NOTE: In a highly contentious political year, the upcoming Illinois Forum banquet is a "can't miss" event. I find the fact Scott Lee Cohen will address the group to be highly interesting, to say the least.
"We sent invitations to all the major candidates seeking office in the upcoming midterm election," said Bob Redfern, Chairman, Illinois Forum. "One of the Illinois Forum's reasons for existence is to inform Illinois voters about issues, candidates and the respective positions they hold."
Cohen, who was defeated in the Democratic gubernatorial primary by incumbent Governor Pat Quinn, will speak. And, though I may not agree with his political agenda, he certainly was a major player in the Democratic primary and I'd like to hear what the man has to say. We will have other guest speakers representing the entire political spectrum.
There are some tickets available. We are expecting a big crowd and if you're worried about not being able to get in, don't fret...we'll make room. -- Dan Zanoza, Illinois Forum, Board of Governors
From Illinois Forum's press release (Who, What, When, Where)
The Illinois Forum, a public policy group, will hold its 21st annual luncheon at 12 Noon on Saturday, August 28th at the Round Barn Centre, 1900 Round Barn Road in Champaign. Scheduled speakers include gubernatorial candidate Scott Lee Cohen, who is running as an Independent; Libertarian Party gubernatorial candidate Lex Green; Republican lieutenant governor candidate Jason Plummer; and former Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski.
Also invited to attend is GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady and U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk.
Tickets are $25 each and are available by calling Bob Redfern at (618) 842-7246. Tickets may also be purchased at the door.
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