by Dodie Smith
EDITOR'S NOTE: Dodie Smith is a frequent contributor to Smith, 77, relates some pearls of wisdom from another Texas senior who holds court in a local eatery. Smith's article may not reflect an intellectual exercise, but the thoughts within contain extraordinary wisdom from a sage who reflects a down-home perspective. Those on the left might dismiss the opinions of an octogenarian who speaks utilizing words that would fail a spell check. But, all the same, this man's comments about the state of American society, both past and present, contain a rare and special type of wisdom.
I love my country and what it once represented. Therefore, I love to sit at a family restaurant in Lake Worth, Texas and listen to conversations with people from the age of 55 and up. Since the metro-plex is mostly Spanish/Spanish mix, I find it interesting that these folks feel the same way I, as a Caucasian, feel about America, where we have been and where we are headed as a nation. It was no surprise to me that they cherish the traditional values our country was founded on, in contrast to the liberal agenda fostered and perpetuated by the mainstream media which attempts to divide us along racial, ethnic and religious lines. Like myself, these individuals of Hispanic heritage also ask what is happening to our country? These Hispanic-Americans consider themselves Americans first and foremost. But this was not a revelation to me.
Like myself, as good Americans, they wonder why our government feels they can make such drastic decisions for us. How did they come by that power? It was not always that way...we, the people, were the voice. But today, it is like our voices have been muted and we are never heard. The elitists in our government, starve us, in order to feed the lazy and the illegals, refuse us the many perks given outsiders, yet many elected officials live in luxury and have perks we never authorized as their "employers".
One elderly gentleman, about 80-85 years of age, really speaks up at the restaurant and he doesn't mind who hears him. And it is delightful to hear him get into arguments with Democrats.
One elderly gentleman, about 80-85 years of age, really speaks up at the restaurant and he doesn't mind who hears him. And it is delightful to hear him get into arguments with Democrats.
Here is some oratory from an individual whose life experience should be a lesson for us all. His language isn't perfect, but his eloquence comes through just the same.
"About them dad-burn idiots Democrats put into office, especially that Pelosi and Reid. And what is the name of that idiot that probably wears women's thongs? Oh, I do believe they call him Barney. Well, they ought to have to lose every dadgum thing they own, they put the idiots in office. I tell you young'uns sitting off over there laughing at us older generations and our ideas, half of you have lost your jobs because of the way you voted, thinking you were going to be set up with free, free, free without cost. Really fun is it, trying to make ends meet from all that thar free stuff you ain't seen yet. Well, I'm here to say to you, laugh all you want, but when it is over, remember this...we parents and grandparents wanted better for you dad-burn kids, but shore didn't expect to raise stupid, lazy, welfare-riding kids like we did. I ain't figured out yet what went wrong...but you all sure ain't made of the stuff real Americans were once made of and ya'll never be or know the America we'uns sitting over here knew. And the sad part, ya'll just too dang ignorant to listen to knowledge or learn the history. Why half of you don't believe there was a WWII or Holocaust, you'uns think it is a story someone came up with. You ain't even taught like we'uns were, to know the history of the world from the beginning. Your world is wrapped around gadgets and crazy technology, and I betcha not one of you realize that it was the two generations before you that gave you them thar things you dwell on today. We'uns were a generation of intelligence because we larned and larned, and made something of what we were larning. Ain't figured out yet what you'uns are going to be able to leave the next one to come along...stupidity is all I can think of, if'n ya'll don't start using that thing up in your heads instead of free grabbing."
Let me tell you, this man has everyone's ears. He is a delightful, good ole American. He doesn't scream or yell, he just talks in a deep, loud voice you can't overlook, and the older generation are listening, smiling and nodding our heads in agreement while we sit there eating our breakfasts. I suppose such conversations are taking place all across least I hope so. But, more important, I hope Americans are listening.
Let me tell you, this man has everyone's ears. He is a delightful, good ole American. He doesn't scream or yell, he just talks in a deep, loud voice you can't overlook, and the older generation are listening, smiling and nodding our heads in agreement while we sit there eating our breakfasts. I suppose such conversations are taking place all across least I hope so. But, more important, I hope Americans are listening.
America The Beautiful: Now A Nation Which Stands Divided / What Has Happened To My Country? by Dodie Smith (Posted December 31, 2009)
America The Beautiful: Now A Nation Which Stands Divided / What Has Happened To My Country? by Dodie Smith (Posted December 31, 2009)
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I'll tell you one thing, if I had been there, no one at his table would have paid for breakfast. I would have picked up the tab.
Posted by: Charlie | May 13, 2010 at 11:12 AM