by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
Isn't it great? The left-leaning Rich Miller of Capitol Fax cares so much about Illinois Republican state Sen. Bill Brady's gubernatorial campaign, Miller gave Brady advice on how to win in the general election, using something called a "second language." See Southtown Star article by Miller: Brady needs to learn a second language:,021510miller.article Even more special is the fact Miller had two of his interns "scour" Sen. Brady's voting record to find the things Miller likes and what he doesn't.
I don't have any interns, but I'd like to ask Mr. Miller how he works that out, as well as receiving hundreds of dollars per year from numerous Illinois legislators who receive his super-duper, "by subscription only" reports on Illinois politics. It must be nice. It's evident Miller's a good businessman. I'll give him that, even though the further you read down Miller's Southtown Star column, the more convoluted his piece gets.
But let's get back to the point of Miller's column. In essence, Miller was saying Brady's voting record was far too conservative for Illinois voters. I suppose Mr. Miller forgot about then-state Sen. Peter Fitzgerald--who was just as conservative as Brady--who defeated incumbent Carol Moseley Braun in 1998 for the United States Senate. But all because Miller authors Capitol Fax that doesn't mean facts like this should get in the way of his argument. You see, something's are all in a name.
So, let's look at some of the votes Miller doesn't like which were found by Miller's "interns". Gosh, I sure like that intern thing, but I digress.
"Sen. Brady is 100 percent pro-life." Oh, my goodness! Brady actually believes life begins at conception and the innocent unborn should be protected in their mother's womb? How dare he?
Miller also wrote, "Brady sponsored legislation that allowed pharmacists to refuse to dispense emergency contraception based on their religious beliefs." Wow, that's out there, too, ain't it? I suppose Miller would want Catholic pharmacists to go against their faith by dispensing contraceptives, according to this advice he is passing along to Sen. Brady. Again, interesting.
Miller's "interns" found that Brady, "sponsored legislation to ban the use of state funds for stem cell research." Oh my! I think Mr. Miller's "interns" left out the word "embryonic" in that sentence. But maybe they don't know the difference because they're only "interns". Plus, by now, the Capitol Fax guru must know the use of embryonic stem cells in medical research is not necessary because it has been proven adult stem cells work just as well. Finally, why should the state pay for any of this research when private companies, including big Pharma (which Mr. Barack Obama has cut numerous deals with) can afford it.
Brady "voted against the statewide smoking ban," again, according to the diligent research conducted by Miller's minions. Excuse me, but isn't smoking still legal? The full blown nanny state isn't here yet, Mr. Miller.
There's more, but here's the topper. Bill Brady is against homosexual marriage and civil unions. Hmmm. This should disqualify Brady for political office automatically, according to Mr. Miller's political playbook.
In conclusion, while perusing the things Miller doesn't like about Brady's legislative voting record, I felt all the better about the state Senator from Bloomington. Brady, the presumptive winner in the Illinois GOP gubernatorial primary, should stick to his guns and put Mr. Miller's advice in the garbage along with today's newspaper. Hey, that's where Miller's column is ... in today's paper. What a coincidence.
Here's some advice from me to Sen. Brady. Don't take any advice from Rich Miller, if you want to become the next governor of Illinois.
And here's my advice to Rich Miller. Give your thoughts for political success to Democratic Governor Pat Quinn. You and Quinn speak the same language...For English, press 1.
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