by Lyle J. Rapacki
Statement of Purpose:
The content of this paper is deliberately intended to stimulate thought and discussion. Informational analysis comprising global security, national security of the
A clock is ticking…prior to the clock striking the preverbal midnight, will the 2010 elections arrive and usher in a sweeping repudiation of Obama, the elites in Congress – both Houses, and undo the financial calamity that continues to morph and ooze across America; or will the economic miasma bring even further disastrous consequences and severely erode national sovereignty so a New World Order, a One-World Government with its’ own new currency be no longer speculative or a theory, but a reality. A clock is ticking, and for many folks time is quickly running out as they wait desperately for a rescue. Our Nation’s security, lead standing in the world and sovereignty are also hanging in the balance.
There is a political dimension to a nation’s economy. There also is a philosophical and moral dimension, and you can not separate these from any economic discussion. The economic policies of Obama and his crowd are clearly opposite of the economic policies of a Ronald Reagan, who, arguably, was the last President of the United States who understood free-enterprise and the development of capitalism. President Bush (given his background in business) should have demonstrated more respect and understanding of basic economics, and the belief in small business as a backbone to a healthy economy, but on his watch, toxic debt began to accumulate, balancing a budget ceased to be a priority, and the floodgates to unchecked spending began to open. What occurred to alter his political compass; what, or who, influenced his philosophy?
When a society faces a strong even overwhelming financial crisis like 1929, or when Jimmy Carter was President in the late 1970’s, or presently, there are two time tested strategies in responding: Allow the free market to soar and reignite the economy – Reagan accomplished this quite successfully. Or…throw a lot of federal money at the problem, and empower the state to become all invasive. Socialism leading to Marxism follows the latter response. There are some short-term benefits with the state’s all-reaching involvement; namely, quicker response to damage by those in or facing bankruptcy. The state-run bailouts, however, create long-term dependence, inequities across the board, and actually feed the flames of poverty.
The “change” Obama and his supporters in Congress are creating are coming so rapidly they can barely be seen, and when you can’t see that which is coming at you, you can’t prepare yourself; you can not get out of the way. We had drilled into us as children stay in school, get a high paying job, save your money for a house, and invest everything else in a diversified portfolio of stocks and mutual funds. Most people can not tell you why they did this; except to say, this is the right way to save, the right way to develop financial security.
The moral political compass has been changed; a new and repressive political philosophy has been introduced, and our Nation’s economy is forever changed – just what Obama promised when he was a candidate. We just didn’t get it, and many today are still not getting it. People are stuck in denial as to the political winds that are blowing…winds that are bringing a storm and tidal wave the likes not yet seen in our country. Because the economics of politics ushering in a New World Order and One-World Government are banging at the doors of the United States.
Systematically, calculatedly businesses, jobs, and industries became obsolete! Overnight! Did you see it coming? Did those directly impacted by the close of their business or industry? Those jobs are lost, and it appears forever. What happened with, “stay in school…get a good job…save your money?”
From the beginning of December, 2009, just over a month now, I had three professional financial investment consultants tell me how well the economy is beginning to percolate, and how the prospects in the coming months are even greater!
Prepare for Bad Times Ahead…DO NOT expect this government to help you without suffocating strings attached to their help…Prepare for Bad Times Ahead, and if I am wrong, you will have positioned yourself well and will benefit greatly. If I am correct, you will be positioned to weather the storm gathering strength just off the coast.
Reasons for Concern:
1. Taxes will be rising – on just about everything, probably including your children’s lemonade stand this summer. The elites have printed more money that is not backed by anything except a whim and a prayer, and prayer is about to be outlawed. Our Nation has created so much “magical money” we will not be able to pay it off. So…tax, tax, tax to give the appearance the government is attempting to close the massive deficits. Taxes punish the producers, the businesses that stimulate an economy. Reagan knew this, Obama could care less. Watch for growing “mob mentality” to punish the rich; those folks who pay taxes, own a business and create jobs, they make charitable contributions of all sorts, big and small. The Super Rich who party with the politicos and the elites, and who are elites themselves, will remain untouched.
2. The
3. Entire industries have died. Remember the savings and investment strategies the majority followed? Well…many folks depended on the dividends paid by large companies historically considered “blue chip” investments. GE cut its dividend by 68% and JP Morgan by 86%. This means if you are a retiree living on $1,000 a month from GE’s dividend, today you’re receiving $320 instead. JP Morgan, you’re living on $140 rather than $1,000.
4. China, Russia, Saudia Arabia are all threatening to abandon the U.S. dollar as the world’s recognized reserve currency. Interestingly, they all “own” a piece of
6. Unemployment continues to rise. During the Great Depression of the 1930’s and early 40’s, the unemployment rate was 24%. We are close…and the numbers do not reflect those who are underemployed or who have just given up.
7. Technology is replacing employees. This will add to unemployment.
8. Most college grads are obsolete upon graduating. Our educational system is still not preparing graduates for the changed marketplace. Frugality has become “OK” and is even necessary. For 30-years, purchases of the latest styles were “in”. People went into debt to look cool with all the latest styles and toys. No more. Money is not there…this will only add to the economic crisis.
9. Commercial real estate is about to experience a tsunami; offices and shopping centers are becoming vacant at alarming rates. This will further pull down local and state economies, and create even more fear and lack of confidence – not to mention additional layoffs. This coming crash will represent a $1-trillion hit to our Nation’s economy. Very serious situation developing here.
10. We have generations of Americans who have never experienced a serious, long drawn-out decline. If a person is only used to an expanding economy, that person is not prepared for a life in a deflating or hyperinflating economy. Psychologically, emotionally, supply-wise, people are not prepared to weather an economic storm still gathering strength off-shore.
11. Television and newspaper advertising is way down. The ripple effect from this will further create problems for local and state governments, charities.
12. Baby boomers are beginning to retire and collect Social Security and other benefits. They will learn that these benefits are not at all what has been promised…this will leave new retirees even more vulnerable. 78-million Baby boomers are coming onto the scene.
13. Pension plans are in serious jeopardy of going broke. There also are plans to convert those pensions that do not disappear into a new form of social security from which ALL can benefit.
14. Jobs have been “out sourced” to nations with cheaper labor pools. The “spread the wealth around” philosophy has already created a divide between the haves and the have-nots; the rich and the poor, and the middle-class of
I pray I am wrong. I pray you will be able to tell me so by the end of this year. I WILL apologize, publicly. But if I am correct how will you respond to what I have reported? Are you prepared…even if only half of what I have stated is true, will you be affected? How? Could you withstand even a half-hit of my assessment? DO NOT depend on the government to fix the crisis we are still experiencing. They are creating it, even more so but quietly and away from public notice.
On Christmas Eve, the Congress of the
The past year witnessed the Federal Government financially prop-up
We are witnessing the paying-off of campaign debts at the expense of all of us. This is no longer an economic crisis. It is a crisis in lack of moral leadership on both sides of the aisle; Republicans and Democrats who would rather pay-off interest groups or keep other vital groups happy and content for re-election purposes; all at the expense of small business, “Joe the Plummer,” you and me, our children, and our children’s children. A travesty in
Prepare for another economic storm, an even bigger one than what we have withstood. Prepare to fend for yourself. Prepare, with neighbors, to band together to provide for one another just like we saw during Katrina. Prepare yourself emotionally for some rough days and experiences foreign to the American way of life, as we have known her. What steps do you seriously need to take if I am correct? Even if I am only half correct in this report, can you withstand the fallout? Please…please don’t remain in a slumber state. Please don’t remain in a state of denial. If nothing else, talk to your family from a hypothetical standpoint about this information. Ask them, and yourself, “What if?”
Independent Intelligence Analysis
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Before the election that ushered in the so called Anointed one; Obama for president, I did alot of research on the candidates. Normally I vote Republican, I am very conservitive, Pro-life etc. but I do want the best man for the job. The information I came up with was not good on Obama. There were too many unanswered questions. He affilliated with the wrong kind of people. He lacked experience and had no military background. There were so many no, no, no's when asked does he this or did he that or has he this or has he that the answer always came up well no.... Then the real clencher came. I found out that Obama voted three times while in the Senate againt funding hospitals with money for Botched abortions. These babies who came out alive instead of dead, who possibly could of lived if their injuries wern't too bad, if given care, food, water, med's etc. were placed on towels on tables in back hospital rooms and left to cry themselves to death.I thought Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton were hard hearted. This is beyond them all. I believed from that point on that Obama was Evil. I didn't trust him. I believed that his agenda was to ruin the United States financially first (the bailout and Healthcare) to get us in a weakened position. To purpousely do stupid things that a President shouldn't do,in meeting with other countries to make the United States look weak and foolish. Getting the US into a Socialist Country where the government is in control is his way of preparing us for the New World Order.We will be dependent on the other countries as part of the New World Order because we will no longer be a super power. I believe he has been in training for the Leader of the New World Order and when the time is right he will take over.That has been his one goal all along. A Universal government He does not care about the United States as itself. Only as part of the Euopeon Union that he will run. Thank you, Debra Nice
Posted by: Debra Nice | March 24, 2010 at 03:12 PM
First of all, i would love to agree with you on that last paragraph. Let me give you a name for your theory though. Cloward-Piven strategy. It is named from the two fore runners of this strategy, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The name of the game is organized chaos. Cloward and Piven are two widely known and very open socialists that Obama was very involved with in his time in Chicago as a social activist on the south side of town. They believed that if you could get a government to overload itself or walk itself into a trap, a market crash or band failing epidemic, people wouldn't know where to turn. They would become angry and displeased with their government and try to overthrow them or threaten them if they didn't change. At this point in our story, along came a spider. He was a young student fresh out of Columbia grad school for law. He thirsted to become an activist, leading the way for change. Cloward and Piven wasted no time in deciding that this spider would become their tool. In the frantic state the US was in, we reached out for this change blindly and unknowingly in a desperate cry for help from this now presidential canidate, Barack Obama. I know why we did it. We were scared. We didn't know where else to turn. But what will the cost be for our silent submission to the signing of another trillion dollars in debt or the signing of a ludicris health bill? I'm afraid we may reap what we have sown in the upcoming years. And furthermore, i do not expect it to be pretty.
Posted by: Darryl Grammer | May 21, 2010 at 12:02 AM