by Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Editor's Note: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to RFFM.org. Rapacki is an independent intelligence analyst. The head of SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC, Rapacki receives and disseminates critical intelligence and policy information from and to law enforcement, intelligence and homeland security officials, and government and community leaders; Rapacki is the author of dozens of white papers, bulletins and briefings, and he is frequently called on to share his expertise with public and private security directors and organizations.
Arizona SB 1070 Helps Expose Damage To Schools, Hospitals, National Parks, Power Grid, Resources, Etc.: Establishment Media Only Telling Part Of The Story Related To Illegal Immigration
Statement of Purpose and Overview:
The content of this paper is deliberately intended to stimulate thought and discussion, as well as to inform. As with all white paper briefings, informational analysis comprising global security, national security of the sovereignty of the United States of America and the State of Arizona, economic forces as a dimension to national security, culture, freedom in human rights, defense and the rule of law are considered within the framework of this treatise. The emotionally charged debate of illegal immigrants, while subsiding somewhat in recent months, has again become quite vocal with the politics of the current administration in Washington, D.C., and certain “quiet” dimensions of this debate will continue to fly under the radar. The quiet dimensions referred to are: the massive negative effect illegal immigration has on the infrastructure of Arizona, and the geo-social/political paradigm shift promoted on both sides of the border. If not addressed, and assertively soon, the landscape of Arizona will forever be changed. This report presents aspects for consideration, as well as for the security of the citizens of the State of Arizona.
The construction of a 50-mile “virtual-fence” on the southern Arizona border sponsored by Homeland Security Secretary and former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano briefly softened conservative rhetoric, but the political decisions made hundreds of miles away to encourage mass migration into border-states, and beyond, will defeat any sophisticated gadgets employed. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Recent studies indicate the “virtual-fence” wasted billions of taxpayer dollars.] Much has been written elsewhere about the political push by the Democratic Party to rapidly increase voting rolls via immigrant voter registration. The states of California, Illinois, New York, and soon Arizona, have politically been altered through these means, and an even greater campaign is underway to spread this type of political wealth around to other key electoral-vote-rich states like Florida and Texas. While this White Paper discussion is not focused on political campaign dynamics of illegal immigration, such factors must be investigated when considering the over-all picture emerging and the path of destruction threatening the financial, infrastructure and physical safety of the citizens of the State of Arizona by the blatant encouragement of such political means.
On one level, sincere efforts to repeal the mass illegal migration are touted (SB 1070); while, and at the same time, a national campaign in Mexico to “re-conquer lost lands” is very much underway. A campaign fully known and winked at by U.S. officials, including those in the former Bush/Clinton/Bush Administrations have been underway for some time. “The Aztlan Plot for LaReconquista” is the understood goal by Mexico to retake lands many Mexicans believe are their birthright. Many, many Mexicans believe (and with quiet nods from the Mexican government) the lands of Arizona, southern California, Texas, New Mexico and Nevada lost by Mexico in the Texas War of Independence and the Mexican-American War, should be re-inhabited by Mexico. If these lands will not be surrendered and/or formally returned, then seizing them through inundation of Mexican nationals will work just as well. The numbers are staggering!
Since 9/11 more than five million illegals have successfully crossed the border joining approximately 12 million already in the United States. Mexican authorities claim 75,000 illegal entry attempts to enter Arizona at Sasave Pass monthly with 50,000 to 60,000 caught monthly by U.S. agents. Where are the other 15,000? These numbers reflect a constituency known in law enforcement as OTM (Other than Mexican). OTM’s are comprised of foreign nationals from other countries, including such notables as Somalia and middle-eastern and drug cartel members who cross over the border and return at will. Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9.sht tells us as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from terrorist countries have crossed our southern borders.
As previously stated, quiet approval within the Mexican government support this invasion. A recent addition to aid this movement is the furnishing of handheld satellite devices to assist illegal immigrants with their journey. Jaime Obregon, coordinator for the state commission in Puebla, which is the Mexican state sponsoring this project also coordinates the distribution. So…we have electronic fences to keep illegal immigrants out of Arizona and the United States, and we have equally sophisticated electronic and satellite devices helping illegal immigrants gain entrance to Arizona and the United States
Add the overwhelming numbers mentioned above, hence we have a system set-up for failure.
The American public has been manipulated into thinking the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the fight against terrorism are bankrupting our nation. I encourage the study of the statistics mentioned below which do not receive adequate attention from the establishment media. Subsequently, the public is not aware of this staggering information. I have furnished the URL’s for verification.
1. $15 Billion to $22 Billion spent yearly on welfare to illegal aliens by state governments.
Verify at: http://tinyurl.com/zob77
2. $12 Billion spent yearly on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak English and are discouraged to do so by their parents.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
3. $3 Million spent daily to incarcerate illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
4. $90 Billion spent yearly on illegal aliens for Welfare and social services.
Verify at: http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.html
5. $2.2 Billion spent yearly on food assistance such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches.
Verify at: http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
6. $2.5 Billion to $3.5 Billion spent yearly on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
7. $45 Billion in 2006 alone sent in remittances to illegal alien’s countries of origin.
Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm
8. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million sex crimes committed by Illegal Immigrants.
Verify at: http://www.drdsk.com/articles.html
The damage to America’s infrastructure is devastating; the overwhelming flood of illegal aliens is collapsing the mission and ability of hospitals, schools, parks and recreational facilities, solid-waste and trash, water and sewer systems, roads and highways, and power grids. With all the talk about the Stimulus Package, what is not even added to such numbers is the estimated additional $1.6 Trillion to repair infrastructure damage caused by the massive influx of illegal aliens.
A prominent researcher, Edwin S. Rubenstein, has written a must-read book on the subject titled: The Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure. Mr. Rubenstein is a financial analyst and former contributing editor of Forbes and economic editor of the National Review. Some of the following data is taken from Mr. Rubenstein’s work.
Immigrants make up 21% of school-age populations. In California, this number is 47%. The over crowding is so damaging the Army Corps of Engineers has been called in to manage construction to address this issue.
Mr. Rubenstein cites the fact 60% of America’s hospitals are either under construction or have immediate plans for new facilities to absorb the flow of illegal aliens. While some benefit can be argued in the form of construction activity and the good for local economies, a more sinister aspect is not as visible. Emergency Departments are overwhelmed--to the point of having to shut their doors from receiving incoming emergencies. Illegal aliens use emergency rooms more than twice as often as U.S. citizens. Their provision of uncompensated care for illegals has caused many emergency departments to close permanently. In 2006, 46% of illegal aliens had no medical insurance or means to pay. Illegal aliens, by law, are not entitled to Medicaid, but through Emergency Medicaid, they receive medical benefits.
National Parks:
The pristinity of America’s national parks are being destroyed. Illegal aliens are creating unnatural, manmade roads and paths in wilderness areas. Rubenstein writes: “Their fires, trash, and vandalism have despoiled thousands of acres of pristine parkland.” In southern Arizona parks and deserts, there are copious amounts of beer bottles, water and milk containers, personal hygiene items, medications, clothing, shoes, jewelry, paper, sanitary pads, diapers, blankets, towels, plastic bags, homemade weapons, abandoned vehicles, bicycles…and, tragically, even human remains.
The destruction continues with damage to indigenous flora and more, i.e., spray painting of trees and boulders. Another huge problem includes campfires that turn into wildfires. The costs related, both in loss of human life and the assignment of a dollar figure, to this problem is incalculable.
Water and Eelectricity:
Cities like San Antonio, El Paso, other border towns, and Phoenix could run out of water in 10 years. The sheer numbers of illegal aliens makes water conservation impossible. Due to the immigration flood, demand for water exceeds the California State Water Project’s capacity. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) has proposed a $6 Billion reservoir to off-set this impending emergency. Approximately one-fifth of California’s electricity is allocated for collection, storage and transportation of water to meet the needs of citizens. Electric utilities are expected to require an additional $142 Billion just to keep generator capacity at recommended levels. And California, like Arizona, is confronting a staggering budget deficit with an even larger one coming next year.
Sophisticated tunnels, some in length up to a mile, provide much easier access into the United States than simply walking across the desert. Literally dozens of tunnels cross the international border (those that are found). Add to this, drainage systems and designated “transportation corridors” employed by illegal aliens, drug cartels, aliens “Other than Mexican,” and an extremely complicated “cat and mouse” game exists from San Diego, through Arizona into New Mexico and through much of Texas. The United States Border Patrol is fighting a heroic battle, but their efforts are not sufficient.
The average immigrant household generates a fiscal debt of $3,408 AFTER FEDERAL BENEFITS yearly. There are currently approximately 36 million immigrants living in about 9 million households. Therefore, the aggregate deficit attributed to this immigration flood is: $70.3 Billion yearly. Again, AFTER ALL FEDERAL BENEFITS!
The numbers become even more alarming and staggering: The U.S. Census Bureau is projecting the United States population will reach 433 Million by 2050 – this is an increase of approximately 135 Million over today’s numbers. A full 82% of these new potential voters stem from the illegal alien influx that continues. Subsequently, while there is activity for the establishment media to report on which leads to the public’s perception that something is being done to address this National Security issue, the illegal alien threat continues because on both sides of the fence (electric or otherwise) there are significant political factors at work; factors that do not want to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.
“The brutal reality is that no conceivable infrastructure program can keep pace with that kind of population growth” writes Rubenstein. He is correct; however. This is much more than just infrastructure discussions. The brutal reality portrays a sophisticated campaign is at work to change the political and cultural landscape of this country; to change the political power structure; to weaken not only the infrastructure, but the security apparatus, and thereby, America.
Contact Lyle Rapacki at: [email protected]
Related articles by Rapacki:
Arizona's SB 1070 Legislation and Judge's Ruling Only Adds Passion To Those Who Oppose Open Borders: Posted on August 5, 2010 at: http://rffm.typepad.com/republicans_for_fair_medi/2010/08/arizonas-sb-1070-legislation-and-judges-ruling-only-adds-passion-to-those-who-oppose-open-border.html
Open Borders Creates Severe Health Concerns: Illegal Immigration, The Unwanted Gift That Keeps Giving: Posted July 19, 2010
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Yes, these things are happening. No end in sight until we start making radical changes in Washington City. Back in the fifties, President Eisenhower managed to make massive changes in the system, but current crop not up to those standards. - This will not end until we put armed troops on the border, backed by armor.
Posted by: Charlie | August 09, 2010 at 08:27 PM