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April 07, 2010


Fritz Biderman

Good Lord, let it go.


Please, please if you are going to do this at least get the most basic facts straight. Obama has not posted a "Certificate" of live birth, he posted a "Certification" of live birth. Go look at the document for yourself. The difference is not just semantic; it's substantive. A certification is exactly as you say, a certification of public officials of the information that is in the database. A certificate is the original document.


Do NOT "let it go". Americans DESERVE to know the truth. People forget that history repeats itself. If it looks like garbage, and smells like garbage, it probably IS garbage.


The most important part of this Birth Certificate problem, be the Certificate itself fact or fiction, is the law that says that Mr. Obama must be an American Born Citizen, in order to serve this country as it's President!!! If that criteria has not yet been met, then, by law this issue must be satisfied.

The next biggest part of the problem is the number of American Citizens whose apathy posts...Good Lord, let it go! This is not a trivial issue!

The law must be satisfied!!!

David Whitney

Check out WND.com for daily updates! Hey Barry, WHERE'S the BIRTH CERTIFICATE? Keep up the good work, Andy! :)

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