Editor's Note: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to RFFM.org. Rapacki is an independent intelligence analyst. The head of SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC, Rapacki receives and disseminates critical intelligence and policy information from and to law enforcement, intelligence and homeland security officials, and government and community leaders; Rapacki is the author of dozens of white papers, bulletins and briefings, and he is frequently called on to share his expertise with public and private security directors and organizations.
A History Lesson: How Elite Replaced Founding Fathers' Grand Vision Of A Republic With Corporate America by Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Our country is a Corporation just like any other with its own set of accounting and rules and policies invented and then decreed to those not in charge; namely, WE THE PEOPLE.
A clock is ticking and a vast majority of Americans can hear it, but are not quite sure what will happen when the clock strikes the proverbial midnight. There is growing anger masking fear; there is disbelief, mixed with a growing sense of loss; there is stunned silence at the lack of response from every branch of government and from those who are to serve as the Representatives of the People. No longer, it seems to a growing majority of Americans, is the United States Government working for the good of the People; for that matter, even for the good of the Nation!
We all are acquainted with the shouts from citizens of absolute frustration and anger rising to the point of “demanding” STOP the spending, STOP the laws arresting personal freedoms, policies that fly in the face of common sense and good will, and a government recreating itself into something the citizens of this Nation can’t recognize. Even the explosive issues surrounding the eligibility of Mr. Obama to serve as president are totally ignored, and those leveling such serious charges are held up to ridicule, threatened by government agents, not permitted in the courts so the issues can be heard, not even granted access to the Congress of the United States as prescribed by the Constitution for the United States of America to address such a weighty and sobering complaint and charge.
Mentioned below is a startling yet fascinating set of facts and citations depicting the legal description of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. The preponderant majority of citizens have no idea the UNITED STATES in reality is incorporated. So…besides the Constitution for the United States of America signed by the Founders, much of that hallowed document has been substituted and there is a corporation in effect that complicates many areas of our life with no one discussing this. It is the proverbial 1-ton elephant decaying in the living room. No one wants to go in there, so the rest of the house is used without ever mentioning that room! The U.S. Corporation owns the 100-square mile radius known as Washington, D.C. The U.S. Corporation also has sway over territories of the UNITED STATES. The states, however, are sovereign and NOT owned by the corporation; hence the 10th Amendment is a critical legal document of its own, granting such powers and sovereignty not assigned to the Federal Government, to the states. The Founders were far more brilliant than people give them credit. The Founders feared a centralized, all intrusive, all powerful, militant, oppressive government. The Founders promoted and died for, among other hopes and dreams, a government shared and responsive to the will of the people – a government Of the People, For the People, By the People.
There is a corporation at work in this country that is the country! It is not responsive to you or me.
Corporate Description:
Residency: DOMESTIC State: DE
State: DE (Delaware) Postal Code: 19808
Phone: (302) 636-5440
D-U-N-S registered Number: 03-360-9418
Company Name: Government Of The United States
Mail Address: 6825 16th St. NW
Washington, D.C. USA 20306-0003
County: District of Columbia
MSA: Washington
Country Phone Code: 1
Phone: 202-782-2787
Location Type: Branch
Subsidiary Status: Non Subsidiary
Plant/Facility Size: 41,700 Sq. Ft.
Ownership: Private
Prescreen Score: Low Risk
Global Ultimate Parent: Government Of The United States
The U. S. Capitol
Washington, D.C., USA 20515-0001
Global Ultimate Parent: D-U-N-S registered Number: 161906193
THE U.S. CORPORATION HAD ITS ROOTS, of (1871) and started with:
Gettysburg Address in 1864, and the Incorporation of the District of Columbia by [(Presidential, martial law)] Legislative Act of February 21, 1871, under the Emergency War Powers Act and the Reconstruction Acts. Then reorganized June 11, 1878 - - 16 Stat. 419 Chapter 62.
A “Corporation” with a legislature was established, with all the apparatus of a distinct government created (Incorporated) by (Presidential) Legislative Act, February 21, 1871, Forty-first Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, page 419:
On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons. 18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337. A subsequent act approved June 11, 1878, (20 Stat. at L. 102, chap. 180) was enacted stating that the District of Columbia should ‘remain and continue a municipal corporation,’ as provided in 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to said District (brought forward from the act of 1871).
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA v. CAMDEN IRON WORKS 181 U.S. 453 (1901)http://supreme.justia.com/us/181/453/case.html
METROPOLITAN R CO v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 132 U.S. 231 (1889) http://supreme.justia.com/us/132/1/case.html
Corporate Officers:
“…But by the Act of June 11, 1878, (20 Stat. chap. 180), a permanent form of government for the District was established. It provided…and that the commissioners therein provided for should be deemed and taken as officers of such corporation.”
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA v. HENRY E. WOODBURY 136 U.S. 472 (1890)http://www.supremelaw.org/decs/dccases/woodbury.html
In UNITED STATES CODE, Title 28, Section 3002 Definitions, it states the following:
(15) “United States” means –
(A) a Federal corporation;
The new “United States” includes States such as District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands. It does not include the 50 states united. i.e., Title 26 Section 7701 Definitions (a) (9) and (10) 42 U.S.C. 405 (2)(c)(vii)
All titles of the United States Code (USC) are strictly meant for the United States and none of the 50 states of the Union. Each of the 50 states has their own constitutions and laws. See HEPBURN v. ELLZEY, 2 Cranch, 445, 452, and JOHN BARRON v. THE MAYOR AND CITY OF BALTIMORE 32 U.S. 243 (1833). These last two cases clearly state that the United States is not the 50 states of the Union.
I intend to follow this briefing with additional materials that will shed light on several matters connected to the battle for the soul of America. Our country was never intended to become what it is today. A brave experiment in creating a Republic lasted a short while and was unceremoniously dumped in exchange for a mechanism that benefitted the few, not the many, as envisioned by the Founders. This insidious mechanism has steadily covered the “shining light on a hill” to the degree America today is in much darkness. The Founders would be incensed, and I think would not hesitate to once again pledge their lives and their fortunes to restore America to that great experiment of government Of the People, For the People, By the People.
The frustration many people have experienced petitioning Washington, D.C., attempting to be heard in the halls of the judiciary around the country, as well as the halls of Congress can be traced to the set of rules in play today by a government that has built a strong and corporately legal wall virtually shutting itself off from the People. The People on the other hand are still functioning as if the original Constitution for the United States of America was in play…and it is not, except when it is brought out by the elites and “used” to further their own cause(s). Just as quickly, it is wrapped up and stored away.
The insidious on-going game is not a Republican or a Democrat Party tug-o-war. Both parties are actively involved with this corporate shuffle. The need for strict Constitutionalists who demonstrate a healthy respect for the sovereignty of mankind, and this Nation, has never been in greater demand. Let’s pray we find them, elect them, and then hold them accountable; for the hour is very late and the clock is about to toll midnight.
Contact LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.at: [email protected]
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This is what I have tried to tell people for decades, but better written with more citations. Hope this spreads far.
Posted by: Charlie | October 10, 2010 at 09:47 AM
Does anyone have a name and list of those politicians who are not owned or swayed by corporate America? Let us know so we can vote for them.
Posted by: Steve | October 24, 2010 at 09:09 AM