Editor's Note: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to RFFM.org. Rapacki is an independent intelligence analyst. The head of SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC, Rapacki receives and disseminates critical intelligence and policy information from and to law enforcement, intelligence and homeland security officials, and government and community leaders; Rapacki is the author of dozens of white papers, bulletins and briefings, and he is frequently called on to share his expertise with public and private security directors and organizations.
Buses are presently in-bound from across the country to Phoenix with untold numbers of citizens who are supporters of Arizona's SB-1070. Beginning July 29th through through July 31st, Pro-Arizona SB-1070 Supporters met in Phoenix listening to speakers like Arizona Senator Russell Pearce, and learning how they can help not only Arizona, but their own states pass legislation similar to Arizona's SB-1070.
The Anti-Arizona SB-1070 demonstrators are surprising me by continuing their efforts given the court's rulings. While some of the steam may have been taken out of their task, many remaining demonstrators still wanted to make an impression and let their voices be known that they will be watching for abuse by law enforcement in the face of the judge's ruling against SB-1070.
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