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July 25, 2010



The trick is to remember in November, and vote out the left leaning in both parties. Some are leaning so far left they are prone. Some jobs would be available if we started sending illegals back,and a few more if we hired US citizens to drive the buses.


Unemployment is not an entitlement? Do we pay into this as we work hard for the past 20 years? It is our entitlement to most - to the most of us who are legitimately searching for work. Don't be so ignorant with your words - Obama did right in two ways - for the people who lost their jobs, who can now potentially keep their homes and also for those putting money back into the economy by potentially purchasing back to school clothing for their children as minimal as that might be.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Unemployment benefits are not an entitlement. Benefits were not meant to last forever. In 2005, unemployment benefits lasted for 26 weeks, but if the number of unemployed went over 6% it would have been extended for 13 additional weeks. This current extension now means people can collect unemployment benefits for 99 weeks...that's almost two years! I'm not critical of those collecting benefits. I am critical of Obama and the stimulus program which cost Americans $862 billion. As I wrote, Obama could have paid for the unemployment benefit extension with some of that money, but instead, he borrowed more money which increased the national debt...money we did not have. There is an estimated $400 billion left in the $862 billion stimulus package which was supposed to create jobs. lrobbins

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