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May 11, 2010


Frank Halstead

You've got to be kidding me ... even in light of the fact that BP is producing it's own internal documentation that this accident was caused by failure of it's own equipment you are willing to continue to further the BS notion that this was domestic terrorism on the part of a environazis? ala Rush Limbaugh? like a chain being no stronger that it's weakest link you should think twice about using 'ideas' from someone on the radio who barely made it out of high school. That is unless you want to be thought of as someone with the intellect of a middle school pimple faced moron.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was not aware Rush Limbaugh had addressed the issue of possible domestic or foreign terrorism regarding the BP explosion and oil spill. Conservatives do have the ability to think for themselves. Posing the question of possible sabotage does not mean it happened. And, like I wrote, a BP executive did not rule this possibility. I usually do not post comments which include name-calling, as yours did, but, in your case, I made an exception which proves the intolerance many have for those who express independent thought. DTZ

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