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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 07:28 AM in Letters to the Editor, National Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 01:36 PM in Business, Economics and Taxes, National Politics | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Letter to the Editor by Beth Rogers
Proponents of "gay" rights have said many times what others do in their bedroom doesn't affect anyone else and is no one's business. The recent circumstances at the University of Illinois prove otherwise as a university professor shared his beliefs on natural moral laws and then was fired for his opinion.
Professor Kenneth Howell's firing is only one example of how others in society are affected by government recognition of the homosexual lifestyle and how laws, such as the recent passing of hate-crimes legislation, affect everyone in society and then become everyone’s business.
Hate-crimes legislation shouldn’t even exist because it grants "special" protections, not constitutional equal protection. All citizens are already protected under the 14th Amendment as having equal protection under the law.
Professor Howell is allegedly being punished for his religious belief and view that sexuality is between a man and a woman. The professor, in his e-mail stated, "In other words, sexual acts are only appropriate for people who are complementary, not the same."
This is not hate speech as he was speaking truths related to natural law. Why would a university punish someone who, by his opinion, is also affirming longstanding Illinois law that declares sexuality in marriage as being between a man and a woman? If his opinion is aligned with these constitutional laws, then don't punish him for upholding those laws that are also aligned with natural law.
This recent action of the university is an example of individuals and groups being demonized for following a faith and moral tradition that has served civilization well for centuries. It is not hate to agree with God about sexuality and natural moral law as well as protecting members of our society, which includes homosexuals.
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 08:55 PM in Letters to the Editor, Politically Incorrect History, Religion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
RFFM.org's Founder and Executive Director, Dan Zanoza, will be a guest on the Dr. Laurie Roth Radio Show [www.therothshow.com] on Monday, July 26, 2010 between 6 and 7 P.M. Central time.
Zanoza will be discussing a new RFFM.org project, Advocates for Seniors, Retired and Disabled (ASRD). RFFM / ASRD will soon publish a quarterly e-newsletter for subscribers with the purpose of sharing information about a segment of American society the Obama administration apparently deems politically expendable.
Broadcast out of Washington state on the IRN-USA Radio Network, Roth's radio talk show is nationally syndicated and "is on a mission to examine the issues based on right and wrong, not party politics."
To listen in, go to: http://www.irnusanews.com/ on left hand side of page, Broadcasting now, Channel 3, Roth Show and click on "Tune in now".
Listeners can call in to the Dr. Laurie Roth show by dialing 1-877-999-7684.
EDITOR'S NOTE: As a totally blind individual, I understand how President Barack Obama's policies have had a devastating impact--not only on disabled Americans, but the elderly and retired as well. Cuts in Social Security (COLA freeze), Medicare and some state-run programs designed to assist the middle class and the poor have already had a negative impact on a segment of our nation's population who find themselves with little or no representation in state and federal government. The devastation wrought on the U.S. economy by the radical Democratic majority and the policies they advocate is widespread. But seniors, retired and disabled individuals seem to be politically expandable and it's time the truth was told about the myth that Obama cares about many Americans who are now on the outside looking in politically.
Below are links to numerous columns and articles regarding Obama's assault on this group since his inauguration which includes the middle-class and poor. Organizations, including the AARP, no longer have the best interests of seniors in mind. Social Security recipients, retired and disabled alike, are now voiceless. Therefore, the Advocates for Seniors, Retired and Disabled (ASRD) e-newsletter, which is an RFFM project, will provide a voice for the voiceless. These columns and articles detail the facts related to the new health care law and cuts in programs which will have an impact on the elderly and disabled.
Obama's Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Other Programs Leave Seniors and Disabled On Outside Looking In, Economically and Politically: RFFM.org To launch Effort To Inform Seniors, Retired And Disabled About Issues Involving This Group by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on July 14, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/07/obamas-cuts-to-social-security-medicare-and-other-programs-leave-seniors-and-disabled-on-outside-loo.html
Obama Promised Social Security Recipients $250 To Offset COLA Freeze: Where Is It? by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on June 4, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/06/obama-promised-social-security-recipients-250-to-offset-cola-freeze-where-is-it.html
Health Care Reform Law: Medicare & Services To Seniors To Take Huge Hit: Why did Mainstream Media Ignore Facts About What's In The Bill? by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on the Illinois Family Institute's website on April 9, 2010 at http://www.illinoisfamily.org/news/contentview.asp?c=34827
Health Care Reform: Doctors Fix Has Potential To Damage GOP by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on April 7, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/04/health-care-reform-doctors-fix-has-potential-to-damage-gop.html
Obama's Redistribution Of Wealth: Inside-Out, Not Top-Down -- Plan To Disenfranchise Middle Class and Poor May Lead To Something Worse Than Socialism by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on March 28, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/03/obamas-redistribution-of-wealth-insideout-not-topdown-.html
Health Care Reform: Striking Parallels Between Far Left's Vision for U.S. and former USSR's 1936 Constitution by Ed Tait: Posted on RFFM.org on March 23, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/03/health-care-reform-striking-parallels-between-far-lefts-vision-for-us-and-former-ussrs-1936-constitu.html
Health Care Reform: Government To Have Access To Americans Medical Records by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on March 19, 2020 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/03/health-care-reform-government-to-have-access-to-americans-medical-records.html
Health Care Reform: Nothing To Do With Health Care: It's About Control by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on March 12, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/03/health-care-reform-nothing-to-do-with-health-care-its-about-control.html
Illinois Circuit Breaker: Property Tax Relief For Middle + Lower Income Seniors, Disabled Cut By 50% by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on March 7, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/03/illinois-circuit-breaker-property-tax-relief-for-middle-lower-income-seniors-disabled-cut-by-50.html
Health Insurance Providers Push For Huge Premium Increases: Why Now? Is Health Care Reform Fix In? by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on February 18, 2010 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/02/health-insurance-providers-push-for-huge-premium-increases-why-now-is-health-care-reform-fix-in-.html
Social Security COLA: Congress Gets Pay Raise, Seniors & Others Did Not by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on Jan. 22, 2010 http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/01/social-security-cola-congress-gets-pay-raise-seniors-others-did-not.html
U.S. Senate Passes Health Care Reform In Dark Of Night: Who Did Not Read The Bill? Dick Durbin (D-IL) & Others: How Legislation Will Impact You by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on December 21, 2009 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2009/12/us-senate-passes-health-care-reform-in-dark-of-night-who-did-not-read-the-bill-dick-durbin-dil-other.html
Social Security COLA Freeze: Obama To The Rescue? I Told You So! by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on October 18, 2009 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2009/10/update-cola-freeze-obama-to-the-rescue-i-told-you-so-.html
COLA Freeze for Social Security Recipients: Part of an Obama Ruse to Keep Senior Voting Bloc?" by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on August 24, 2009 http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2009/08/cola-freeze-for-social-security-recipients-part-of-an-obama-ruse-to-keep-senior-voting-bloc-.html.
Obama Health Care Would Include Tax-Payer Funded Abortions: The Deadly Secret Is Not In The Details by Daniel T. Zanoza: Posted on RFFM.org on August 20, 2009 at http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2009/08/obama-health-care-would-include-taxpayer-funded-abortions-the-deadly-secret-is-not-in-the-details-.html
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 07:51 AM in Events, Interviews, Media | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Editor's Note: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to RFFM.org. Rapacki is an independent intelligence analyst. The head of SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC, Rapacki receives and disseminates critical intelligence and policy information from and to law enforcement, intelligence and homeland security officials, and government and community leaders; Rapacki is the author of dozens of white papers, bulletins and briefings, and he is frequently called on to share his expertise with public and private security directors and organizations.
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 08:17 AM in Health + Medicine, National Politics | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 07:26 PM in "In Their Own Words", Illinois Politics | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Dan Patlak was an analyst at the Board of Review for eight years. Patlak has been a taxpayer advocate in Wheeling Township where he is in his second term as Wheeling Township Assessor. Patlak is a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer and has been a licensed real estate broker since 1986. Patlak is a member of the National Taxpayers Union and is endorsed by the National Taxpayers United of Illinois PAC.
My campaign for Commissioner of the Cook County Board of Review has adopted a radical new idea…educating taxpayers so they can better understand and control their property taxes. Traveling throughout the county, I hear the same frustration, confusion and anger from taxpayers about their property taxes. There is a widespread lack of understanding of how tax bills are computed and where the money goes. There is also a great deal of uncertainty about what the next bill will bring.
My campaign is built on the premise that taxpayers have a need and a right to understand their tax system. Through our web site “Education Center” at www.ElectPatlak.com we are taking a first step in demystifying the system for concerned citizens. With information comes confidence and power and it is important that “the people” and not the government possess the power in our democratic society. Our Education Center provides information to property owners so they will have the ability to determine whether they are paying an appropriate share of the overall tax burden. It also encourages them to think about where their tax dollars are going and how they are being spent.
In addition, our campaign will soon be rolling out a series of short educational videos produced to answer the most commonly asked questions about the property tax system.
Whether or not I am elected as a Commissioner of the Board of Review I will continue with this radical idea by constantly looking for ways to educate the electorate about how their government works and I will continue to be an advocate for the taxpayers of Cook County, Illinois.
Learn more about Patlak's campaign by visiting www.Facebook.com/danpatlak and www.ElectPatlak.com.
Anyone wishing to receive RFFM.org e-mails should contact: [email protected]
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 07:39 AM in "In Their Own Words", Business, Economics and Taxes, Illinois Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by Julie Zanoza at 09:14 AM in Business, Economics and Taxes, Illinois Politics, National Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Donna Garner is a frequent contributor to RFFM.org. Garner resides in central
Almost five years ago, Garner became the writer/consultant for MyStudyHall.com, an online tutorial to help students ages 10 through 100 learn English skills. Garner is currently a researcher and author involving political, social and education issues and she is an advocate for many pro-family, pro-life organizations.
Democratic Congressmen Chet Edwards and Lloyd Doggett (along with other Democrats) have shown their true colors.
Not only did they and their Democratic cronies attach more than $20 billion in domestic spending provisions to the supplemental war-spending bill (H. R. 4899 passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on 7.1.10), but they attached Amendment #2 that is specifically focused on Texas as an attempt to take revenge on Texas Republican Gov. Perry and Commissioner of Education Robert Scott.
Gov. Perry and Commissioner Scott were wise enough to recognize the dangers presented to
National standards → national tests → national curriculum → teachers' salaries tied to students' test scores → teachers teaching to the test each and every day → federal indoctrination of our public school children
Now Gov. Perry and Commissioner Scott have a target on their backs.
Democratic Congressmen Chet Edwards and Lloyd Doggett added Amendment #2 to H. R. 4899 that will keep
Amendment #2 states, in order for Texas to qualify for the $800 million for the public schools, Gov. Perry would have to guarantee that state legislators would have to appropriate school funding that would equal or exceed current funding for the next three fiscal years (through 2013) .
First problem: The Texas Constitution does not give a Governor the authority to tell the legislature how to spend its appropriations.
Second problem: The Governor does not have the Constitutional authority to bind future legislators to explicit appropriations amounts.
What Democrats Edwards and Doggett have done is to attach an amendment to federal legislation that usurps the authority of the Constitution of the state of
Even if the two unconstitutional problems were resolved,
According to current data provided by the Texas Education Agency, 852 school districts would get less funding than they would receive through the state's current funding formulas.
This means that 852 public schools would actually lose money if
Here’s the biggest irony of all: Under Amendment #2, the public schools in Congressman Chet Edwards’ District 17 would lose $7,448,696. Congressman Lloyd Doggett’s school districts would lose $2,407,276.
[I can hardly wait until the school superintendents in those Congressional districts learn what their Congressmen have done to them.]
Last year, Congressman Lloyd Doggett complained loudly that the $3.2 billion Stimulus funds should have gone to the public schools and that instead the money was kept in the Rainy Day Fund.
Is Doggett’s contention accurate?
From the very beginning, Gov. Perry said
Gov. Perry warned on 2.17.09 (Houston Chronicle):
On 7.20.09, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts said that the federal Stimulus law sent
A billion went for low-interest school construction bonds, renovation, and land purchases; and another $2.2 billion was sent to school districts for special education or at-risk students. The Stimulus money was not to be used by schools for maintenance costs.
The final $3.2 billion of the Stimulus money is what the Legislature used to plug budgetary holes.
Austin ISD received about $41 million over two years, and around $39 million was given to other
Were there definite accountability rules built into the Stimulus funds? In today’s Dallas Morning News, it was reported that school districts were allowed to use up to $25,000 of the Stimulus funds with no federal reporting; unfortunately, it is almost impossible to track those funds.
On July 24, 2009 (Austin American-Statesman), Congressman Lloyd Doggett reported, “The U.S. Department of Education has approved
The Austin American-Statesman went on to say:
That money will be used to pay for textbooks and a $1.9 billion increase in school funding, which covers an $800 raise for all Texas teachers…There had been concerns that the Texas application might not win federal approval…Congressional Democrats had complained loudly that Texas misused its stimulus money by filling the state’s budget holes with the federal dollars while leaving untouched the $9.1 billion rainy day fund.
The Stimulus funds went to pay for Special Education and/or at-risk students, school construction bonds, textbooks, and teachers’ raises.
The U. S. Department of Education approved
Michael Q. Sullivan of Empower Texans recently reported on May 19, 2010:
I see no reason for Democrat Congressmen Edwards and Doggett to fault
Obviously Amendment #2 was written to create political theater in an election year where Democrats Bill White, Congressman Chet Edwards, and Congressman Lloyd Doggett are on the November ballot.
Republican Bill Flores is a well-qualified, conservative candidate running against Chet Edwards, and Gov. Perry has a very successful record on which to base his re-election. Conservative physician Donna Campbell is running against Lloyd Doggett.
I would say that all three -- White, Edwards, and Doggett -- have reasons to worry about Nov. 2, 2010.
Because the House legislation is different from the bill previously passed in the Senate, H. R. 4899 must go back to the Senate for final approval. The Senate will not take up the bill until July 12th because legislators will be attending Sen. Robert Byrd’s funeral.
Please write to Senators Cornyn and Hutchison and ask them not to vote for H. R. 4899 with the egregious Amendment #2 attached.
Donna Garner can be contacted at: [email protected]
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Posted by Julie Zanoza at 06:09 PM in Education, National Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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