCLA Professor Michael Ross at al. reported on 22 potential 'preemie' risks (e.g.s. cigarette abuse, anemia, prior urinary tract infection).[Ross, 4] Hispanic women dominated this study, comprising 84% of the subjects from the Los
Angeles, California area. Ross reported that women with prior induced abortions significantly raised their preterm delivery odds by a relative 31%.[Ross, 4]
In addition to 'MACE' (Mental retardation, Autism, Cerebral palsy,
Epilepsy) risk preterm babies face higher odds of blindness, deafness,
respiratory distress, infections, etc.[Behrman, 5] “In 2005, 23.9% of all
U.S. births were Hispanic babies, compared to 15% in 1990.”[Hamilton,
6] Thus, the 'bottom line' is:
Fewer Induced Abortions Means Fewer Damaged HISPANIC Newborns
When the American public wakes up to the ABD (Abortion Brain
Damage) risk in 1-3 years, will a political party that opposed elective
abortion benefit or will a party that defended & publicly financed
elective abortions benefit? (I am a medical researcher with a special
focus on premature birth risk factors. The 2003 review study by Brent
Rooney (MSc) & Byron Calhoun (M.D., MBA) led to Texas warning
women about the abortion-preemie risk. Some of the woman warned
are Hispanic-American women in Texas.[7])
1 Himpens E, Van den Broeck C, Oostra A, Calders P, Vanhaesebrouck P.
Prevalence, type, and distribution and severity of cerebral palsy in
relation to gestational age: a meta-analytic review. Developmental
Med Child Neurology 2008;50:334-340
2 Rooney B, Calhoun BC, Roche L. Does induced abortion account for racial disparity in preterm births, and violate the Nuremberg Code?J American Physicians Surgeons 2008;13(4):102-104
[ URL: ]
3 Murphy DJ. Epidemiology and environmental factors in preterm labour. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstretrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(5):773-789
4 Ross MG, Hobel CJ, Bragonier JR, Bear MB, Bemis RL. A Simplified Risk-Scoring System For Prematurity. American J Perinatology 1986; 3(4):339-344 URL:
5 Behrman RE, Butler AS, Alexander GR. [Book] Preterm Birth: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention. National Academies Press 2007
[ URL: ]
6 Hamilton BE, Minino AM, Martin JA, Kochanek KD, Strobino DM.
Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: 2005. Pediatrics 2007;119(2): 345-359
7 Rooney B, Calhoun BC. Induced abortion and risk of later premature births.
J Amer Phys Surg 2003;8(2):46-49 [ URL: ]
[The only SYSTEMATIC published reviews of the Abortion-Preterm-Birth risk of surgical abortion ever published (all between February 2009 and November 2009), all reporting higher risk premature birth risk for women with prior induced abortions:]
8 Shah P. et al. Induced termination of pregnancy and low birthweight and preterm birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis BJOG 2009;116(11):1425-1442
9 Swingle HM, Colaizy TT, Zimmerman MB, et al. Abortion
and the Risk of Subsequent Preterm Birth: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis. Journal Reproductive Medicine 2009;54:95-108
10 van Oppenraaij RHF, Jauniaux E, Christiansen OB, et al.
Predicting adverse obstetric outcome after early pregnancy events
and complications: a review. Human Reproduction Update
Advance Access 7 March 2009;1(1):1-13 [ URL: ]
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So........along with killing the BABY the mother has been damaged emoitionally, as well as physically. Population control. If we can just convice one you woman that murder is the best option for her and the unborn baby we can damage her womb and prevent innumerable further births. Look into this a little further. I believe the original thought on this was to sterilize black women. Take a look
Posted by: R. Jean Cohoon | January 09, 2010 at 07:28 PM