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February 13, 2010



Isn't that just so special... Wonder why Obama and his friends hate FOX so much, when so often FOX supports his views? As to the "Don't Ask Don't Tell policy." it was designed to put a foot into the door for later. I am not an expert, but did serve in the army over 25 years. The uniform Code of Military Justice would have to remove many of its current regulations to allow the new goals. Military life styles and traditions have deep roots. I have served with those who have other life styles, but the military is not a place to be a missionary for them.

Beth Rogers

People who have a sex change are masquerading around as counterfeits. The government should not condone counterfeit behavior and tax payers should not pay for it. Even a fugitive could claim a sexual identity crisis just to cover his/her identity to run from the law. Why not? Become a man/woman and change your birth certificate, your driver’s license and all legal documents just to hide who you really are. The fugitive’s picture will be posted as one sex, but when the person has a sex change then their identity will be tainted and tough to pursue.

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