by Andy Martin
Why Obama’s Personal History Still Matters:
Barack Obama has been in the White House for over a year, but his past remains a mystery to the American people. While Obama's "birth certificate" has become the butt of jokes on late-night TV, serious inquiry into Obama's origins has been covered-up by the mainstream media. Every American should be outraged at how the establishment press has sought to conceal the truth about Barack Obama's origins.
Obama's inner circle probably believed that doubts about the President's personal history would dissipate after the 2008 election. On the contrary, questions about Mr. Obama's "roots" continue to grow in intensity.
Only one person outside Obama's family has apparently ever seen his original 1961 birth certificate. The Director of the
No one has seen Obama's college records at
I began writing investigative analysis about Obama in 2004 and, for the past six years, I have been maligned by Obama's toadies in the media. The mainstream press "invented" Obama and they continue to have a massive investment in his survival and success. Anyone who stands up to the media is attacked, ridiculed and becomes the target of left-wing character assassination.
So, what are the facts, and what are we doing about them?
First, Obama has sought to pretend that he has released a 'birth certificate." That is simply untrue. What Obama released was a "certificate of live birth" (COLB) which was produced by a laser printer from a database at the HDOH. The HDOH birth records are a database, not a repository of documents which have been scanned into a computer. The "certificate" is merely an acknowledgement that an original record of some sort exists elsewhere.
What is Obama hiding? Why won't he release the original typewritten 1961 document? There is obviously information on Obama's original typewritten birth certificate (which contains considerable more detail than the summary COLB) that Obama does not want the American people to see.
As for Obama's college records, not a single page has surfaced. In the absence of facts and documents, numerous theories about why Obama is hiding his educational records have arisen to explain this secrecy. Perhaps the President is embarrassed because in 2008 evidence surfaced that his law school career had been partly financed by an anti-Semitic, Black nationalist agent for
In October, 2008 I made the initial trip which would be part of a continuing series of research missions to
Since 2008, I have returned to
In 2009, we took part in the production of the first film in
Almost every day I receive e-mails with articles, questions and stories from Americans who have concerns about Obama's origins. The latest individual to have questions regarding this issue is a military officer:
There have been many others who challenged Obama's authenticity and eligibility to serve as President.
It is not easy standing up to the President of the United States. After raising questions about Obama's radical history, and becoming the first person to accuse Obama of being a socialist on national TV in 2008,, Obama's minions, led by Robert gibbs, launched a hate campaign againt me, and unleashed the New York Times to dredge up irrelevant arguments in a desperate effort to undermine my research. Their smear efforts boomeranged and drew more attention to my investigations.
On Sean Hannity's program (FOX NEWS) (see link above) I compared Obama to a future Hugo Chavez; my chilling prediction is now true. Obama has brought
Obama's harassment against me continues. Last year, one of his operatives stole a tape I had produced. I am still in court trying to recover that tape.
Obama is trying very hard to derail ongoing research and to defeat efforts to search for the truth. Why?
Unlike some Obama opponents who have solicited funds, and pocketed the proceeds, I plow every penny that is contributed into more research. I donated the profits from my book to the search for the truth. I think Obama fears me more than other critics because I have maintained the highest standards of scholarly research and fairness:
Of course, some of Obama's opponents have actually assisted the presidential poseur. By publishing outlandish theories about Obama's birth without any underlying factual basis to do so, there are those the media has labeled as "birthers." Obama loves the birthers. He uses them to undermine my legitimate research.
I am not a birther. I am a doubter. No one can study Obama's family history in
I am planning a new research mission to
All we are trying to do is unearth the facts about Barack Obama's true origins. The American people deserve the truth and nothing but the truth about Barack Obama. I hope you agree.
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