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August 13, 2010



O my. This is similar to what happened to my Dad. He also had COPD, with NO pain at all.

My Mom placed him in a hospice RESPITE to have a little break around Thanksgiving and PROMISED to pick him up in a few days. Long story, but they had PROMISED that they would NOT give him any pain medications as he was not in pain.

Within 36 hours he was gone. We got the medical records and found out that they had given him morphine PRN and 4 other anti-anxiety medications!!!!! We also thought we should have an autopsy (to prove a drug overdose) but it is hard to prove....he died on Thanksgiving Day - and we were told that the people that do the autopsies were gone for the holiday weekend and that in 4 days the drugs would have gotten out of his system.

Within 1/2 hour of dropping him off we found out they put him on "Nothing by mouth". This was for a man who was hungry and had eaten breakfast when he arrived......

My Mom blames herself. We surely did not know. We tried to get a lawyer but no one will take a case regarding hospice as they are too big to deal with and are a sacred cow.

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