by Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Editor's Note: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to Rapacki is an independent intelligence analyst who receives and disseminates critical intelligence and policy information from and to law enforcement, intelligence and homeland security officials, and government and community leaders; he is the author of dozens of white papers, bulletins and briefings, and he is frequently called on to share his expertise with public and private security directors and organizations.
1. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Monday (March 22, 2010) with Vice President Joe Biden for dinner. The dinner followed an all afternoon meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The Prime Minister met with Mr. Obama on Tuesday, and then there were a series of media interviews with Prime Minister Netanyahu.
2. Israel launched air strikes against targeted area in the Gaza Strip last Friday. Israel military sources confirmed six sites were targeted, including two tunnels dug near the Israeli border and a weapons manufacturing site near Gaza city. This action was in response to Palestinian launched rocket attacks over the past couple of weeks.
3. There is growing belief that the current United States administration is not forthcoming with Israel, nor is a strong partner with Israel against various known enemies. In essence, Israel is measuring mounting evidence of the need to defend itself without assistance.
4. The deputy leader of Hezbollah stated on March 18th, violence could spread across the Middle East with Israel paying a heavy toll if Israel uses military action against Iran. This warning is extended to any country that allows either Israel or the U.S. to launch an attack from their soil.
5. Mr. Obama, upon entering the presidency, promised Israel crippling sanctions against Iran and its nuclear program. Then the Obama Administration placed forward for Israel that they be patient while Washington builds a coalition against Iran. This has not occurred, the coalition has not developed, Israel has repeatedly warned that Iran is a clear and present danger to Israel, and Israel has been patient all the while Iran continues to develop into a nuclear power with full intentions of destroying Israel.
While most of America has been swept up in the national health-care debate, there are "soft findings" that a U.S.-led attack on Iran is quickly approaching and may even be a couple of weeks away. If valid, this action would directly and immediately impact America's economy, especially at the gas pump.
There is vetted intelligence that a major arms shipment to Diego Garcia has occurred, including, but not limited to: "...195 smart, guided, Blu-110 bombs and 192 massive 2000 lb Blu-117 bombs...all used for an assault on Iran's nuclear facilities." Additional bunker bombs of various caliber have already been shipped to this base.
Diego Garcia is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory and it has been used by the U.S. as a military base for munitions storage, aircraft deployment since 1971.
The shipping company based in Florida, Superior Maritime Services, received a $699,500 contract to carry many thousands of military items from Concord, California to Diego Garcia. Contract details for the shipment to Diego Garcia were posted on an international tenders' website by the U.S. Navy. The United States has publicized many of its actions connected to this build-up as a calculated strategy of shaping, or reshaping, Iran's actions.
If the United States does launch an attack against Iran, there will be an immediate and huge spike in oil prices; inflation will take off drastically in all consumer areas, having been held in check by the Federal Reserve for sometime now; the dollar could devaluate significantly quickly, and gold and silver would become even more significant -- not only for individuals, but among nations as well.
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