Vets Against Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell
by Daniel T. Zanoza
Recently, Admiral Mike Mullen (U.S. Navy), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), testified before Congress in support of President Barack Obama's plan to allow openly homosexual individuals to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces by repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT). The truth of the matter is Mullen and the other members of the JCS have little choice regarding voicing public support or disapproval of Obama's proposed policy change, due to the fact members of the military who reach such high rank are essentially bound to the political whim of their superiors. President Obama is their Commander in Chief. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the only high-ranking hold over from the George W. Bush administration, and a political appointee, essentially must adhere to the President's wishes.
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was first implemented during Bill Clinton's first term in office. At the time, DADT faced great opposition from active members of the military. Some retired military personnel tell stories of threats of insubordination and/or treason if they openly opposed Clinton's policy. The same holds true today. Politics plays a huge role in how members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are confirmed by the U.S. Senate and publicly opposing Obama's policy regarding homosexuals in the Armed Forces would certainly be professional suicide. These generals could express their concerns off the record, but the end results would be devastating to their careers.
On Friday, March 5th, 2010 another in a series of conference calls will be held at 11 A.M. Central time. The purpose of the teleconference will be to develop strategies to head off Obama's plan. Many of those who have served in the U.S. military know what is at stake if Mr. Obama has his way. Homosexuals openly serving in the military will certainly impact morale and esprit de corps. There are those who know America's combat readiness will suffer under a repeal of DADT. Some believe this plan is much more insidious and will lead to the ultimate destruction of the greatest and most honored military in history.
As they say in the military, we need boots on the ground. Those who call in, hopefully, will be willing to take an active role in opposition to Obama's plan. The time for sharing words and hope-filled platitudes is long past. This is a call to action.
Here's how you can join the discussion and get involved in what may be one of the most important battles of our time. The conference call is run through a system called Talkshoe. Call the conference number at (724) 444-7444, then punch in the Call ID: 75351 followed by the pound (#) symbol. If you do not have a Talkshoe account, simply punch in 1# to enter the call, otherwise you can use your Talkshoe account PIN (which is usually your 10 digit phone number).
You can also listen to the conference online by clicking on the following link: There is also an opportunity to interact online. You can pose questions and suggestions and connect with others in the area or around the nation.
Vets Against Repeal Of DADT: Medical Truths, More Reasons To Exclude Open Homosexuality In Military -- Medical Logic That Cannot Be Denied by Donna Garner:
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