by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
In the last week, I received e-mails from a number of individuals regarding past votes by presumptive Illinois Republican gubernatorial nominee state Sen. Bill Brady. The e-mails included information which was taken from a liberal blog called The Chicago Lampoon (CL) which features a photo of comedic actor Bill Murray. The information within the e-mails I received concerned Brady recently introducing a bill to deny illegal immigrants state mortgage assistance. Now that sounds like a good thing, doesn't it? But the e-mails I received were not meant to paint Brady in a positive light. The information within these communications were pulled from a blog which would like Brady to lose the general election in November, if he is indeed ever designated as the GOP's nominee for Governor.
For the purposes of full disclosure, the CL blog also included facts regarding Brady's past votes on illegal immigrants which would not be seen as favorable by some conservatives. Obviously, the info posted was meant to harm Brady's ability to garner the conservative vote.
From the CL website: "The bill was referred to the nether regions of the Committee on Assignments, where, given the Democrat majority in the State Senate it is almost certain to never see the light of day." The operative question here is: Can Brady be blamed that a Democratic-dominated General Assembly is tying to bury his bill? The Chicago Lampoon would like you to think that. However, there's something more troubling going on here. Why is this information being circulated by so-called pro-family Republicans?
After participating in and watching political campaigns in Illinois for 20 years, I know the answer regarding this question and it will no doubt happen in other states as well. When more than one conservative runs for the same office in a Republican primary, a type of cult of personality begins to develop. I saw this happen before. I was a part of it and it's not healthy. Individuals become so enamored with their candidate, if that individual loses, they have a difficult time transitioning their support to someone who previously was their opponent. Even though state Sen. Bill Brady is 100% pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, a supporter of traditional marriage and a fiscal conservative to boot, these individuals still are reluctant to support him. They will look for minutiae and, in essence, throw away the issues they care about, in order to soothe the pain they suffered from their candidate's defeat in the primary. This is why many say, "Republicans eat their own."
Of course this fits in well with the divide and conquer strategy which was skillfully developed to help defeat pro-family conservatives. Unfortunately, those who indulge in the cult of personality type politics play right into the hands of the Democrats. Sadly, the information which was clearly meant to damage Brady found its way on to GOPUSA Illinois, eight days after it was first posted on CL. It appeared on Dave Diersen's site (Feb. 22nd) because it was being circulated by disgruntled supporters of one of the Republicans who Brady defeated. I won't name these individuals or their candidate because it wouldn't serve the greater good of the pro-family movement, but this kind of sour grapes politics has to stop. There are those who believe socially conservative candidates cannot win general elections in Illinois. When this type of behavior takes place, we prove them right.
The important fact is Brady proposed a bill (SB3457) that was right on target regarding illegal immigrants. He should be applauded, not lampooned for his legislative action. There is an alternative. Those who supported Brady's opponents in the Republican primary can continue to undercut his chances at victory in November. In that case, incumbent Pat Quinn (Democrat) will win the general election. As Governor, he will sign bills that will increase taxation, support abortion rights, call for greater gun control and promote special rights for homosexuals. It's your "choice".
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I beg your pardon sir, we are all adults here...including Senator Bill Brady. He IS absolutely responsible for his voting record.
To be upset that his voting record on illegal immigration was exposed is absolute nonsense. Yes, Bill Brady will be 100 percent better than Pat Quinn, but it gives voters the opportunity to press Bill Brady about his votes and get some promises from him about his future votes. Senator Bill Brady went around to all the Governor debates saying he opposes illegal immigration. Well now that he is gonna be our candidate let's hold his feet to the fire, LIKE VOTERS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! If you or Senator Bill Brady is ashamed of his voting record, then change it! Mr. Brady PLEASE VOTE PRO-AMERICAN, Vote and pass E-Verify, recind IN-State tuition for Illegal aliens and Promise us NO DRIVERS CERTIFICATES for illegal aliens and the Minutemen will support you! Do whats right for AMERICAN TAXPAYERS who foot the bill for free services for illegal aliens in Illinois at the tune of 4 BILLION dollars a year!!
Posted by: Rosanna Pulido | February 23, 2010 at 10:51 AM