by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
On Monday, January 25th, Special Report on the FOX News Channel ran a story reported by Steve Brown. The piece was extensive by network news standards. Brown's analogy of Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts to what's going on in the U.S. Senate race in Illinois ran for roughly two minutes and forty seconds. That's a huge piece in journalistic standards, especially when FOX's Special Report is a one-hour program. If you take out time for commercials and the two panel discussions which take place at the end of the broadcast, this leaves little time for the presentation of hard news which Special Report falls into.
The FOX News journalist suggested U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-10th-IL) may be the recipient of a ground swell of grass roots support in Illinois in his bid to secure the nomination in the GOP's U.S. Senate primary and in the general election in November. Wrong! That ain't gonna happen. A Massachusetts-type Scott Brown victory is not going to take place in Illinois. If FOX had done their homework regarding Kirk--which obviously they did not--they would realize the political climate in Illinois regarding Kirk's candidacy is toxic.
Here are some facts about Kirk. He is a pro-partial birth abortion supporting, anti-gun voting, homosexual rights supporting, Cap and Trade voting, opponent to traditional marriage candidate. Kirk makes Scott Brown look like a candidate hand picked by the John Birch Society. The truth is Kirk is being forced to spend some of his huge campaign war chest to fend off pro-family candidates in Illinois--many of whom have little money. They are, in alphabetical order: John Arrington, Patrick J. Hughes, Donald "Don" Lowery, Andy Martin and Kathleen Thomas. If Kirk happens to win the GOP primary, these people will not storm the barricades in their support of Kirk against his Democratic opponent in November--no matter who that may be. In fact, there is a likely possibility, if nominated, Kirk's opposition in the general election would be better on the social issues than Kirk.
It is certain the establishment media in Illinois is backing Kirk--for now. You see, if Kirk wins the Republican Party primary on February 2nd, this same media would attack him relentlessly, even though he embraces many of their values. What would be stealthfully addressed by the left-leaning press and his Democratic opponent? I'm sure the first subject they would tackle would involve questions regarding Kirk's possible closeted homosexuality. Sure, I know, Kirk gave some sort of flimsy denial to the Associated Press, but if anyone thinks this issue has been swept under the rug, think again. And then there's Kirk's close relationship with his former Republican colleague Mark Foley (FL) who resigned from the House of Representatives in disgrace due to his penchant for seeking out relationships with underaged male Capitol pages. Kirk had to know what was going on and did nothing to expose a pedophile who was slithering through the halls of Congress.
But here's one more interesting tidbit. Kirk obviously believed the primary race would simply be a walk in the park. However, on Tuesday (Jan. 26th), Kirk conducted what had to be a highly expensive teleconference with likely Republican voters from central Illinois. Participants were allowed to ask uncensored questions, including queries about Kirk's vote for Cap and Trade and his subsequent flip flop on this issue when he was criticized after being handpicked by the state and national GOP establishment to make a run for the U.S. Senate. Some national leaders, including Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele, later backed off from their early endorsement of Kirk. This teleconference had to cost a mint. The operative question is why did the Kirk campaign feel the need to keep spending precious cash in the run up to the Illinois primary?
By the way, Kirk conducted a poll during the teleconference and revealed the results to those listening in. Near the end of the call, Kirk asked if those on the line would vote for him. However, he did not release those results. Hmmm.
Kirk is also running ads across the state where he touts his phony military missions OVER Kosovo, Iraq and in Afghanistan. Do they have a Club Med in Afghanistan? It is impossible to believe Kirk, as a sitting Congressman, was ever in harm's way during any of these so-called missions to defend America from its enemies.
Roger Ailes, FOX's CEO, needs to make sure his network is not advancing a moderate-style Republican political agenda. But FOX News did it before when they tried to shove former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney down the throats of conservatives. After the Romney campaign fizzled, FOX jumped on the McCain bandwagon and poof! Barack Obama is President of the United States and our country is in the greatest jeopardy since the Civil War because of Obama's policies.
Cut the bull, FOX. Let's try to stick with the fair and balanced thing. I hope you remember this phrase because it is your motto, isn't it?
NOTE TO STEVE BROWN: Do better homework in the future.
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Combine/melting pot. The more I know about politics.....poly tics. The more I despise the politicians. What about plain ol honor?
Posted by: R.Jean Cohoon | January 28, 2010 at 08:12 PM
Sad that we can not get the National GOP or any of the media to look at real issues for the voters of this state. Tired of half a loaf candidates, even when we can find one.
Posted by: Charlie | January 31, 2010 at 12:43 PM