EDITOR'S NOTE: Gura's literary effort, though fictional, tells an exciting story about the subject of abortion and the spiritual warfare being waged in America today.
"My dream is that God's Avenger: Michael, the Imprecatory Angel will have an effect on America's conscience similar to the way Uncle Tom's Cabin changed America's attitude towards slavery."
-- Daniel John Gura --
The novel God's Avenger opens with an act of destruction that is Old Testament in scope:
MODERN STEELS AND concrete office towers don't just collapse, yet everyone was staring at one that looked as if someone had sat on it--someone really big--and that didn't make any sense.
Gura ponders how the arrival of Archangel Michael will forever change the lives of the characters in his novel, including an abortionist, the President of the Council of Women, a Pastor at Large, and Senior Building Inspector Fred McBarker.
Add talk radio conspiracy theories, city bureaucrats fighting the truth, and scores of genuine believers who put themselves on the line, and you'll find a story that is as enthralling as it is unforgettable.
Gura weaves pro-life fervor through an electrifying story of an avenging angel who answers righteous imprecatory prayers by delivering true justice. Yet the story has an intrinsic irony and situational humor that brings a smile and wraps itself around your heart. The issue is timely, the characters are fascinating, and Gura's style is spellbinding.
Gura writes in his Foreword to God's Avenger: Michael, the Imprecatory Angel
IMPRECATORY PRAYERS...only the innocent dare pray them and only the wicked need fear them.
I have always been fascinated by the imprecatory psalms. The idea that a man, any man, can petition the Court of Divine Justice for protection and appropriate punishment for criminals is so awesome it almost defies belief.
King David, one of the greatest figures in the Old Testament, authored over thirty psalms that contain an imprecation, or curse, uttered against the enemies of God He understood such prayers were not to be taken lightly when he wrote, "break the teeth in their mouths, O God; tear out, O Lord, the fangs of the lions! Let them vanish like water that flows away." (Psalm 58). And, "let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow" (Psalm 109). Remember, these are inspired prayers, not to be taken lightly--or uttered--lightly. I know for a fact a young woman in Texas canceled her abortion and walked out of the clinic because of an imprecatory psalm she heard being prayed outside.
These imprecatory psalms are at the heart of my novel, yet I find that many modern Christians are unfamiliar with their message, a message of dependence on God that is as timely today as it was 3,000 years ago when they were first uttered.
Daniel Gura has been a dedicated pro-life activist for decades and is a prolific writer. Gura says one of his greatest life achievements was being fired as a newspaper columnist for being "too Christian, too conservative, and too controversial."
Gura's recently released pro-life novel can be purchased online through a number of websites, including Gura's publisher--WinePress Bookstore (www.winepressbooks.com), DeeperShopping Christian Bookstore, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com. You can receive an autographed copy for $19.95 by writing directly to Daniel Gura at P.O. BOX 848, Lake Zurich, IL 60047.
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