OP-ED by Kathleen Thomas
Let me first explain that I believe the family is the foundation of society. I also believe that the traditional family is being attacked on all sides. As a mother, a grandmother and American this is of great concern to me.
I unashamedly say that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman and that laws should not distort this fact. I believe in human dignity and in treating others with respect. All Americans are entitled to the same civil rights. These include hospitalization, medical care, fair housing, employment rights, and probate rights; but marriage is not a civil right. There needs to be a balance between the rights of individuals to lead their lives, free from government interference, and the rights of society to encourage or discourage various forms of social interaction they deem in the best interest of that society.
I believe that human life begins at conception and that life at all stages should be respected. As a United States senator I will vote “no” to any federal funding of abortions. I will also oppose any federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
The family is under attack as the government usurps parents’ right to educate their children in a manner they see as best, whether that is home school, private school or public school. As a former school board member I am keenly aware of the impact that federal mandates like the No Child Left Behind Act have on education. The Federal Government’s one-size-fits-all approach lowers overall educational standards and overloads teachers, administrators and school budgets. I want to see schools returned to local control where parents and communities can decide what and how their children will be taught and where teachers’ hands can be freed to educate their students.
The tax burden on families is heavy and, under the current administration, is becoming heavier. Families can ill-afford the spending spree happening in Washington. Government bailouts and bills like the healthcare bill can only be paid for with increased taxes. The Cap and Trade bill before congress will result in increased prices on nearly everything we purchase. Every tax imposed on banks and corporations results in us, the consumer, paying higher fees and prices, chipping away at the family dollar even more. I will work to alleviate the tax burden by voting “no” to irresponsible spending and tax increases and I will work to lower the taxes already in place. In the words of Ronald Reagan, we must “Stop Feeding the Beast”.
The Federal Government should have limited powers as prescribed by the Constitution. It must protect us and our borders by means of a strong and well-equipped military. Today that also means protecting us from terrorists whose goal is to destroy America. The Federal Government is also obligated to protect our civil rights, including our Second Amendment right, as prescribed by the Constitution. Congress is failing us in these responsibilities. We must elect conservative legislators who understand that everything that is decided in Washington impacts families. We must elect legislators who will work to keep the traditional family intact so that our nation will continue to rear generations of strong leaders who will fight to maintain the liberties we have.
Please consider me, Kathleen Thomas, as the senator you want in Washington representing you and your conservative values.
Kathleen Thomas for United States Senate
[email protected]
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