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April 30, 2010



Good article, and good questions. As a retired Mustang Major with 27 years in the army, I have found the "Ring Knockers" (Academy graduates) were over more politically correct and willing to deal than those who went through the ranks. John served will as a pilote and prisoner, but shifted sides too often in the Senate. After the primary, I contributed and supported him, but it was a lesser of evils choice.

Hank Highway

I believe Rapacki has shared some valid points but none that we are not already aware of, he has just once again brought them to the forefront. McCain has proven time and time again he is not a leader,strictly a politician with 'questionable' allegiance. He's the rancher that try's to tame the bronco but the weather is never conducive for him to enter the corral. Once again I wish there were choices for an Arizona senator as opposed to the better of two evils...thats been the problem for years in our electoral system. I think it's time for McCain to step aside although I'm not sure if Hayworth is the man. I also think many Arizonian's feel the same way. This entire system is in sorry shambles!

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