Daniel John Gura, author of a recently published pro-life novel titled, God's Avenger: Michael, the Imprecatory Angel, will be a guest on the Dr. Laurie Roth Show on April 26, 2010 between 6 and 7 P.M. Central time.
Gura will be discussing his novel and other issues related to the rights of the innocent unborn.
Broadcast out of Washington state on the IRN-USA Radio Network, Roth's radio talk show is nationally syndicated and "is on a mission to examine the issues based on right and wrong, not party politics."
To listen live, go to: http://www.irnusanews.com/ on the left hand side of page, where it says BROADCASTING NOW, go to Channel 3, Roth Show and click on "Tune in now".
Dr. Roth's show airs from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Eastern Time (3:00 - 6:00 P.M. Pacific Time)
Listeners can call in to the show by dialing 1-877-999-7684.
Roth's radio broadcasts are archived on her web site at www.therothshow.com.