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February 22, 2010


Rosanna Pulido

I beg your pardon sir, we are all adults here...including Senator Bill Brady. He IS absolutely responsible for his voting record.

To be upset that his voting record on illegal immigration was exposed is absolute nonsense. Yes, Bill Brady will be 100 percent better than Pat Quinn, but it gives voters the opportunity to press Bill Brady about his votes and get some promises from him about his future votes. Senator Bill Brady went around to all the Governor debates saying he opposes illegal immigration. Well now that he is gonna be our candidate let's hold his feet to the fire, LIKE VOTERS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! If you or Senator Bill Brady is ashamed of his voting record, then change it! Mr. Brady PLEASE VOTE PRO-AMERICAN, Vote and pass E-Verify, recind IN-State tuition for Illegal aliens and Promise us NO DRIVERS CERTIFICATES for illegal aliens and the Minutemen will support you! Do whats right for AMERICAN TAXPAYERS who foot the bill for free services for illegal aliens in Illinois at the tune of 4 BILLION dollars a year!!

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